Download Salome’s Embrace: The Jungian Women by Maggy Anthony (.PDF)

Salome’s Embrace: The Jungian Women by Maggy Anthony
Requirements: .PDF reader, 7 MB
Overview: C. G. Jung, a man who accomplished a revolution in analytical psychology and made an impact both directly and indirectly on a great number of people, also took women seriously. The release of The Red Book has greatly added to our knowledge of Jung’s relationship with the feminine: from his mother, his wife and his extramarital affairs to the effect these had on the formulation of his psychology and on the women who had the courage to explore the need for a spiritual link to Jung and who became known as the Valkyries.

In this revised and expanded study of the many women in Jung’s close circle, Anthony explores the women who followed Jung during his lifetime, his need for their company, and their contributions to his work. The book includes studies of Emma Jung, Sabina Spielrein and Toni Wolff, as well as Jung’s mother Emilie, and many other collaborators and followers. It also includes chapters on The Red Book, the Zurich Psychological Club and Dadaism. Including never-before published primary material, including interviews with the women themselves, Salome’s Embrace assesses their work and its value for the generations of Jungian analysts that have followed, including women who practice depth psychology today.

The book will be of great interest to analytical psychologists and Jungian psychotherapists in practice and in training, academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies, gender, and women’s history.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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Download Sex and Belonging by Tony Schneider (.ePUB)

Sex and Belonging : On the Psychology of Sexual Relationships by Tony Schneider
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.7 MB
Overview: A sexual relationship, whether fleetingly casual or profoundly permanent, involves at its core the establishment of attachment and an integrative drive to belong. It can include a range of incentives, coloured by physiological drives, cultural contexts, and personal histories. It also involves the physiological processes of brain and body as they relate to the realm of the mind and subjective experience. This complexity poses a challenge for clinicians when developing an integrated psychological model during therapy.

In this stunning new work, Tony Schneider, a practising clinical psychologist for over 30 years, outlines a new model of psychological drives around sexual behaviour. This model unifies the notions of attachment, belonging, desire, attraction and early sexual experience, to create a firm theoretical basis for psychological intervention in human sexual relationships.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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Download Peace & Harmony In Daily Living by Ramesh S Balsekar(.PDF)

Peace And Harmony In Daily Living: Facing Life Moment To Moment, Being Anchored In Tranquility by Ramesh S. Balsekar
Requirements: PDF Reader, 2 MB
Overview: Do you really know what you want most in life? Even if you have all the success, fame and money you want, and the good health to enjoy it – are you happy and fulfilled? Why is it that we all find ourselves seeking something more from life – all the time? Now, a modern sage points out that each one of us, at some time or the other, has a taste of what that is: an uninterrupted experience of peace and harmony. He also shows how we can achieve this constant repose in our ordinary, hectic, daily living. This is what the seeking – most evidently, the spiritual seeking – is all about.

Thus, Ramesh Balsekar in his book Peace and Harmony in Daily Living raises a very basic question: Why should anyone seek ‘enlightenment’ or ‘Self-realization’?
Genre: Self-Help > Spiritual, Motivational


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Download Movies and Mental Illness by Danny Wedding (.PDF)

Movies and Mental Illness: Using Films to Understand Psychopathology by Danny Wedding and Ryan M. Niemiec
Requirements: .PDF reader, 9mb
Overview: Films can be a powerful aid to learning about mental illness and psychopathology – for students of psychology, psychiatry, social work, medicine, nursing, counseling, literature or media studies, and for anyone interested in mental health. Movies and Mental Illness, written by experienced clinicians and teachers who are themselves movie aficionados, has established a great reputation as a uniquely enjoyable and highly memorable text for learning about psychopathology. The new edition has been fully updated to include DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses. The core clinical chapters each use a fabricated case history and Mini-Mental State Examination along with synopses and discussions about specific movies to explain, teach, and encourage discussion about all the most important mental health disorders. Each chapter also includes: Critical Thinking Questions; "Authors’ Picks" (Top 10 Films); What To Read if You Only Have Time to Read One Book or Article; and Topics for Group Discussions.Other features of the new, expanded edition include: Full index of films Sample course syllabus Ratings of around 1,500 films Fascinating appendices, such as "Top 50 Heroes and Villains," psychotherapists in movies, misconceptions about mental illness in movies, and recommended websites. Do you want to propose a film for the 4th edition of Movies and Mental Illness? Have a look at the authors’ blogspot! They welcome all comments on the films they already plan to discuss, or suggestions for films to include in the new edition!
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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Download Anti-Inflammatory Healthy Diet Cookbook by Hunny H. (.ePUB)

Anti-Inflammatory Healthy Diet Cookbook: A complete guide to an anti-inflammatory diet with amazing recipes to try by Hunny H.
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5mb
Overview: Are you having the issue of inflammation and couldn’t enjoy your favorite food anymore?

Are you sick and tired of using medicines and trying different remedies?

Then try this special diet with amazing recipes to try.

An anti-inflammatory diet supports vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, high omega-3 fatty acids, and spices in our everyday eating routines. And reduce red meat, fried and processed food, and sugar and alcohol intake. The anti-inflammatory diet is not a specialized program, but a good eating option to improve one’s health. An anti-inflammatory diet can control your body’s inflammation. It’s one of the finest strategies to lessen inflammation rather than take medication.

Food has a key part in inflammation management. This book has been designed to provide whole-day recipes for about almost 2 weeks with food known for its anti-inflammatory effects. You must be thinking these diet recipes are going to be boring and tasteless. But in this book, you will find an entire diet program featuring wonderful dishes for



supper, and snacks

to satisfy your taste buds.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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