Download Eaten Back to Life by Jonah Campbell (.ePUB)

Eaten Back to Life by Jonah Campbell
Requirements: ePUB or AZW3 Reader, 1.2MB
Overview: In this series of thoughtful essays and stink-eyed observations, Jonah Campbell explores food and drink in the modern world, from pig heads and whisky to fine wine and French gastronomy, Nigella Lawson to David Cronenberg, with a trail of potato chips and stale chocolate bars along the way. In the tradition of writers like M. F. K. Fisher and David Foster Wallace, Eaten Back to Life renders in delirious prose the ecstasies and absurdities that lie beneath the daily business of feeding ourselves.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Essays


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Download Black Sexualities by Juan Battle, Sandra L. Barnes (.PDF)

Black Sexualities: Probing Powers, Passions, Practices, and Policies by Juan Battle, Sandra L. Barnes
Requirements: PDF Reader, 2.3 mb
Overview: Why does society have difficulty discussing sexualities? Where does fear of Black sexualities emerge and how is it manifested? How can varied experiences of Black females and males who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), or straight help inform dialogue and academic inquiry?
From questioning forces that have constrained sexual choices to examining how Blacks have forged healthy sexual identities in an oppressive environment, Black Sexualities acknowledges the diversity of the Black experience and the shared legacy of racism. Contributors seek resolution to Blacks’ understanding of their lives as sexual beings through stories of empowerment, healing, self-awareness, victories, and other historic and contemporary life-course panoramas and provide practical information to foster more culturally relative research, tolerance, and acceptance.
Genre: Nonfiction > Educational > Social Sciences


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Download The Copenhagen Papers: An Intrigue by Michael Frayn (.ePUB)+

The Copenhagen Papers: An Intrigue by Michael Frayn, David Burke
Requirements: ePUB or AZW3 Reader, 1.8MB
Overview: In a brilliant coda to the play Copenhagen, Michael Frayn receives mysterious letters that take him back to the theme of his bestselling novel, Headlong human folly, this time his own.

Michael Frayn’s Copenhagen has established itself as one of the finest pieces of drama to grace the stage in recent years. The subject of the Tony-winning play is the strange visit the German nuclear physicist Werner Heisenberg made to his former mentor, scientist Niels Bohr, in Nazi-occupied Copenhagen and the quarrel that ensued. Heisenberg’s intentions on that visit, for good or for evil, have long intrigued and baffled historians and scientists. One day, during the British run of Copenhagen, Frayn received a curious package from a suburban housewife, which contained a few faded pages of barely legible German writings. These pages, which she claimed to have found concealed beneath her floorboards, seemed to cast a remarkable new light on the mystery at the heart of play. As more material emerged specifically notes that appeared to give instructions on how to put up a table-tennis table but perhaps containing important encoded information actor David Burke, who was playing Niels Bohr, began to display extreme, even suspicious interest in Frayn’s growing obsession with cracking the riddle of the papers. And Frayn, for his part, lost all sense of certainty. Was he the victim of an elaborate hoax? By turns comic and profound, The Copenhagen Papers explores the conundrum that is always at the heart of Frayn’s work human gullibility and the eternal difficulty of knowing why we do what we do.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Literary Criticism


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Download Equivalence by Amanda L. Golbeck (.PDF)

Equivalence: Elizabeth L. Scott at Berkeley by Amanda L. Golbeck
Requirements: PDF Reader, 10.4 MB
Overview: Equivalence: Elizabeth L. Scott at Berkeley is the compelling story of one pioneering statistician’s relentless twenty-year effort to promote the status of women in academe and science. Part biography and part microhistory, the book provides the context and background to understand Scott’s masterfulness at using statistics to help solve societal problems. In addition to being one of the first researchers to work at the interface of astronomy and statistics and an early practitioner of statistics using high-speed computers, Scott worked on an impressively broad range of questions in science, from whether cloud seeding actually works to whether ozone depletion causes skin cancer. Later in her career, Scott became swept up in the academic women’s movement. She used her well-developed scientific research skills together with the advocacy skills she had honed, in such activities as raising funds for Martin Luther King Jr. and keeping Free Speech Movement students out of jail, toward policy making that would improve the condition of the academic workforce for women. The book invites the reader into Scott’s universe, a window of inspiration made possible by the fact that she saved and dated every piece of paper that came across her desk.
Genre: Science & Mathematics > Astronomy & Astrophysics


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Download Leadville by Edward Platt (.ePUB)

Leadville by Edward Platt
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.9MB
Overview: “One afternoon in January 1995, as I drove along Western Avenue, I did what I had never done before: i parked the car in a side-street and walked on to the road…”

In Leadville, Ed Platt tells the story of Western Avenue from the optimism of its construction in the 1920s to its partial demolition seventy years later. It is a tale of the city and the traffic, of suburbia and the dreams of its inhabitants, and of our senseless and all-consuming love affair with the motor car.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Sociology, Ethics


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