Download The Day Begins at Sunset by Barbara Stowasser (.ePUB)

The Day Begins at Sunset: Perceptions of Time in the Islamic World by Barbara Stowasser
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.4MB
Overview: The vision of Time in the Qur’an is that of a divine gift created for the benefit of humankind. Night and day, and the twelve lunar months of the year, are ‘appointed times for the believing people’. Reading the sky for the prayers of the hour has thus for Muslims been a constant reminder of God’s providence and power. In her absorbing and illuminating new book, the late Barbara Freyer Stowasser examines the various ways in which Islam has structured, ordered and measured Time. Drawing on examples from Judaism and Christianity, as well as the ancient world, the author shows that while systems of time facilitate the orderly function of vastly different civilizations, in Islam they have always been fundamental. Among other topics, she discusses the Muslim lunar calendar; the rise of the science of astronomy; the remarkable career of al-Biruni, greatest authority in Muslim perceptions of Time; and the impact of technologies like the astrolabe, Indian numerals and paper. The fullest account of the fascinating nexus between Islam and Time ever written, this is a major contribution to the wider history of ideas and religion.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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Download The Mudd Club by Richard Boch (.ePUB)

The Mudd Club by Richard Boch
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 95 MB
Overview: “I was a Long Island kid that graduated college in 1976 and moved to Greenwich Village. Two years later, I was working The Mudd Club door. Standing outside, staring at the crowd, it was “out there” versus “in here” and I was on the inside. The Mudd Club was filled with the famous and soon- to- be famous, along with an eclectic core of Mudd regulars who gave the place its identity. Everyone from Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jeff Koons, and Robert Rauschenberg to Johnny Rotten, The Hell’s Angels, and John Belushi: passing through, passing out, and some, passing on. Marianne Faithful and Talking Heads, Frank Zappa, William Burroughs, and even Kenneth Anger― just a few of the names that stepped on stage. No Wave and Post- Punk artists, musicians, filmmakers, and writers living in a nighttime world on the cusp of two decades. This book is a cornucopia of memories and images, and how this famed wicked downtown club attained the status of midtown and uptown. There was nothing else like it― I met everyone, and the job quickly defined me. I thought I could handle it, and for a while, I did. “―Richard Boch
Genre: History


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Download Arms and Armor of the Greeks by Anthony M. Snodgrass (.PDF)

Arms and Armor of the Greeks by Anthony M. Snodgrass
Requirements: PDF Reader, 11 Mb
Overview: “We shall never know how Marathon was won, but we can be fairly certain that valor alone would not have won it, nor even perhaps the combination of courage with the somewhat rudimentary tactical skill for which the style of Greek warfare at that time gave scope. The superiority of Greek equipment must have been an important factor here and elsewhere, and at times perhaps a decisive one.”–from the introduction

In Arms and Armor of the Greeks, Anthony M. Snodgrass uses available literary, archaeological, and artistic evidence to piece together a picture of ancient Greek armory from the Mycenaean period through the campaigns of Alexander the Great. The ancient Greeks were neither populous nor rich in natural resources, Snodgrass explains, so it is remarkable that they succeeded in battle as often as they did.

“Snodgrass’s book on Greek arms and armour must rank already as a standard textbook… It is as clear as any book can be on a surprisingly ill-documented subject.”–Economist

“Helps to explain why (for one thing) the Greeks won the Persian Wars and how they then stuck for centuries, with true military unimaginativeness, to their far from enterprising hoplite phalanx tactics.”–Times Literary Supplement
Genre: Non Fiction > History > Weapons, Ancient — Greece.


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Download Coasts of East Africa and Malabar by Duarte Barbosa (.PDF)

A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar In The Beginning of the Sixteenth Century by Duarte Barbosa (Translated by the Hon. Henry E.J. Stanley)
Requirements: PDF Reader, 3.4 MB
Overview: Duarte Barbosa (c. 1480, Lisbon, Portugal – 1 May 1521, Philippines) was a Portuguese writer and officer from Portuguese India (between 1500 and 1516). He was a scrivener in a factory in Cannanore, and an interpreter of the local language, Malayalam. Barbosa wrote the Book of Duarte Barbosa (Livro de Duarte Barbosa) c. 1516, making it one of the earliest examples of Portuguese travel literature. In 1519, Barbosa embarked on the first expedition to circumnavigate the world, led by his brother-in-law Ferdinand Magellan. He died in 1521 at the Battle of Mactan on Cebu Island in the Philippines.
Genre: Non-Fiction | History


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Download In Search of Destiny by Edith Hathaway (.ePUB)

In Search of Destiny: Biography, History & Culture As Told Through Vedic Astrology by Edith Hathaway
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 6.4MB
Overview: Called a “path breaker” among astrology books, with original research and in-depth coverage, the author combines non-technical and technical material very effectively in a compelling narrative. This book contains a riveting choice of biographies and historical, cultural events that illuminate both individual AND collective destinies. When Vedic astrology – the astrology of India – is combined with biography, history, politics, the arts and culture, a key missing component is provided to all of the above.
In Search of Destiny is for astrologers, astrology students as well as for the layperson. The only criterion is an interest and openness to astrology. Find out how the planets affect individuals and whole nations and societies, and how the chart of a national leader is never separate from the nation ruled – for as long as he or she is in power. An extensive glossary, footnotes and index help the reader to navigate through the wide-ranging information provided in this book. For the novice, Chapter 2 provides a succinct summary of Vedic astrology and philosophy. Vedic charts are presented in both North and South Indian format, with the lifetime planetary cycles of the Vimshottari Dasha system – for which Vedic astrology is so famous. Any astrologer will benefit from the depth of research done here, and the layperson will find this a user-friendly book that broadens the horizons.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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