Download Survival Guide by Gretchen LeFever Watson (.PDF)

Your Patient Safety Survival Guide: How to Protect Yourself and Others From Medical Errors by Gretchen LeFever Watson
Requirements: PDF Reader, 4 MB
Overview: Each year, one out of every four hospital patients in the United States will be harmed by the care they receive. Over 400,000 will die as a result. Dr. Gretchen LeFever Watson’s definitive guide empowers patients to be patient safety advocates.
It takes a village to combat preventable errors and omissions that cause millions of deaths and sickness in our nation’s hospitals and care facilities. Although most of these deaths are due to human and system errors—not faulty medical decisions or diagnoses—this annual death toll—as well as the millions of additional incidents of survivable patient harm—could be cut in half through consistent use of simple and nearly cost-free safety behaviors.
In Your Patient Safety Survival Guide, Gretchen LeFever Watson delivers a patient-centered blueprint on how to transform the patient-safety movement so that millions of unnecessary illnesses and deaths in hospitals, outpatient facilities, and nursing homes can be avoided. She provides key safety habits that people must learn to recognize so they can be sure hospital personnel use them during every patient encounter. She also explains how addressing the most common safety problems will set the stage for tackling a wide range of issues, including healthcare’s role in the overuse of opiate painkillers and its related heroin epidemic.
Watson’s call for a more sensible societal response to medical and human error in hospitals promotes a timely and full disclosure of all mistakes—an approach that has been proven to accelerate the emotional recovery of everyone affected by patient safety events while also reducing the financial burden on hospitals, providers, and patients.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Occupational


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Download Trek Factor by Richard Raben, Hiyaguha Cohen (.ePUB)

Trek Factor: Powerful Life Lessons from Star Trek by Richard Raben, Hiyaguha Cohen (The Trek Factor Series)
Requirements: EPUB, MOBI Reader, 1.9 MB
Overview: Bring forward the hero within yourself by learning from the archetypal heroes in Star Trek. Based on the idea that the Star Trek characters provide stellar examples of enlightened leadership, self-confidence, wisdom, and cooperation, The Trek Factor: Powerful Life Lessons from Star Trek shows how these fictional heroes can be life-changing role models for earthlings. The book showcases the immense power Star Trek has to teach us how to deal with every day challenges large and small. Includes personal development exercises and assessments.
The Trek Factor helps readers to find their heroes within
Using Star Trek characters including Spock, Kirk, Picard, Worf, and Deanna Troi, The Trek Factor teaches readers how to use these characters–who represent heroic archetypes–to guide their own self-development. Written for both die-hard Trekkies and casual fans of the show, the characters’ four-personality types (Leader, Analyst, Warrior, and Communicator) are broken down and applied to real life.
Genre: Non Fiction, Self-Help


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Download A Return to Modesty by Wendy Shalit (.ePUB)

A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue by Wendy Shalit
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: When A Return to Modestywas first published in 1999, it began an important and much-needed national conversation. Wendy Shalit persuasively argued that modesty is not some hang-up we should set out to cure, but rather a wonderful instinct that, if rediscovered and given the right social support, has the power to transform society. Now, in this newly revised edition, Shalit backs up her claim with the latest trends and research to prove that the issue is just as pressing today as ever. Unfortunately, many problems Shalit originally explored, such as date rape, harassment, and most alarmingly, the sexualisation of young girls, have only become more prevalent. Where once a young woman was ashamed of her sexual experience, today she is ashamed of her sexual inexperience. And as we continue to push the limits of what is accepted behaviour, the pressure to overcome embarrassment and discard all sense of modesty is greater than ever. A Return to Modestyis a deeply personal account as well as a fascinating intellectual exploration into everything from seventeenth-century manners to the 1948 tune "Baby, It’s Cold Outside." Beholden neither to social conservatives nor to feminists, Shalit reminds us that modesty is not prudery, but a natural instinct-and one that may be able to save us from ourselves.
Genre: Non Fiction, Feminist, Health


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Download From Depression’s Darkness by Pauline Longdon (.ePUB)+

From Depression’s Darkness to the Light of Life: A Personal Journey by Pauline Longdon
Requirements: EPUB, MOBI Reader, 2.6 MB
Overview: Are You Trapped In Depression’s Darkness With No Hope Of Ever Finding Your Way Out? When you think of depression what goes through your mind? Is it a life filled with defeat, pain and suffering or is it a minor hiccup in the timeline of your life? Does having depression make you a weak person, or does it make you stronger? Whichever way you look at it, depression will change you. It is up to you whether it is for better or for worse. In "From Depression’s Darkness to the Light of Life," Pauline Longdon has successfully captured the plight of the depressed person with the use of simple yet thought provoking drawings. This unique approach allows the reader to relate to depression in a way they never have before. If you are depressed, simply point to the picture that best reflects the way you “feel” about life to give others the opportunity to understand you better.
Genre: Non Fiction, Health


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Download The Zen Path Through Depression by Philip Martin (.MOBI)

The Zen Path Through Depression by Philip Martin
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 233 KB
Overview: Drawing on his own struggle, Philip Martin reveals another path people can travel to get through depression – one that not only eases the pain, but mends the spirit. Extremely accessible to people with little or no Zen experience as well as to longtime students of Buddhism, The Zen Path Through Depression shows how the insights and exercises of Zen offer relief for those suffering from depression.This groundbreaking guide shows how to cope and heal, and even how to see the experience as an opportunity for spiritual growth and learning. Leading readers step-by-step through a recovery process that uses walking meditation and other meditative ways of enhancing awareness, koans, and other Zen teachings, Martin offers true help and spiritual guidance on the path to healing and contentment.
Genre: Non Fiction, Health


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