Download Encyclopedia of Death & Human Experience by Clifton D. Bryant (.PDF)

Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience by Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck
Requirements: .PDF reader, 18mb
Overview: Death and dying and death-related behavior involve the causes of death and the nature of the actions and emotions surrounding death among the living. Interest in the varied dimensions of death and dying has led to the development of death studies that move beyond medical research to include behavioral science disciplines and practitioner-oriented fields. As a result of this interdisciplinary interest, the literature in the field has proliferated.

This two-volume resource addresses the traditional death and dying–related topics but also presents a unique focus on the human experience to create a new dimension to the study of death and dying. With more than 300 entries, the Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience includes the complex cultural beliefs and traditions and the institutionalized social rituals that surround dying and death, as well as the array of emotional responses relating to bereavement, grieving, and mourning. The Encyclopedia is enriched through important multidisciplinary contributions and perspectives as it arranges, organizes, defines, and clarifies a comprehensive list of death-related perspectives, concepts, and theories.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Algebra & Geometry by Mark V. Lawson (.ePUB)

Algebra & Geometry: An Introduction to University Mathematics by Mark V. Lawson
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.2 MB
Overview: Algebra & Geometry: An Introduction to University Mathematics provides a bridge between high school and undergraduate mathematics courses on algebra and geometry. The author shows students how mathematics is more than a collection of methods by presenting important ideas and their historical origins throughout the text. He incorporates a hands-on approach to proofs and connects algebra and geometry to various applications.

The text focuses on linear equations, polynomial equations, and quadratic forms. The first several chapters cover foundational topics, including the importance of proofs and properties commonly encountered when studying algebra. The remaining chapters form the mathematical core of the book. These chapters explain the solution of different kinds of algebraic equations, the nature of the solutions, and the interplay between geometry and algebra.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download French Made Simple by Pamela Rose Haze (.ePUB)

French Made Simple: Learn to speak and understand French quickly and easily by Pamela Rose Haze
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6 MB
Overview: Learn to Speak French Quickly and Easily! An invaluable introduction to one of the most studied languages in America, French Made Simple is ideal for the student, business person, or tourist. Teaching the basics of grammar, vocabulary, and culture, it guides you step-by-step through the process of learning and conversing quickly.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


Refreshingly easy to understand, French Made Simple includes:
• Basics of grammar
• Modern vocabulary
• Helpful verb chart
• French-English Dictionary
• Reading exercises
• Economic information
• Common expressions
• Review quizzes
• Complete answer key

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Download The Story of Our Amazing Universe by Athar Shareef (.ePUB)

The Story of Our Amazing Universe by Athar Shareef
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5mb
Overview: Our Universe is amazing. This is its story, told in simple language.

The story tells how the Universe came to be what it is today. It starts with the Big Bang and describes how stars, black holes, and our solar system developed. It explores the evolution of life on Earth and investigates the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. It peers into the future and wonders about the Universe’s likely old age and death, or whatever else may be its end.

The challenge the book takes up is to explain all of this, including some of the astonishing concepts we have in science, such as Einstein’s theories of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, using virtually no mathematics and without dumbing-down. All are described narratively and explained using examples and anecdotes.

The book is written for young people with a thirst for learning about the science of space, as well as for ‘grown-ups’ who want a better understanding of this fascinating subject.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download The South Asia Story by Harold A. Gould (.ePUB)+

The South Asia Story: The First Sixty Years of US Relations with India and Pakistan by Harold A. Gould
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 8mb
Overview: This book deals with the complex and changing U.S. relations with India and Pakistan in the sixty years since World War II. It carries a series of brief sketches on how twelve U.S. presidents, starting with Franklin Roosevelt, perceived and dealt with South Asia. The author proposes that though there are broad historical patterns in which the policies and decisions of these American presidents can be classified, yet their unique personalities and ideological predispositions also played a role in the political choices they made. Since none of them ever had any substantial experience with South Asia prior to assuming office, probing the reasons for their preferences and decisions is an enlightening and interesting exercise.

With the unfolding of the South Asia policies of the new U.S. President, Barrack Obama, this book will provide the much needed background study to the readers.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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