Download Islam, Migration and Jinn by Annabelle Böttcher(Bottcher)(.PDF)

Islam, Migration and Jinn: Spiritual Medicine in Muslim Health Management by Annabelle Böttcher(Bottcher)
Requirements: .PDF reader, 4 MB
Overview: This book explores the agency of Jinn, the so-called “demons of Islam”. They are regarded as mostly invisible and highly mobile creatures. In a globalized world with manifold forms of forced and voluntary migrations, Jinn are likewise on the move, interfering in the human world and affecting the mental and physical health of Muslims. This continuous challenge has so far been mainly addressed by traditional Muslim health management and by the so-called spiritual medicine or medicine of the Prophet. This book shifts perspective. Its interdisciplinary chapters deal with the transformation of manifold cultural resources by first analyzing the doctrinal and cultural history of Jinn and the treatment of Jinn affliction in Arabic texts and other sources. It then discusses case studies of Muslims and current health management approaches in the Middle East, namely in Egypt and Syria. Finally, it turns to the role of Jinn in a number of migratory settings such as Spain, Denmark, Great Britain and Guantanamo.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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Download Abraham Abulafia’s Esotericism by Moshe Idel (.PDF)

Abraham Abulafia’s Esotericism: Secrets and Doubts by Moshe Idel
Requirements: .PDF reader, 3 MB
Overview: The series Studies and Texts in Scepticism contains monographs, translations, and collected essays exploring scepticism in its dual manifestation as a purely philosophical tradition and as a set of sceptical strategies, concepts, and attitudes in the cultural field – especially in religions, perhaps most notably in Judaism. In such cultural contexts scepticism manifests as a critical attitude towards different dimensions and systems of secular or revealed knowledge and towards religious and political authorities. It is not merely an intellectual or theoretical worldview, but a critical form of life that expresses itself in such diverse phenomena as religion, literature, and society.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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Download Paul Was Not a Christian by Pamela Eisenbaum (.ePUB)

Paul Was Not a Christian: The Original Message of a Misunderstood Apostle by Pamela Eisenbaum
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.4mb
Overview: Pamela Eisenbaum, an expert on early Christianity, reveals the true nature of the historical Paul in Paul Was Not a Christian. She explores the idea of Paul not as the founder of a new Christian religion, but as a devout Jew who believed Jesus was the Christ who would unite Jews and Gentiles and fulfill God’s universal plan for humanity. Eisenbaum’s work in Paul Was Not a Christian will have a profound impact on the way many Christians approach evangelism and how to better follow Jesus’s—and Paul’s—teachings on how to live faithfully today.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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Download Living in the Presence by Benjamin Epstein (.PDF)

Living in the Presence: A Jewish Mindfulness Guide for Everyday Life by Benjamin Epstein
Requirements: .PDF reader, 2.3 MB
Overview: In our frantic, fast paced society, we need constant guidance to remind us that we can only find the peace of mind we sorely lack by looking inward. Judaism, like many other spiritual traditions, offers a unique path to cultivating fulfillment and presence of mind. In cultivating peace of mind, we do not aim to achieve transcendence. Rather, our goal is to enter fully into whatever is occurring in our lives and meet it with full presence. But being a better Jew and a happier person are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they are mutually interdependent. From the moment we wake to the moment we fall asleep, biblical commandments provide us with guidelines that encourage us to be aware of the present moment. A Guide to Jewish Mindfulness provides concise and clear instructions on how to cultivate peace of mind in order to attain a life of greater commitment and inspiration for the present moment.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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Download Muthanna / Mirror Writing in Islamic by Esra Akin-Kivanc (.ePUB)

Muthanna / Mirror Writing in Islamic Calligraphy : History, Theory, and Aesthetics by Esra Akin-Kivanc
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 84 MB
Overview: Muthanna, also known as mirror writing, is a compelling style of Islamic calligraphy composed of a source text and its mirror image placed symmetrically on a horizontal or vertical axis. This style elaborates on various scripts such as Kufic, naskh, and muhaqqaq through compositional arrangements, including doubling, superimposing, and stacking. Muthanna is found in diverse media, ranging from architecture, textiles, and tiles to paper, metalwork, and woodwork. Yet despite its centuries-old history and popularity in countries from Iran to Spain, scholarship on the form has remained limited and flawed. Muthanna / Mirror Writing in Islamic Calligraphy provides a comprehensive study of the text and its forms, beginning with an explanation of the visual principles and techniques used in its creation. Author Esra Akin-Kivanc explores muthanna’s relationship to similar forms of writing in Judaic and Christian contexts, as well as the specifically Islamic contexts within which symmetrically mirrored compositions reached full fruition, were assigned new meanings, and transformed into more complex visual forms. Throughout, Akin-Kivanc imaginatively plays on the implicit relationship between subject and object in muthanna by examining the point of view of the artist, the viewer, and the work of art. In doing so, this study elaborates on the vital links between outward form and inner meaning in Islamic calligraphy.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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