Download The Girlfriend Experience by Rebecca Bea Dakin (.ePUB)

The Girlfriend Experience: My Sexploits as an Escort by Rebecca Bea Dakin
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 323 kB
Overview: This is not a story of woe this is an exciting, inspirational journey of Rebecca’s self-discovery from convent girl, to escort and subsequently businesswoman.
Rebecca Dakin – or Bea, as she is known to her clients, is an honest, friendly and vibrant woman. She is a fun-loving lady who oozes passion and is a slender, natural blonde. In short, she is every man’s dream… She specialises in longer dates offering ‘the girlfriend experience’.
Here for the first time, a modern-day escort is prepared to put her name and face to her story and reveal exactly what she gets up to behind closed doors. Dispelling the myths and preconceptions that surround her job, Rebecca tells all – the glamorous, the grim and the downright hilarious. From requests to have sex with chimpanzees to three in a bed romps with other girls to being ripped off by someone who worked for the Government.
A frank memoir, with no detail spared, this book gives a unique insight into the intimate adventures of one of Britain’s most notorious escorts.
Genre: Memoir


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Download Fierce at Four Foot Two by Terra Jolé (Jole) (.ePUB)

Fierce at Four Foot Two by Terra Jolé
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 11.5MB
Overview: With little more than a dream in her heart, the passion in her soul, and two hundred dollars in her pocket, Terra Jolé burst onto the Hollywood scene with a fierce determination to make her mark on the entertainment industry. But she quickly learned that while she may have been ready for Hollywood, Hollywood wasn’t necessarily ready for her. At four foot two, Terra was born with achondroplasia, a form of short-limbed dwarfism, and because of her diminutive stature she often faced unimaginable prejudice and bigotry.After spending time in the trenches, as an evil elf on tour with Ozzy Osbourne and later as a dancer with Miley Cyrus, Terra struck out on her own and carved out a career for herself as a mini-Britney and mini-Gaga impersonator. But with her larger-than-life optimism and absolute belief in herself, Terra was determined not to be a “mini-anything” for long, and she ultimately captured the hearts of reality TV fans around the world as the star and executive producer of the Lifetime® hit television series Little Women: LA.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography


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Download The Man Who Painted the Universe by Ron Legro (.ePUB)

The Man Who Painted the Universe: The Story of a Planetarium in the Heart of the North Woods by Ron Legro, Avi Lank
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 10MB
Overview: As a young boy Frank Kovac Jr. fell deeply in love with stargazing, painting glow-in-the-dark constellations on his bedroom wall and inviting friends to an observatory he built in his Chicago backyard. As he reached adulthood, Kovac did not let go of his childhood dreams of reaching the stars. He began scheming to bring the universe home. While working at a paper mill as a young man, Kovac tirelessly built a 22-foot rotating globe planetarium in the woods. Despite failures and collapses, the amateur astronomer singlehandedly built a North Woods treasure, painting more than 5,000 glowing stars—dot by dot in glowing paints. Today, Kovac and his unique planetarium take visitors to the stars every day.
The Man Who Painted the Universe: The Story of a Planetarium in the Heart of the North Woods introduces readers to the mild-mannered astronomy enthusiast whose creativity, ingenuity, fervor, and endurance realized a dream of galactic proportions. The story of this stargazer from Wisconsin’s North Woods so inspired two newspapermen, authors Ron Legro and Avi Lank, that they sought to document the story of the Kovac Planetarium for a new generation of stargazers and dreamers.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography


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Download Smashed by Koren Zailckas (.ePUB)

Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood by Koren Zailckas
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 307 KB
Overview: Garnering a vast amount of attention from young people and parents, and from book buyers across the country, Smashed became a media sensation and a New York Times bestseller. Eye-opening and utterly gripping, Koren Zailckas’s story is that of thousands of girls like her who are not alcoholics yet but who routinely use booze as a shortcut to courage and a stand-in for good judgment. With one stiff sip of Southern Comfort at the age of fourteen, Zailckas is initiated into the world of drinking. From then on, she will drink faithfully, fanatically. In high school, her experimentation will lead to a stomach pumping. In college, her excess will give way to a pattern of self-poisoning that will grow more destructive each year. At age twenty two, Zailckas will wake up in an unfamiliar apartment in New York City, elbow her friend who is passed out next to her, and ask, "Where are we?" Smashed is a sober look at how she got there and, after years of blackouts and smashups, what it took for her to realize she had to stop drinking. Smashed is an astonishing literary debut destined to become a classic.
Genre: Non Fictiion, Biographies & Memoirs


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Download Churchill Warrior by Brian Lavery (.ePUB)

Churchill Warrior: How a Military Life Guided Winston’s Finest Hours by Brian Lavery
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 19.0 MB
Overview: On a typical day during the Second World War, Winston Churchill, as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, issued numerous memos to the ministers and service commanders on different subjects, on both the grand strategy and the detail of the war effort. It was not just his work rate and his self-confidence which allowed him to do this. He had a unique and intimate inside knowledge of all three services which allowed him to assess their real needs – a crucial task when money, material resources, and especially manpower, were reaching their limits. No defense minister in modern times has faced such severe problems. No-one else has ever been able to balance the needs of the services in such a way – most of them came from outside with little service experience, while for those trained inside one service, it is almost impossible to gain inside knowledge at a lower level without a bias in favor of one service or another. But Churchill’s knowledge of the three services was almost perfectly balanced by his experiences since he first joined the army in 1896. He made his share of mistakes as a war leader, but this unique balance served him, his cause and his country well.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs


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