Download A World on the Wing by Scott Weidensaul (.ePUB)

A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds by Scott Weidensaul
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 29,1 MB
Overview: An exhilarating exploration of the science and wonder of global bird migration. In the past two decades, our understanding of the navigational and physiological feats that enable birds to cross immense oceans, fly above the highest mountains, or remain in unbroken flight for months at a stretch has exploded. What we’ve learned of these key migrations-how billions of birds circumnavigate the globe, flying tens of thousands of miles between hemispheres on an annual basis-is nothing short of extraordinary. Bird migration entails almost unfathomable endurance, like a sparrow-sized sandpiper that will fly nonstop from Canada to Venezuela-the equivalent of running 126 consecutive marathons without food, water, or rest-avoiding dehydration by “drinking” moisture from its own muscles and organs, while orienting itself using the earth’s magnetic field through a form of quantum entanglement that made Einstein queasy. Crossing the Pacific Ocean in nine days of nonstop flight, as some birds do, leaves little time for sleep, but migrants can put half their brains to sleep for a few seconds at a time, alternating sides-and their reaction time actually improves. These and other revelations convey both the wonder of bird migration and its global sweep, from the mudflats of the Yellow Sea in China to the remote mountains of northeastern India to the dusty hills of southern Cyprus. This breathtaking work of nature writing from Pulitzer Prize finalist Scott Weidensaul also introduces readers to those scientists, researchers, and bird lovers trying to preserve global migratory patterns in the face of climate change and other environmental challenges. Drawing on his own extensive fieldwork, in A World on the Wing Weidensaul unveils with dazzling prose the miracle of nature taking place over our heads.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Survival of the Beautiful by David Rothenberg (.ePUB)

Survival of the Beautiful: Art, Science, and Evolution by David Rothenberg
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 12,1 MB
Overview: “The peacock’s tail,” said Charles Darwin, “makes me sick.” That’s because the theory of evolution as adaptation can’t explain why nature is so beautiful. It took the concept of sexual selection for Darwin to explain that, a process that has more to do with aesthetics than the practical. Survival of the Beautiful is a revolutionary new examination of the interplay of beauty, art, and culture in evolution. Taking inspiration from Darwin’s observation that animals have a natural aesthetic sense, philosopher and musician David Rothenberg probes why animals, humans included, have innate appreciation for beauty-and why nature is, indeed, beautiful. Sexual selection may explain why animals desire, but it says very little about what they desire. Why will a bowerbird literally murder another bird to decorate its bower with the victim’s blue feathers? Why do butterfly wings boast such brilliantly varied patterns? The beauty of nature is not arbitrary, even if random mutation has played a role in evolution. What can we learn from the amazing range of animal aesthetic behavior-about animals, and about ourselves? Readers who enjoyed the bestsellers The Art Instinct and The Mind’s Eye will find Survival of the Beautiful an equally stimulating and profound exploration of art, science, and the creative impulse.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Differential and Low-Dimensional Topology by Andras Juhasz (.PDF)

Differential and Low-Dimensional Topology by András Juhász (London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 104)
Requirements: .PDF reader, 11 mb
Overview: The new student in differential and low-dimensional topology is faced with a bewildering array of tools and loosely connected theories. This short book presents the essential parts of each, enabling the reader to become ‘literate’ in the field and begin research as quickly as possible. The only prerequisite assumed is an undergraduate algebraic topology course. The first half of the text reviews basic notions of differential topology and culminates with the classification of exotic seven-spheres. It then dives into dimension three and knot theory. There then follows an introduction to Heegaard Floer homology, a powerful collection of modern invariants of three- and four-manifolds, and of knots, that has not before appeared in an introductory textbook. The book concludes with a glimpse of four-manifold theory. Students will find it an exhilarating and authoritative guide to a broad swathe of the most important topics in modern topology.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Differential and Low-Dimensional Topology.pdf


Download The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars by Lixing Sun (.ePUB)

The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars by Lixing Sun
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 24m
Overview: A natural history of cheating from selfish genes to lying politicians

Nature is rife with cheating. Possums play possum, feigning death to cheat predators. Crows cry wolf to scare off rivals. Amphibians and reptiles are inveterate impostors. Even genes and cells cheat. The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars explores the evolution of cheating in the natural world, revealing how dishonesty has given rise to wondrous diversity.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Bats: In a World of Echoes by Johan Eklof and Jens Rydell (.PDF)

Bats: In a World of Echoes by Johan Eklof and Jens Rydell
Requirements: .PDF reader, 94,7 MB
Overview: This comprehensive book about the lives of bats is about a group of peculiar, mythical and fascinating animals. They are mammals, just like us, but still so different. The book covers bats from Latin American Maya temples to Swedish potato cellars; from the plains of Kenya to the Taiwanese mountains. We perceive their shadows flitting by in the summer nights, hear their mating calls in the darkness of autumn and see their silhouettes in the dim street light. The bats live in our houses and forage in our gardens and parks. But who are they and how do they lead their lives? The text and exquisite photos give an unsurpassed insight into the world of sounds and smells that bats encounter each night. We are told about how their senses, way beyond our human perception abilities, shape their lives. We get to know more about their habits, their long evolution and their cohabitation with humans, and how important they are to the environment. You will never again feel lonely in the darkness of the night.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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