Download Motorhomes by Andrew Jenkinson (.ePUB)

Motorhomes: The Illustrated History by Andrew Jenkinson
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 18.8 MB
Overview: This book covers the history of the motorhome in the UK, from its earliest beginnings right through to the present day. From micro motorhomes to the giants from the US, the book offers complete coverage of the motorhome industry in the UK during the 20th century.
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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Download Integrating the Gridiron by Lane Demas (.ePUB)

Integrating the Gridiron: Black Civil Rights and American College Football by Lane Demas
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 917 KB
Overview: Even the most casual sports fans celebrate the achievements of professional athletes, among them Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, and Joe Louis. Yet before and after these heroes staked a claim for African Americans in professional sports, dozens of college athletes asserted their own civil rights on the amateur playing field, and continue to do so today. Integrating the Gridiron, the first book devoted to exploring the racial politics of college athletics, examines the history of African Americans on predominantly white college football teams from the nineteenth century through today. Lane Demas compares the acceptance and treatment of black student athletes by presenting compelling stories of those who integrated teams nationwide, and illuminates race relations in a number of regions, including the South, Midwest, West Coast, and Northeast. Focused case studies examine the University of California, Los Angeles in the late 1930s; integrated football in the Midwest and the 1951 Johnny Bright incident; the southern response to black players and the 1955 integration of the Sugar Bowl; and black protest in college football and the 1969 University of Wyoming "Black 14." Each of these issues drew national media attention and transcended the world of sports, revealing how fans—and non-fans—used college football to shape their understanding of the larger civil rights movement.
Genre: Non Fiction, Sports History


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Download Beautiful Boys/Outlaw Bodies by Katherine Mezur (.PDF)

Beautiful Boys/Outlaw Bodies: Devising Kabuki Female-Likeness by Katherine Mezur
Requirements: PDF Reader, 5 mb
Overview: This book is a feminist reading of the history of gender performance and construction of the female role players, onnagata, of the Kabuki theater. It is not limited to a “theater arts” focus, rather it is a mapping and close analysis of transformative genders through several historical periods in Japan (the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries). In particular, the work focuses on undoing of binary genders, the sensual ambiguity of boy-ness, youth, and female-likeness and the cultural development of the aesthetics of eroticism, nostalgia, and cruelty based in female-like transformative gender acts. The work is also a visual cultures study as it draws not only on literary sources but also prints, photographs, film, and video documentation.
Genre: Nonfiction > History


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Download Dracula, Prince of Many Faces by Radu R. Florescu (.ePUB)+

Dracula, Prince of Many Faces: His Life and His Times by Radu R. Florescu, Raymond T. McNally
Requirements: EPUB, MOBI Reader, 6.7 MB
Overview: Dracula, Prince of Many Faces reveals the extraordinary life and times of the infamous Vlad Dracula of Romania (1431 – 1476), nicknamed the Impaler. Dreaded by his enemies, emulated by later rulers like Ivan the Terrible, honored by his countrymen even today, Vlad Dracula was surely one of the most intriguing figures to have stalked the corridors of European and Asian capitals in the fifteenth century.
Genre: Non Fiction, Historical


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Download Blood of Spain by Ronald Fraser (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Blood of Spain: An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War by Ronald Fraser
Requirements: EPUB, MOBI Reader, 5.3 MB
Overview: We discover what civil war, revolution and counter-revolution actually felt like from inside both camps. The contours of the war take shape through the words of the eyewitnesses. The atmosphere of events is vividly recaptured. And though the lived experience of the participants is revealed the uniquely tragic essence of all civil war.
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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