Download Theory of Infinite Sequences and Series by Ludmila Bourchtein (.PDF)

Theory of Infinite Sequences and Series by Ludmila Bourchtein, Andrei Bourchtein
Requirements: .PDF reader, 5MB
Overview: This textbook covers the majority of traditional topics of infinite sequences and series, starting from the very beginning – the definition and elementary properties of sequences of numbers, and ending with advanced results of uniform convergence and power series.

The text is aimed at university students specializing in mathematics and natural sciences, and at all the readers interested in infinite sequences and series. It is designed for the reader who has a good working knowledge of calculus. No additional prior knowledge is required.

The text is divided into five chapters, which can be grouped into two parts: the first two chapters are concerned with the sequences and series of numbers, while the remaining three chapters are devoted to the sequences and series of functions, including the power series. Within each major topic, the exposition is inductive and starts with rather simple definitions and/or examples, becoming more compressed and sophisticated as the course progresses. Each key notion and result is illustrated with examples explained in detail. Some more complicated topics and results are marked as complements and can be omitted on a first reading.

The text includes a large number of problems and exercises, making it suitable for both classroom use and self-study. Many standard exercises are included in each section to develop basic techniques and test the understanding of key concepts. Other problems are more theoretically oriented and illustrate more intricate points of the theory, or provide counterexamples to false propositions which seem to be natural at first glance. Solutions to additional problems proposed at the end of each chapter are provided as an electronic supplement to this book.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Zero-Sum Victory by Christopher D. Kolenda (.MOBI)

Zero-Sum Victory: What We’re Getting Wrong About War by Christopher D. Kolenda
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 1.5 MB
Overview: The military expert and author of Leadership presents “the most thoughtful analysis yet of America’s recent conflicts—and future challenges” (Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal).

Why have the major post-9/11 US military interventions turned into quagmires? Despite huge power imbalances in America’s favor, capacity-building efforts, and tactical victories, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq turned intractable. The US government’s fixation on zero-sum, decisive victory in these conflicts is a key reason why these operations failed to achieve favorable and durable outcomes.

In Zero-Sum Victory, retired US Army colonel Christopher D. Kolenda identifies three interrelated problems that have emerged from the government’s insistence on zero-sum victory. First, the US government has no way to measure successful outcomes other than a decisive military victory, and thus, selects strategies that overestimate the possibility of such an outcome. Second, the United States is slow to recognize, modify, or abandon losing strategies. Third, once the United States decides to withdraw, bargaining asymmetries and disconnects in strategy undermine the prospects for a successful transition or negotiated outcome.

Relying on historic examples and personal experience, Kolenda draws thought-provoking and actionable conclusions about the utility of American military power in the contemporary world—insights that serve as a starting point for future scholarship as well as for important national security reforms.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download How Are We Going to Explain This? by Jelmer Mommers (.ePUB)

How Are We Going to Explain This?: Our Future on a Hot Earth by Jelmer Mommers
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4.7MB
Overview: There’s a new story in the making, one in which the consequences of our actions add up—and every contribution is meaningful.

If climate change is the biggest threat humanity has ever faced, then why are we doing so little about it? And where do we go from here?Journalist Jelmer Mommers knows most people prefer not to talk or even think about climate change, and that is exactly why he wrote this book. Denial and despair are not the only possible responses to the current crisis.Drawing on the latest science, Mommers describes how we got here, what possible future awaits us, and how you can help make a difference.Five years in the making, How Are We Going to Explain This was an instant bestseller in the Netherlands. With this revised and updated translation, including responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mommers brings his unique blend of realism and hope to the wider world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Science of Light by Freedom Tobias Cole (.ePUB)

Science of Light: An Introduction to Vedic Astrology by Freedom Tobias Cole
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 30.2 MB
Overview: 2020 Edition. This book gives a well-rounded understanding of Vedic astrological principles and serves as a textbook for university level classes of Vedic Astrology. It lays a firm foundation to expand the awareness toward the higher teachings of Vedic astrology, and is both scholarly and easy to read. Vedic Astrology is an ancient science of self-discovery which teaches us how life works, how we fit into the bigger picture, our purpose for being here, and the goal of our lives. Its study and practice enriches our own life and enables us to help other people enrich theirs, giving guidance in all matters of life, from career to love to health. This 2020 edition of Science of Light is a crucial addition to every astrologer’s bookshelf.[Be careful when buying used copies as to which specific edition is being indicated.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Surrealist Sabotage and The War On Work by Abigail Susik (.PDF)

Surrealist Sabotage and The War On Work by Abigail Susik
Requirements: .PDF reader, 37 MB
Overview: In Surrealist sabotage and the war on work, art historian Abigail Susik uncovers the expansive parameters of the international surrealist movement’s ongoing engagement with an aesthetics of sabotage between the 1920s and the 1970s, demonstrating how surrealists unceasingly sought to transform the work of art into a form of unmanageable anti-work. In four case studies devoted to surrealism’s transatlantic war on work, Susik analyses how artworks and texts by Man Ray, André Breton, Simone Breton, André Thirion, Óscar Domínguez, Konrad Klapheck, and the Chicago surrealists, among others, were pivotally impacted by the intransigent surrealist concepts of principled work refusal, permanent strike, and autonomous pleasure. Underscoring surrealism’s profound relevance for readers engaged in ongoing debates about gendered labour and the wage gap, endemic over-work and exploitation, and the vicissitudes of knowledge work and the gig economy, reveals that surrealism’s creative work refusal retains immense relevance in our wired world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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