Download Central Control Duology by Andre Norton (.ePUB)

Central Control Duology by Andre Norton
Requirements: ePUB reader, 0.5Mb
Overview: The first starships from Earth have burst out into the universe…only to run straight into the restraining grasp of the stagnant alien federation known as Central Control. Only as interstellar mercenaries can humans go to the stars; the aliens who already dominate the galaxy allow no other recourse. But when Swordsman Third Class Kana Karr and his comrades-in-arms are betrayed and abandoned on a hostile world by their alien masters, the warriors from Earth begin a desperate but glorious march across a planet whose every sword is against them. Their actions may doom humanity’s future…or lead the way to an empire of their own! Four thousand years later, galactic civilization is collapsing, and the under funded crew of an exploration starship is forced to set down on an uncharted planet: a mysterious, abandoned world that is achingly beautiful — and hauntingly familiar. Ranger Sergeant Kartr, telepath and stellar Patrolman, searches with his crewmates for the source of a beacon which may mean escape for them all. What he finds is far stranger: the first clue to what may become the greatest revelation in galactic history!Less
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


01 Star Rangers aka The Last Planet
In the year AD 8054, the Stellar Patrol Scoutship Starfire has crashed in a desert on an Earth-like planet. The planet’s atmosphere, gravity, and solar radiation are almost ideal for the Rangers and Patrolmen. On initial examination, there are no signs of civilization. After burying their dead, the survivors set up a camp in a forest beside a river. They soon discover they are not alone…

02 Star Guard
Kana Karr was a young swordsman, a wielder of a medieval weapon in a super-scientific galaxy of limitless destruction. As an Earthman, this was the ONLY way he would be allowed travel the starways. He was nothing more than a hired mercenary sent to kill or be killed at the command of the oppressive Central Control. On a seemingly routine police action to the planet Fronn, Kana learned of a plot that threatened to overturn the balance of power held by the Galactic authority. The liberation of Earth might hinge on the outcome of the plot!

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