Download Nitya: A Tale of Two Brothers by Mahesh Kishore (.ePUB)

Nitya: A Tale of Two Brothers by Mahesh Kishore
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 359 KB
Overview: Nitya: A Tale of Two Bothers by Mahesh Kishore is a fascinating new study of the relationship between Jiddu Krishnamurti and his brother, Nitya, and the extraordinary lives they lived before Nitya died in 1925.
For twenty-three years only two or perhaps three copies of the manuscript of this new book existed. For the most part, it was unread and unappreciated. In the meantime, Mahesh Kishore died, so there was no one to bring this fine work to the public, until now.
While much of the material in Nitya: A Tale of Two Brothers can be found in disparate biographies of Krishnamurti, there is also much material that has never been presented before; and nowhere else is all the material collected. More important than collecting this information (valuable in its own right) is Mahesh’s stringing together of these pieces to create a new picture of two astonishingly young lives with extraordinary destinies.
This remarkable book, which Mahesh took ten years to research and write, shines a new light on the remarkable lives of Krishnamurti and his brother. It is a story unlike any other.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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