After a devastating war between ancient mages, a powerful spell is all that holds together the shattered planet of Driftland. Take on the role of a powerful mage capable of moving and connecting floating lands, develop a mighty empire, and restore Driftland to its former glory!Title: Driftland: The Magic Revival
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Early Access
Developer: Star Drifters
Publisher: Star Drifters
Release Date: 29 Nov, 2017Support the software developers, They Really Deserve It. BUY IT!
• http://store.steampowered.com/app/718650/Driftland_The_Magic_Revival/Driftland The Magic Revival v0.4.155
Size: 1.2 GB
Download Links
System Requirements
- OS: 64-bit Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core i3 3 Ghz
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 460 or AMD Radeon 6950 or equivalent DirectX 11 card
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 5 GB available space
- OS: 64-bit Windows 10
- Processor: Intel Core i5 3 Ghz
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 770 or AMD Radeon 7970 or equivalent DirectX 11 card
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 5 GB available space
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