Download Edge of Empire by Maya Jasanoff (.ePUB)

Edge of Empire: Lives, Culture, and Conquest in the East, 1750-1850 by Maya Jasanoff
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2 MB
Overview: In this imaginative book, Maya Jasanoff uncovers the extraordinary stories of collectors who lived on the frontiers of the British Empire in India and Egypt, tracing their exploits to tell an intimate history of imperialism. Jasanoff delves beneath the grand narratives of power, exploitation, and resistance to look at the British Empire through the eyes of the people caught up in it. Written and researched on four continents, Edge of Empire enters a world where people lived, loved, mingled, and identified with one another in ways richer and more complex than previous accounts have led us to believe were possible. And as this book demonstrates, traces of that world remain tangible—and topical—today. An innovative, persuasive, and provocative work of history.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download Early Kirkland by Matthew W. McCauley (.ePUB)

Early Kirkland by Matthew W. McCauley
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 26 MB
Overview: Kirkland is a city of over 88,000 today, but when the US government opened the eastern shore of Lake Washington for homesteading in 1870, it was an unforgiving, mostly unpopulated primeval forest of giant old-growth conifers and tangles of undergrowth. Over the next two decades, hardscrabble pioneers gradually braved the wilds to stake and prove up 80- and 160-acre land claims.
In 1887, a consortium of speculators, developers, and dreamers headed by a dynamic English steel industrialist sought to transform the scattered wilderness ranches into a steel manufacturing center, the “Pittsburgh of the West.” A boomtown was born, but within a few years, the steel scheme imploded, leaving in its ruins a few resilient families who undertook the arduous, decades-long struggle to forge a town. Early Kirkland provides a new look into Kirkland’s past, from its beginning to 1940.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download Squire’s Warren Junior… by Janne Hurrelbrink-Bias (.ePUB)

Squire’s Warren Junior Military Band by Janne Hurrelbrink-Bias
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 26 MB
Overview: Squire’s Warren Junior Military Band had an emotional appeal that endeared it to audiences of all ages. Considered one of northeastern Ohio’s richest artistic assets, the band’s members, who hailed from the entire region, were filled with pride, tradition, patriotism, and a sense of discipline.
The original VFW Boys Band was formed in 1927, with Donald W. "Squire" Hurrelbrink becoming director in 1930. In 1957, the name changed to the Warren Junior Military Band. Travels took the band from the East Coast to the West Coast, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and to audiences abroad, amassing an impressive record of Midwest, Canadian, European, American Legion, and VFW National Championships.
Throughout the years, the band performed at numerous prestigious events and for an impressive number of dignitaries, as well as a phenomenal number of local, civic, and patriotic festivities. Members were privileged to have Squire’s leadership for 66 years. Alumni continued to lead, direct, and pass on the values they learned under Squire’s guidance. Finally, in 2010, the band ended its long legacy.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download Connecticut in World War II by Mark Allen Baker (.ePUB)

Connecticut in World War II by Mark Allen Baker
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 25 MB
Overview: With the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan on December 7, 1941, and the United States’ entry into World War II, our nation turned to Connecticut–as it did during World War I–for munitions, clothing, and other goods.

And Connecticut answered the call: Manchester Mills increased silk production, Waterbury brass producers altered their manufacturing lines, and Bridgeport’s Remington Arms–which had produced 50 percent of the US Army’s small arms cartridges in World War I–increased its mass production capabilities. By the time Electric Boat, Hamilton Propellers, Pratt & Whitney, and many other Connecticut companies tallied up their production back in 1945, it amounted to over $8 billion in war contracts.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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Download Demolishing the Myth: Prokhorovka by Valeriy Zamulin (.MOBI)

Demolishing the Myth: The Tank Battle at Prokhorovka, Kursk, July 1943: An Operational Narrative by Valeriy Zamulin
Requirements: Any MOBI Reader, 19.2 MB
Overview: A groundbreaking book when first published in Russia in 2005, now Valeriy Zamulin’s study of the crucible of combat during the titanic clash at Kursk – the fighting at Prokhorovka – is available in English. A former staff member of the Prokhorovka Battlefield State Museum, Zamulin has dedicated years of his life to the study of the battle of Kursk, and especially the fighting on its southern flank involving the famous attack of the II SS Panzer Corps into the teeth of deeply-echeloned Red Army defenses. A product of five years of intense research into the once-secret Central Archives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Zamulin lays out in enormous detail the plans and tactics of both sides, culminating in the famous and controversial clash at Prokhorovka on 12 July 1943. Zamulin skillfully weaves reminiscences of Red Army and Wehrmacht soldiers and officers into the narrative of the fighting, using in part files belonging to the Prokhorovka Battlefield State Museum. Zamulin has the advantage of living in Prokhorovka, so he has walked the ground of the battlefield many times and has an intimate knowledge of the terrain.
Examining the battle from primarily the Soviet side, Zamulin reveals the real costs and real achievements of the Red Army at Kursk, and especially Prokhorovka. He examines mistaken deployments and faulty decisions that hampered the Voronezh Front’s efforts to contain the Fourth Panzer Army’s assault, and the valiant, self-sacrificial fighting of the Red Army’s soldiers and junior officers as they sought to slow the German advance, and then crush the II SS Panzer Corps with a heavy counterattack at Prokhorovka on 12 July. The combat on this day receives particular scrutiny, as Zamulin works to clarify the relative size of the contending forces, the actual area of this battle, and the costs suffered by both sides. The costs to General P. A. Rotmistrov’s 5th Guards Tank Army and General A. S. Zhadov’s 5th Guards Army as they slammed into 1st SS Panzer Grenadier Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 3rd SS Panzer Grenadier Division Totenkopf and a portion of 2nd SS Panzer Grenadier Division Das Reich were particularly devastating, and Zamulin examines the nuts and bolts of the counteroffensive to see why this was so.
Zamulin does not exclude the oft-overlooked efforts of Army Group Kempf’s III Panzer Corps on the right-wing of the Fourth Panzer Army, as it sought to keep pace with the II SS Panzer Corps advance, and then breach the line of the Northern Donets River in order to link up with its left-hand neighbor in the region of Prokhorovka. Zamulin describes how the Soviet High Command and the Voronezh Front had to cobble together quickly a defense of this line with already battered units, but needed to reinforce it with fresh formations at the expense of the counterstroke at Prokhorovka.
Illustrated with numerous maps and photographs (including present-day views of the battlefield), and supplemented with extensive tables of data, Zamulin’s book is an outstanding contribution to the growing literature on the battle of Kursk, and further demolishes many of the myths and legends that grew up around this battle.
Genre: Non-fiction, History


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