Download Wake Up by David Fagan (.ePUB)

Wake Up: The Nine Hashtags of Digital Disruption by David Fagan
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Your essential guide to the biggest revolution of the past century. David Fagan was at the forefront of this revolution as he helped take one of Australia’s largest media organisations from print to digital. In Wake Up, he explores the challenges and opportunities of the digital age from his position on the front line. He chronicles the rise of social media, online shopping, the Uber and Airbnb phenomena and the upending of traditional industries. Fagan observes the big emerging trends and examines the technologies leading this change, as the arrival of robots and artificial intelligence affects the way we live, work and play. If you haven’t been paying attention, now is the time to wake up.
Genre: Computer & Technology


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Download Advanced Rails Recipes by Mike Clark (.PDF)

Advanced Rails Recipes by Mike Clark
Requirements: PDF Reader, 5.3 mb
Overview: Ruby on Rails continues to build up a tremendous head of steam. Fueled by significant benefits and an impressive portfolio of real-world applications already in production, Rails is destined to continue making significant inroads in coming years. Each new Rails application showing up on the web adds yet more to the collective wisdom of the Rails development community. Yesterday’s best practices yield to today’s latest and greatest techniques, as the state of the art is continually refined in kitchens all across the Internet. Indeed, these are times of great progress. At the same time, it’s easy to get left behind in the wake of progress. Advanced Rails Recipes keeps you on the cutting edge of Rails development and, more importantly, continues to turn this fast-paced framework to your advantage. Advanced Rails Recipes is filled with pragmatic recipes you’ll use on every Rails project. And by taking the code in these recipes and slipping it into your application you’ll not only deliver your application quicker, you’ll do so with the confidence that it’s done right.
The book includes contributions from Aaron Batalion, Adam Keys, Adam Wiggins, Andre Lewis, Andrew Kappen, Benjamin Curtis, Ben Smith, Chris Bernard, Chris Haupt, Chris Wanstrath, Cody Fauser, Dan Benjamin, Dan Manges, Daniel Fischer, David Bock, David Chelimsky, David Heinemeier Hansson, Erik Hatcher, Ezra Zygmuntowicz, Geoffrey Grosenbach, Giles Bowkett, Greg Hansen, Gregg Pollack, Hemant Kumar, Hugh Bien, Jamie Orchard-Hays, Jamis Buck, Jared Haworth, Jarkko Laine, Jason LaPier, Jay Fields, John Dewey, Jonathan Dahl, Josep Blanquer, Josh Stephenson, Josh Susser, Kevin Clark, Luke Francl, Mark Bates, Marty Haught, Matthew Bass, Michael Slater, Mike Clark, Mike Hagedorn, Mike Mangino, Mike Naberezny, Mike Subelsky, Nathaniel Talbott, PJ Hyett, Patrick Reagan, Peter Marklund, Pierre-Alexandre Meyer, Rick Olson, Ryan Bates, Scott Barron, Tony Primerano, Val Aleksenko, and Warren Konkel.
Genre: Computer Science


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Download Machine Learning by Robert Keane (.PDF)

Machine Learning: Master The Three Types Of Machine Learning by Robert Keane
Requirements: Any PDF Reader, 1.1mb
Overview: Machine learning is vital to the world of information technology. While many people may have no idea what machine learning is, they have probably used it sometime in their daily lives. For example, if you have ever done a search query on a search engine, you have worked with one form of machine learning. The program to do your search query has been trained to find the best results based on what you are looking for and it will also learn from the choices that you make.
There are actually many technologies that have used machine learning and have been found throughout a wide spectrum of applications. You can find them in search engines, spam messages, and many more applications. Unlike many conventional programs that are designed to follow the code and do nothing else, those that are designed for machine learning will be able to use artificial intelligence. Programmers enjoy this because the program can be adapted, without the programmer always being present. With a conventional program, you have to guess ahead of time and code it exactly right, but with machine learning programs, you can set it up to learn as it goes.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Programming > Languages & Tools


In this book you will find:

Understanding the Basics of Machine Learning
Why should I Use Machine Learning?
Machine Learning Applications
How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are Different
Statistics and Probability Theory
The Building Blocks of Machine Learning
Formal Statistical Learning Framework
PAC Learning Strategies
Generalization Models in Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning
Unsupervised Machine Learning
Support Vector Machines
Issues That Can Come Up In Machine Learning

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Download 8-BIT KIDS by Koen De Brabander (.PDF)

8-BIT KIDS – Growing up with the Commodore 64 (Amicom Retro Books Book 1) by Koen De Brabander
Requirements: Any PDF Reader, 10mb
Overview: This book is all about being a youngster in the 1980s.
Your status was measured by how many tapes or discs and the amount of popular games you possessed.
The kid with the new and highly desired games was ruler of our world!
Many bubble gum, The A-Team gaming cards and even BMX bikes traded hands for these new, not so new and even cracked games.
Nothing mattered more than being Knight Rider, The A-Team or E.T. for a moment.
8-BIT KIDS -Growing up with the Commodore 64 is the first book by publisher Amicom Retro Books: publishing today about what we loved yesterday.
Want to go back to the 1980s? Here’s your chance.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Computers & Technology


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