Download Agile Game Development, 2nd Edition by Clinton Keith (.PDF)

Agile Game Development: Build, Play, Repeat (Addison-Wesley Signature Series), 2nd Edition by Clinton Keith
Requirements: .PDF reader, 61 MB
Overview: The definitive guide to more effective and personally fulfilling game development with Agile Methods―now revamped to reflect ten more years of experience and improvements

Game development is in crisis―facing bloated budgets, impossible schedules, unmanageable complexity, and death-march overtime. It’s no wonder so many development studios are struggling to survive. Fortunately, there is a solution. Agile and Lean methods have revolutionized development in the game development industry. In Agile Game Development, long-time game developer and consultant Clinton Keith shows exactly how these methods have been successfully applied to the unique challenges of modern game development.

Clint has spent more than 25 years developing games and training and coaching hundreds of game development teams. Drawing on this unparalleled expertise, he shows how teams can use the practices of Scrum and Kanban, customized to game development, to deliver games more efficiently, rapidly, and cost-effectively; craft games that offer more entertainment value; and make life more fulfilling for development teams at the same time.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Graph Spectral Image Processing by Gene Cheung (.PDF)

Graph Spectral Image Processing by Gene Cheung, Enrico Magli
Requirements: .PDF reader, 11 MB
Overview: Graph spectral image processing is the study of imaging data from a graph frequency perspective. Modern image sensors capture a wide range of visual data including high spatial resolution/high bit-depth 2D images and videos, hyperspectral images, light field images and 3D point clouds. The field of graph signal processing – extending traditional Fourier analysis tools such as transforms and wavelets to handle data on irregular graph kernels – provides new flexible computational tools to analyze and process these varied types of imaging data. Recent methods combine graph signal processing ideas with deep neural network architectures for enhanced performances, with robustness and smaller memory requirements.

The book is divided into two parts. The first is centered on the fundamentals of graph signal processing theories, including graph filtering, graph learning and graph neural networks. The second part details several imaging applications using graph signal processing tools, including image and video compression, 3D image compression, image restoration, point cloud processing, image segmentation and image classification, as well as the use of graph neural networks for image processing.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download SEO 2021 by Zahid Iqbal (.ePUB)

SEO 2021: Learn 200 Search Engine Optimization Factors in 2021 by Zahid Iqbal
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 9mb
Overview: In this book, you will teach:

1. SEO taught in layman’s terms for beginners to advanced users.

2. The inner workings of Google’s algorithm and how the search results are calculated.

3. How to locate “money” keywords that will drive traffic to your website.

4. Using local SEO, a few sneaky ways to encourage local businesses to rank well.

5. How to acquire free publicity in the mainstream media.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download 75 Python Object Oriented Programming by Edcorner Learning (.ePUB)

75 Python Object Oriented Programming Exercises Volume 1 by Edcorner Learning
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6mb
Overview: Want to Practise more and more Python Object Oriented Programming Exercises & concepts then you are at the right place.

This Book consist of 75 Python Object Oriented Programming coding exercises to practice different topics.

In each exercise we have given the exercise coding statement you need to complete and verify your answers. We also attached our own input output screen of each exercise and their solutions.

Learners can use their own python compiler in their system or can use any online compilers available.

We have covered all level of exercises in this book to give all the learners a good and efficient Learning method to do hands on python different scenarios.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download OpenShift for Developers (2nd Edition) by Joshua Wood (.ePUB)

OpenShift for Developers: A Guide for Impatient Beginners, Second Edition by Joshua Wood and Brian Tannous
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 14mb
Overview: Keen to build cloud native applications? Get a rapid, hands-on introduction to OpenShift, the open source container application platform from Red Hat. With this updated edition, you’ll learn how to build, deploy, and host a modern, multi-tiered application on OpenShift. OpenShift enables faster momentum for containers, centering on the Kubernetes container orchestrator to automate the way you build, ship, and run applications. Through the course of the book, you’ll learn how to use OpenShift and the Quarkus Java Framework to develop and deploy applications using proven enterprise technologies. Learn about OpenShift’s core technology, including containers and Kubernetes Use a virtual machine with OpenShift installed and configured on your local computer Deploy existing container images on OpenShift Create and deploy your first application on the OpenShift platform Add language runtime dependencies and connect to a database service managed by Kubernetes Operators Utilize fast iterative development with odo, the OpenShift CLI tool for developers Trigger an automatic rebuild and redeployment when you push changes to a repository Use commands to check and debug your application
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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