Download Common As Air by Lewis Hyde (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Common As Air: Revolution, Art, and Ownership by Lewis Hyde
Requirements: ePUB or AZW3 Reader, 1.3MB
Overview: In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. Thirty years later his son registered the words ‘I Have a Dream’ as a trademark and successfully blocked attempts to reproduce these four words. Unlike the Gettysburg Address and other famous speeches, ‘I Have a Dream’ is now private property, even though some the speech is comprised of words written by Thomas Jefferson, a man who very much believed that the corporate land grab of knowledge was at odds with the development of civil society.
Exploring the complex intersection between creativity and commerce, Hyde raises the question of how our shared store of art and knowledge might be made compatible with our desire to copyright everything, and questions whether the fruits of creative labour can – or should – be privately owned, especially in the digital age. ‘In what sense,’ he writes, ‘can someone own, and therefore control other people’s access to, a work of fiction or a public speech or the ideas behind a drug?’
Moving deftly between literary analysis, history and biography (from Benjamin Franklin’s reluctance to patent his inventions to Bob Dylan’s admission that his early method of songwriting was largely comprised of ‘rearranging verses to old blues ballads, adding an original line here or there… slapping a title on it’), Common As Air is a stirring call-to-arms about how we might concretely legislate for a cultural commons that would simultaneously allow for financial reward and protection from monopoly. Rigorous, informative and riveting, this is a book for anyone who is interested in the creative process.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography, History


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Download Charles Burnett by James Naremore (.ePUB)

Charles Burnett: A Cinema of Symbolic Knowledge by James Naremore
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 7.2MB
Overview: In the first book devoted to Charles Burnett, a crucial figure in the history of American cinema often regarded as the most influential member of the L.A. Rebellion group of African American filmmakers, James Naremore provides a close critical study of all Burnett’s major pictures for movies and television, including Killer of Sheep, To Sleep with Anger, The Glass Shield, Nightjohn, The Wedding, Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property, and Warming by the Devil’s Fire. Having accessed new information and rarely seen material, Naremore shows that Burnett’s career has developed against the odds and that his artistry, social criticism, humor, and commitment to what he calls “symbolic knowledge” have given his work enduring value for American culture.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography


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Download Atom Projects: Events and People by Boris Ioffe (.PDF)

Atom Projects: Events and People by Boris Ioffe
Requirements: PDF Reader, 3 Mb
Overview: This book is a collection of personal memories about the people who participated in the USSR atomic project — Landau, Alikhanov, Pomeranchuk, Alikhanian, Migdal Jr., Gribov, Zeldovich, Sakharov, Kurchatov, Vannikov, Eldian. As the author is the only living person who was involved in the project, these personal recollections are interesting and unique for a broad audience who has been unfamiliar with the details so far.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoirs


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Download Still Standing by Carrie Prejean (.ePUB)

Still Standing: The Untold Story of My Fight Against Gossip, Hate, and Political Attacks by Carrie Prejean
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 286 kb
Overview: There’s nothing the liberal media love to attack more than a conservative celebrity. Unless it’s a female conservative celebrity. Make that a beautiful female conservative celebrity.

So, when a California beauty queen had the audacity – the nerve – to stand up for traditional marriage in front of a national televised audience, well then, the liberal media went crazy. They called her every vile name in the book – while feminists around the country were oddly silent. Like Sarah Palin, Laura Bush, Ann Coulter and so many before her, Carrie Prejean was vilified for not being the modern American woman that NOW had in mind.

But through it all, Carrie Prejean, former Miss California, maintained her composure, courage, faith—and stood her ground. Not many 22-year-old women find themselves thrust into the national spotlight. Fewer still are willing to stand up for what they believe, even when it costs them a national title and subjects them to vicious personal attacks.

In her new book, Still Standing, Carrie gives readers the inside story, and the clear message that conservative women are here to stay. From the pageant’s political and manipulative tactics, to Carrie’s fight against unfair attacks from Hollywood and the media, and her never-before-published conversations with Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, Carrie reveals the story the media didn’t report but America wants to hear. Carrie has a message for Hollywood and the mainstream media – but she also has a message for young women everywhere. Still Standing exposes the media’s hypocritical practice of “free speech for me but not for thee” and shatters the myth that a woman can’t be influential and Conservative.

Carrie Prejean has already been a media sensation. Still Standing proves that she’s more than just a pretty face – she’s a strong woman of admirable religious, political, and moral substance, and she’s one of the leaders in a new movement championing conservative women everywhere.
Genre: Non Fiction Biography Memoir


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Download The Suppressed Madness of Sane Men by Marion Milner (.PDF)

The Suppressed Madness of Sane Men: Forty-Four Years of Exploring Psychoanalysis by Marion Milner
Requirements: PDF Reader, 3.3 MB
Overview: Marion Milner introduces this edited collection of her papers from 1942 to 1977 with a fascinating biographical account of her development in psychoanalysis. The collection includes her classic papers on symbolism.
Genre: Nonfiction > Biographies & Memoirs,Psychology


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