Download Dictionary of American Idioms by Adam Makkai (.PDF)

Dictionary of American Idioms by Adam Makkai, M. T. Boatner, J.E. Gates (4th edition)
Requirements: PDF Reader, 9.6MB
Overview: More than 8,000 idiomatic words and phrases specific to American-style English are presented in this updated A-to-Z dictionary, complete with definitions and sample sentences. Especially useful for TOEFL test-takers and other students in America for whom English is a second language, this book explains and clarifies many of the similes and metaphors that newcomers to American English find mystifying. It is also useful to native-born Americans who are sometimes confused by regional colloquialisms encountered in reading or on TV. Idioms undergo constant change in every living language, some of them falling out of use, while new words and phrases become part of the standard vocabulary. This dictionary’s new fourth edition takes account of the latest idiomatic changes and provides a solid background to informal American English.
Genre: Non-fiction | Educational


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Download The New Cold War by Edward Lucas (.PDF)

The New Cold War: Putin’s Russia and the Threat to the West by Edward Lucas
Requirements: PDF Reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: In late 1999 when Vladimir Putin was named Prime Minister, Russia was a budding democracy. Multiple parties campaigned for seats in the Duma, the nation’s parliament. The media criticized the government freely. Eight years later as Putin completes his second term as president of Russia and announces his bid for prime minister, the country is under a repressive regime. Human rights abuses are widespread. The Kremlin is openly hostile to the West. Yet the United States and Europe have been slow to confront the new reality, in effect, helping Russia win what experts are now calling the New Cold War.
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences


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Download The Anglo-Saxon Fenland by Susan Oosthuizen (.PDF)

The Anglo-Saxon Fenland (Windgather) by Susan Oosthuizen
Requirements: PDF Reader, 57.4 MB
Overview: Archaeologies and histories of the fens of eastern England, continue to suggest, explicitly or by implication, that the early medieval fenland was dominated by the activities of north-west European colonists in a largely empty landscape. Using existing and new evidence and arguments, this new interdisciplinary history of the Anglo-Saxon fenland offers another interpretation.

The fen islands and the silt fens show a degree of occupation unexpected a few decades ago. Dense Romano-British settlement appears to have been followed by consistent early medieval occupation on every island in the peat fens and across the silt fens, despite the impact of climatic change.

The inhabitants of the region were organised within territorial groups in a complicated, almost certainly dynamic, hierarchy of subordinate and dominant polities, principalities and kingdoms. Their prosperous livelihoods were based on careful collective control, exploitation and management of the vast natural water-meadows on which their herds of cattle grazed. This was a society whose origins could be found in prehistoric Britain, and which had evolved through the period of Roman control and into the post-imperial decades and centuries that followed. The rich and complex history of the development of the region shows, it is argued, a traditional social order evolving, adapting and innovating in response to changing times.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Social Sciences > Archaeology


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Download Red Hangover by Kristen Ghodsee (.PDF)

Red Hangover: Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism by Kristen Ghodsee
Requirements: PDF Reader, 11 MB
Overview: In Red Hangover Kristen Ghodsee examines the legacies of twentieth-century communism twenty-five years after the Berlin Wall fell. Ghodsee’s essays and short stories reflect on the lived experience of postsocialism and how many ordinary men and women across Eastern Europe suffered from the massive social and economic upheavals in their lives after 1989. Ghodsee shows how recent major crises—from the Russian annexation of Crimea and the Syrian Civil War to the rise of Islamic State and the influx of migrants in Europe—are linked to mistakes made after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc when fantasies about the triumph of free markets and liberal democracy blinded Western leaders to the human costs of “regime change.” Just as the communist ideal has become permanently tainted by its association with the worst excesses of twentieth-century Eastern European regimes, today the democratic ideal is increasingly sullied by its links to the ravages of neoliberalism. An accessible introduction to the history of European state socialism and postcommunism, Red Hangover reveals how the events of 1989 continue to shape the world today.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Why Bad Governments Happen to… by Danny Katch (.ePUB)

Why Bad Governments Happen to Good People by Danny Katch
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 1 MB
Overview: The election of Donald Trump has sent the United States and the world into uncharted waters, with a bigoted, petty man-child at the head of the planet’s most powerful empire. Danny Katch indicts the hollowness of the US political system that led to Trump’s rise and puts forward a vision for a real alternative: a democracy that works for the people.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Political


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