Download Authenticity by Alice Sherwood (.ePUB)

Authenticity: Reclaiming Reality in a Counterfeit Culture by Alice Sherwood
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 26 MB
Overview: Brilliantly witty, profoundly illuminating, Alice Sherwood is a master storyteller’ Simon Schama

‘This wise, quirky, funny, wholly original book is an authentic delight. I loved it.’ Tim Harford

‘Alice Sherwood is the real deal’ Marcus Du Sautoy

‘Fascinating and hugely entertaining’ Brian Eno

‘Sherwood’s meditation on authenticity is wide-ranging, witty and fresh. From what makes Snapple feel like an authentic brand to vexed debates about what makes a Warhol painting a Warhol painting, it’s a stimulating read.’Tim Harford,Financial Times Best Summer Books 2022

‘Sherwood is the real deal when it comes to exploring authenticity… she takes the reader on a wonderful rollercoaster of a ride to recognise what’s real and what’s illusion’ Marcus du Sautoy
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download On Belonging by Kim Samuel (.ePUB)

On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation by Kim Samuel
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6 MB
Overview: In an age of social isolation, what does it mean to belong?

Humanity is at an inflection point. Stress, disconnection, and increasing environmental degradation have people yearning for more than just material progress, personal freedom, or political stability. We are searching for deeper connection. We are longing to belong.

On Belonging is an exploration of the crisis of social isolation and of the fundamental human need to belong. It considers belonging across four core dimensions: in our relationships with other people, in our rootedness in nature, in our ability to influence political and economic decision-making, and in our finding of meaning and purpose in our lives, with lessons on how to create communities centered on human connection.

A trailblazing advocate and thought leader on questions of social connectedness, Kim Samuel introduces readers to leaders around the world who are doing the work to cultivate belonging. Whether through sports, medicine, music, business, culture, or advocacy, the people and programs in this book offer us meaningful lessons on building a world where we all feel at home.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Which as You Know Means Violence by Philippa Snow (.ePUB)

Which as You Know Means Violence by Philippa Snow
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6 MB
Overview: A blending of art and pop cultural criticism about people who injure themselves for our entertainment or enlightenment.

A few weeks before he died, Hunter S. Thompson left an answerphone message for Jackass’ Johnny Knoxville: “I might be coming to Baton Rouge… and if I do I will call you, because I will be looking to have some fun, which as you know usually means violence.” Fun does not, of course, mean violence for most people. Those who choose to make a hobby, a career or an art practice out of injury are wired differently — subject to unusual motivations, and quite often powered by an ardent death-drive.

In Which as You Know Means Violence, writer and art critic Philippa Snow analyses the subject of pain, injury and sadomasochism in performance, from the more rarefied context of contemporary art to the more lowbrow realm of pranksters, stuntmen and stuntwomen, and uncategorisable, danger-loving YouTube…
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download The Blessings of Disaster by Michel Bruneau (.ePUB)

The Blessings of Disaster: The Lessons That Catastrophes Teach Us and Why Our Future Depends on It by Michel Bruneau
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 8 MB
Overview: Are we doomed? As individuals, certainly, eventually, inevitably. But as a species? As a civilization? Leading catastrophe engineer Michel Bruneau thinks perhaps not. The Blessings of Disaster draws on knowledge from multiple disciplines to illustrate how our civilization’s future successes and failures in dealing with societal threats—be they pandemics, climate change, overpopulation, monetary collapse, and nuclear holocaust—can be predicted by observing how we currently cope with and react to natural and technological disasters. Maybe most importantly, this entertaining and often counter-intuitive book shows how we can think in better ways about disasters, to strengthen and extend our existence as both individuals and as a species.

When it comes to rare extreme events, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornados, volcanic eruptions, technological accidents, terrorist attacks, pandemics, and even existential threats, it is in our nature to set…
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download New Natural History of Madagascar, 2 Vol by Steven M. Goodman(.ePUB)

The New Natural History of Madagascar, 2 Volumes Set by Steven M. Goodman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 176 MB
Overview: A marvelously illustrated reference to the natural wonders of one of the most spectacular places on earth

Separated from Africa’s mainland for tens of millions of years, Madagascar has evolved a breathtaking wealth of biodiversity, becoming home to thousands of species found nowhere else on the planet. The New Natural History of Madagascar provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date synthesis available of this island nation’s priceless biological treasures. Now fully revised and expanded, this beautifully illustrated compendium features contributions by more than 600 globally renowned experts who cover the history of scientific exploration in Madagascar, as well as the island’s geology and soils, climate, forest ecology, human ecology, marine and coastal ecosystems, plants, invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. This invaluable two-volume reference also includes detailed discussions of conservation efforts in Madagascar that showcase several successful protected area programs that can serve as models for threatened ecosystems throughout the world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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