Download Money for Nothing by Edward Ugel (.ePUB)

Money for Nothing: One Man’s Journey through the Dark Side of Lottery Millions by Edward Ugel
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 712 KB
Overview: For the better part of a decade, Edward Ugel spent his time closing deals with lottery winners, making a lucrative and legitimate—if sometimes not-so-nice—living by taking advantage of their weaknesses . . . weaknesses that, as a gambler himself, he knew all too well.

In Money for Nothing, he explores the captivating world of lottery winners and shows us how lotteries and gambling have become deeply inscribed in every aspect of American life, shaping our image of success and good fortune. Money for Nothing is a witty, wise, and often outrageously funny account of high expectations and easy money.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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Download Piano Starts Here by Robert Andrew Parker (.ePUB)

Piano Starts Here: The Young Art Tatum by Robert Andrew Parker (Author, Illustrator)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 9.4 MB
Overview: Regardless of whether they’ve heard of jazz or Art Tatum, young readers will appreciate how Parker uses simple, lyrical storytelling and colorful, energetic ink-and-wash illustrations to show the world as young Art Tatum might have seen it. Tatum came from modest beginnings and was nearly blind, but his passion for the piano and his acute memory for any sound that he heard drove him to become a virtuoso who was revered by both classical and jazz pianists alike. Included in the back matter is a biography and bibliography.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies > Musical


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Download Northern Trader by H.S.M. Kemp (.ePUB)

Northern Trader: The Last Days of the Fur Trade, 2nd Edition by H.S.M. Kemp
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.7 MB
Overview: With previously unpublished photographs, this new edition of Northern Trader is a vivid personal memoir and valuable primary account of the last days of the fur trade. Harold Kemp recounts the routines and rhythms of that long-lost way of life and paints a portrait of the north as a “vast region of infinite allure.”

In palpable, often gripping prose, Kemp depicts life on the trail in all seasons: paddling and portaging freight canoes, using muzzle-loaders, running on snowshoes to break trails for dogs pulling toboggans, and making camp at the end of an exhausting day.

A gifted writer, Kemp creates distinctive portraits of those he encounters, including the Cree people among whom he lived, whose language he spoke, whose skills he admired, and whose customs he respected.
Genre: Non Fiction | Biographies & Memoirs


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Download Crowning Glory by Stacy Harshman (.ePUB)

Crowning Glory: An Experiment in Self-Discovery Through Disguise by Stacy Harshman
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.5 MB
Overview: There is always more than one way back to ourselves.
It was supposed to be an outrageous experiment in hair color.
The concept was bold. Brazen, even. Certainly unusual.
For one week each, I was to brave the wide-eyed streets of NYC as a redhead, a brunette, a blonde, a black-tressed woman, and in my own locks. A detective would follow me, observe, and report how the world interacted with each of my “selves.”
No small task for a woman struggling with bipolar disorder. Willingly inviting the eyes of everyone I encountered. Purposefully subjecting myself to their critiques.
The experience stunned me. Excited me. Sometimes, it hurt deeply.
But suddenly I found I’d embarked upon an unorthodox, extraordinary path to self-healing.
This is a story about what happens when we make the choice to heal ourselves differently. To chart a path back to our own minds in weird, strange, and wonderful ways.
And it’s funny as hell.
Genre: Non Fiction > Memoirs


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Download If I Can’t Have You by Gregg Olsen & Rebecca Morris (.ePUB)

If I Can’t Have You: Susan Powell, Her Mysterious Disappearance, and the Murder of Her Children by Gregg Olsen & Rebecca Morris
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 2.4MB | Version: Retail
Overview: In If I Can’t Have You, bestselling author Gregg Olsen and co-author Rebecca Morris investigate one of the 21st Century’s most puzzling disappearances and how it resulted in the murder of two children by their father.

Every once in a great while a genuine murder mystery unfolds before the eyes of the American public. The tragic story of Susan Powell and her murdered boys, Charlie and Braden, is the only case that rivals the Jon Benet Ramsey saga in the annals of true crime. When the pretty, blonde Utah mother went missing in December of 2009 the media was swept up in the story – with lenses and microphones trained on Susan’s husband, Josh. He said he had no idea what happened to his young wife, and that he and the boys had been camping in the middle of a snowstorm.

Over the next three years bombshell by bombshell, the story would reveal more shocking secrets. Josh’s father, Steve, who was sexually obsessed with Susan, would ultimately be convicted of unspeakable perversion. Josh’s brother, Michael, would commit suicide. And in the most stunning event of them all, Josh Powell would murder his two little boys and kill himself with brutality beyond belief.
Genre: Non Fiction | True Crime


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