Download An Aqueous Territory by Ernesto Bassi (.PDF)

An Aqueous Territory: Sailor Geographies and New Granada’s Transimperial Greater Caribbean World by Ernesto Bassi
Requirements: PDF Reader, 15.1 Mb
Overview: In An Aqueous Territory Ernesto Bassi traces the configuration of a geographic space he calls the transimperial Greater Caribbean between 1760 and 1860. Focusing on the Caribbean coast of New Granada (present-day Colombia), Bassi shows that the region’s residents did not live their lives bounded by geopolitical borders. Rather, the cross-border activities of sailors, traders, revolutionaries, indigenous peoples, and others reflected their perceptions of the Caribbean as a transimperial space where trade, information, and people circulated, both conforming to and in defiance of imperial regulations. Bassi demonstrates that the islands, continental coasts, and open waters of the transimperial Greater Caribbean constituted a space that was simultaneously Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Danish, Anglo-American, African, and indigenous. Exploring the “lived geographies” of the region’s dwellers, Bassi challenges preconceived notions of the existence of discrete imperial spheres and the inevitable emergence of independent nation-states while providing insights into how people envision their own futures and make sense of their place in the world.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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Download Paris Dreams, Paris Memories by Charles Rearick (.PDF)

Paris Dreams, Paris Memories: The City and Its Mystique by Charles Rearick
Requirements: PDF Reader, 9.6 Mb
Overview: How did Paris become the world favorite it is today? Charles Rearick argues that we can best understand Paris as several cities in one, each with its own history and its own imaginary shaped by dream and memory. Paris has long been at once a cosmopolitan City of Light and of modernity, a patchwork of time-resistant villages, a treasured heirloom, a hell for the disinherited, and a legendary pleasure dome. Each of these has played a part in making the enchanting, flawed city of our time.
Focusing on the last century and a half, Paris Dreams, Paris Memories makes contemporary Paris understandable. It tells of renewal projects radically transforming neighborhoods and of counter-measures taken to perpetuate the city’s historic character and soul. It provides a historically grounded look at the troubled suburbs, barren of monuments and memories, a dumping ground for unwanted industries and people. Further, it tests long-standing characterizations of Paris’s uniqueness through comparisons with such rivals as London and Berlin. Paris Dreams, Paris Memories shows that in myriad forms—buildings, monuments, festivities, and artistic portrayals—contemporary Paris gives new life to visions of the city long etched in Parisian imaginations.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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Download LST 388: A World War II… by Robert von der Osten (.MOBI)

LST 388: A World War II Journal by Robert von der Osten, Barbara von der Osten
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 11 MB
Overview: Through his journal entries, von der Osten takes us with him to war, from his training days in the newly created amphibious force, to practice beachings on the Chesapeake Bay; from the ports of North Africa and the United Kingdom, to the hostile shores of Sicily, Salerno, and Normandy. All the while serving as a radioman aboard this new kind of ship, the landing ship, tank.

Yet LST 388 is not just a sailor’s story but the story of a great landing ship, a ship that would sail with the largest armada in history during the invasion of Sicily. A ship that would take three tries to beach at the hostile shore at Salerno, under heavy gunfire. A ship that would land troops on both Omaha Beach and Utah Beach at Normandy.

LST 388 is one man’s honest accounting of the days leading up to war and what he experienced and witnessed while there. Part narrative, part journal entries, this is an account of history as it was being made.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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Download Captured Yesterday by Tony B. Lumpkin (.ePUB)

Captured Yesterday: The WWII Diary of Tony B. Lumpkin by Tony B. Lumpkin
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1 MB
Overview: A fascinating account of Captain Tony B. Lumpkin’s personal involvement in the Second World War, Captured Yesterday tells the story of this war as documented daily in his diary. It takes us through his training in New Jersey and Northern Ireland, the Allied invasion of North Africa, his capture by the Germans, life was a P.O.W., and his eventual escape to freedom. The diary also gives us a glimpse into his involvement with the then top-secret MIS-X program to aid prisoners of war.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


Throughout his journey, Captain Lumpkin crosses paths, and in some cases, develops close friendships with such notables as:

-Ernie Pyle, the famed war correspondent
-General George Patton
-John Waters, General Patton’s son-in-law
-Amon Carter Jr., son of Amon Carter Sr., the founder of the Fort Worth Star Telegram
-Marshal Georgy Zhukov, the most decorated military leader in the history of both Russia and the U.S.S.R.

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Download Judge Bao and the Rule of Law by Wilt L. Idema (.PDF)

Judge Bao and the Rule of Law: Eight Ballad-Stories from the Period 1250-1450 by Wilt L. Idema (Author)
Requirements: Any PDF Reader, 3.31 MB | Version: Retail
Overview: Pure, orthodox and incorruptible, Judge Bao has been serving as the preeminent embodiment of justice in China for almost a thousand years, so much so his court cases have been adapted as stories, novels and plays over the centuries. Now, for the very first time a series of eight ballad-stories on Judge Bao, dating from the period 1250-1450, are offered in a complete and annotated translation. These texts will provide the reader a reflection of the legend of Judge Bao in its earliest phase of development, with an extended introduction placing the ballad-stories in context with the development of the Judge Bao legend. These ballad-stories, in contrast to past plays dating from the same period, present abuse of power and corruption as endemic in the courts and bureaucratic service and show Judge Bao imposing the rule of law even on the emperor.
Genre: Non Fiction>History


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