Download The Spectrum of Hope by Gayatri Devi (.ePUB)

The Spectrum of Hope: An Optimistic and New Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias by Gayatri Devi
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.3MB | Retail
Overview: Imagine finding a glimmer of good news in a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. And imagine how that would change the outlook of the 5 million Americans who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, not to mention their families, loved ones, and caretakers. A neurologist who’s been specializing in dementia and memory loss for more than 20 years, Dr. Gayatri Devi rewrites the story of Alzheimer’s by defining it as a spectrum disorder—like autism, Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects different people differently. She encourages people who are worried about memory impairment to seek a diagnosis, because early treatment will enable doctors and caregivers to manage the disease more effectively through drugs and other therapies.

Told through the stories of Dr. Devi’s patients, The Spectrum of Hope is the kind of narrative medical writing that grips the reader, humanizes the science, and offers equal parts practical advice and wisdom with skillful ease. But beyond the pleasures of great reading, it’s a book that offers real hope. Here are chapters on how to maintain independence and dignity; how to fight depression, anxiety, and apathy; how to communicate effectively with a person suffering from dementia. Plus chapters on sexuality, genetics, going public with the diagnosis, even putting together a bucket list—because through her practice, Dr. Devi knows that the majority of Alzheimer’s patients continue to live and work in their communities. They babysit their grandkids, drive to the store (or own the store), serve their clients, or otherwise live fulfilling lives. That’s news that 5 million people are waiting to hear.
Genre: Non-fiction | Health, Fitness & Medical


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Download Sober Dad by Michael Graubart (.ePUB)

Sober Dad: The Manual for Perfectly Imperfect Parenting by Michael Graubart
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.0MB | Retail
Overview: Admit it. You’ve been looking for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show everyone the great man you know you are. Well, congratulations. That moment is here.

You are a parent (or you’re about to become one). A father! A sober dad.

If the word sober led you to pick up this book, you are on the right track. You know you want to be a sober dad. Physically sober. Emotionally sober. Here’s your guide to giving up being a “guy” and to becoming a better man, so that you become a better dad.

You aren’t going to get everything right. Everything isn’t going to be perfect. Perfectly imperfect is okay. Your role as a dad will last a lifetime. You’ll soon see that perfection isn’t the point. Showing up, being present, getting up, and trying again with your eyes wide open and crystal clear—that’s what counts. That’s what separates the guys from the sober dads. Those are the things your kids will remember.
Genre: Non-fiction | Health, Fitness & Medical


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Download Vibe by David Perrotta (.ePUB)+

Vibe: How to Naturally Attract Women After College and Dominate Your Twenties by David Perrotta
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI Reader, AZW Reader, 1 MB
Overview: Back in college, beautiful women were everywhere—class, college bars, campus jobs, Greek life…and it was easy to start a conversation—all you had to do was ask about her major. But in the “real world,” the dynamics are different.

The bar scene is okay, but it just doesn’t cut it. You hang with your friends all night, overspend on booze, and talk to one or two girls.

You’re tired of only meeting women through work and friends. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Are you ready to take control of your dating life and dominate your twenties?

If you want to spend the rest of your life reminiscing about those four crazy college years, this book isn’t for you.

But if you want to: consistently have nights that blow your college experience out of the water; date high quality women; get more dates than you can handle; find your purpose; and never lament about the mediocrity of life after college, then you’re in the right place.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Men’s Health


Here’s what you’ll learn in Vibe:

-How to develop a natural vibe and effortlessly attract women wherever you go
-How to have a constant stream of beautiful women in your life (even if you hate ‘going out’)
-A step-by-step guide to master the nightclub/bar scene and attract the most beautiful women
-How to instantly get positive responses from women
-The exact text sequences to easily set up the date every time
-A proven strategy for the perfect first date
-How to discover your purpose and start dominating your twenties and beyond

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Download Emergency Navigation by David Burch (.PDF)

Emergency Navigation: Find Your Position and Shape Your Course at Sea Even If Your Instruments Fail 2nd Edition by David Burch
Requirements: PDF Reader, 5.5 mb
Overview: Every sailor knows that instruments can fail. Things get wet, break, fall overboard. Whether you’re safe on your boat or drifting in a life raft, let David Burch show you how to find your way no matter what navigational equipment you have. Often relying on common materials like a small stick, a plastic bottle, even a pair of sunglasses, Burch explains how to make use of all available means–from the ancient skills of Polynesian navigators to the contrails of airliners overhead–to calculate speed, direction, latitude, and longitude and to perform all aspects of piloting and dead reckoning.
Genre: Nonfiction > Health, Fitness & Medical > Sports


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Download Nourish by Tamar N Henry (.ePUB)

NOURISH: A Modern Mother’s Guide to Child Nutrition by Tamar N Henry
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.5 MB
Overview: NOURISH is a new holistic approach to providing and sustaining vital nutrition for the whole family. In her own words, Tamar Henry tells the traumatic story of the health challenge that rocked her young son’s life. Through her son’s adversity, subsequent recovery and her studies to become the health professional she is today, this mother of three adopted a new focus on nutrition that lends itself to her family’s current lifestyle.

Dedicated to all mothers, NOURISH gently guides the reader through the five focus points that Tamar believes and demonstrates are vital to the success of your child’s nutrition and overall health. At the forefront of holistic nutrition education, Tamar Henry works passionately to create change one life at a time. Whether its in the comfort of her own home, the houses of her clients, schools or the community at large, her very modern approach explains how nutrition is the key to wellbeing and how simple but effective changes can lead to better overall health and a happier family.
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting > Nutrition


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