Download Communicate Like a Leader by Dianna Booher (.ePUB)

Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done by Dianna Booher
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.3MB
Overview: Draw Them In, Don’t Drive Them Away!

People often get promoted to leadership positions without knowing how to communicate an inspiring strategic vision to the people who report to them. So they focus on what they know: tactics, not strategy. As a result, they become stuck in micromanagement mode.

Dianna Booher wants to prevent micromanagement before it happens by providing you with the right leadership communication skills. Grounded in extensive research, this book offers practical guidelines to help professionals think, coach, converse, speak, write, meet, and negotiate strategically to deliver results. In thirty-six brief chapters, Booher shows you how to communicate effectively to audiences up and down the organization so you can fulfill your most essential responsibilities as a leader.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Business, Leadership


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Download Apocalyptic Transformation by Elizabeth K. Rosen (.ePUB)+

Apocalyptic Transformation: Apocalypse and the Postmodern Imagination by Elizabeth K. Rosen
Requirements: ePUB or AZW3 Reader, 1.6MB
Overview: Since its inception, the story of the apocalypse has been used as a means by which to understand the world and one’s place in it. The appeal of the apocalyptic myth is largely rooted in its ability to make sense of instances of crisis by incorporating those crises into a larger plan for history and an end of time that God has planned. Apocalypse is both an organizing principle to be imposed on an overwhelming, seemingly-disordered universe and a fundamentally moral story which offers hope of a new world where good and evil can be clearly delineated and addressed.

But all of the traditional functions and comforts of the apocalyptic myth are challenged when the myth collides with postmodernism. The characteristics that define a work as postmodern ultimately destabilize the traits that make the apocalyptic myth unique.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Literary Criticism


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Download Brilliant NLP by David Molden, Pat Hutchinson (.ePUB)

Brilliant NLP by David Molden, Pat Hutchinson (3rd Edition)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.6MB
Overview: Master the tools of NLP and become more effective, more efficient, more powerful and more successful

NLP will provide powerful tools and techniques to help you make positive changes in your life.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Reference, Guide


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Download Shakespeare’s Sexual Language by Gordon Williams (.PDF)

Glossary of Shakespeare’s Sexual Language by Gordon Williams
Requirements: PDF Reader, 15.6 mb
Overview: Shakespeare’s sexual language is notoriously difficult to unravel, its roots digging deep into earlier linguistic history. The Glossary – based on Williams’ authoritative work, The Dictionary of Sexual Language and Imagery in Shakespearean and Stuart Literature (Athlone 1994) – provides an accessible guide.
Genre: Literature & Fiction › History & Criticism


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Download The Culinary Imagination by Sandra M. Gilbert (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

The Culinary Imagination: From Myth to Modernity by Sandra M. Gilbert
Requirements: ePUB or AZW3 Reader, 1.7MB
Overview: From the recipe novel to the celebrity chef, renowned scholar Sandra M. Gilbert explores the poetics and politics of food.In this stunning and important work, the prominent critic, poet, and memoirist Sandra M. Gilbert explores our relationship with food and eating through discussions of literature, art, and popular culture. Focusing on contemporary practices, The Culinary Imagination traces the social, aesthetic, and political history of food from myth to modernity, from ancient sources to our current wave of food mania.

What does it mean to transform raw stuff into cooked dishes, which then become part of our own bodies; to savor festive meals yet resolve to renounce gluttony; to act as predators where in another life we might have become prey? Do the rituals of the kitchen have different meanings for men and women, for professional chefs and home cooks? Why, today, do so many of us turn so passionately toward table topics, on the page, online, and on screen? What are the philosophical implications of the food chain on which we all find ourselves?
Genre: Non-Fiction, Essays


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