Download Another’s Shadow by Rick Scar (.ePUB)

Another’s Shadow by Rick Scar (RealRPG Series. Book#1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.7 mb
Overview: The world isn’t what you thought… or think. Humans, animals, sure, they all meet their end. But their personalities, their essence, and their talents linger on in their shadows, which make their way to the Halls of Wailing. It’s a place where they wait for a new beginning. A place where their desires, their pleas, and their tears are forever unheard.
Until these shadows find their way back to life, they’re kept in by special guardians, known as seltars. These were once the shadows of individuals who, during their lifetimes, became legends, heroes, or as many nowadays would say, myths.
Everything in the universe is linked, everything originates from something and aims for something. Every action has its purpose. Even the simple flap of a butterfly’s wings has its own goal. What that is? Only the very forces of life and death themselves know.
But what unfolded in the Halls of Wailing threatened to shake the foundations of the world and the very fabric of creation.
The shadows… they fled.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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Download Emberverse (#1-14) by S.M. Stirling (.ePUB)

Emberverse (#1-14) by S.M. Stirling
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 13.6MB
Overview: I’m a writer by trade, born in France but Canadian by origin and American by naturalization, living in New Mexico at present. My hobbies are mostly related to the craft — I love history, anthropology and archaeology, and am interested in the sciences. The martial arts are my main physical hobby.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy | Dystopian


#1. Dies The Fire
#2. The Protector’s War
#3. A Meeting At Corvallis
#4. The Sunrise Lands
#5. The Scourge Of God
#6. The Sword Of The Lady
#7. The High King Of Montival
#8. The Tears Of The Sun
#9. The Lord Of Mountains
#10. The Given Sacrifice
#11. The Golden Princess
#12. The Desert And The Blade
#13. Prince Of Outcasts
#14. The Sea Peoples

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Book #15: Here

Download Iron Elves series by Chris Evans (.ePUB)

Iron Elves series by Chris Evans (Books #1 thru #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.6MB
Overview: CHRIS EVANS was born in Canada and now lives in New York City. As a military historian he has conducted battlefield tours of Europe and was the historical consultant on a television documentary on the First World War. He’s earned degrees in English, Political Science, and a Masters in History. Chris is also an editor of history and current affairs/conflicts books including the highly successful Stackpole Military History Series.
Genre: Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy


A Darkness Forged in Fire (Iron Elves #1)
We do not fear the flame, though it burns us,
We do not fear the fire, though it consumes us,
And we do not fear its light,
Though it reveals the darkness of our souls,
For therein lies our power.
— Blood Oath of the Iron Elves
First in a stunning debut series, A Darkness Forged in Fire introduces an unforgiving world of musket and cannon…bow and arrow…magic, diplomacy, and oaths — each wielding terrible power in an Empire teetering on the brink of war.
In this world, Konowa Swift Dragon, former commander of the Empire’s elite Iron Elves, is looked upon as anything but ordinary. He’s murdered a Viceroy, been court-martialed, seen his beloved regiment disbanded, and finally been banished in disgrace to the one place he despises the most — the forest.
Now, all he wants is to be left alone with his misery…but for Konowa, nothing is ever that simple. The mysterious and alluring Visyna Tekoy, the highborn daughter of an elfkynan governor, seeks him out in the dangerous wild with a royal decree that he resume his commission as an officer in Her Majesty’s Imperial Army, effective immediately.
For in the east, a falling Red Star heralds the return of a magic long vanished from the earth. Rebellion grows within the Empire as a frantic race to reach the Star unfolds. It is a chance for Konowa to redeem himself — even if the entire affair appears doomed to be a suicide mission…
and that the soldiers recruited for the task are not at all what he expects. And worse, his key adversary in the perilous race for the Star is the dreaded Shadow Monarch — a legendary elf-witch whose machinations for absolute domination spread deeper than Konowa could ever imagine….

The Light of Burning Shadows (Iron Elves #2)
"They might be doomed, damned, and buggered for all eternity, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t sparkle like a diamond in the sun and grin like a skull in the moonlight on their way to oblivion."
Musket and cannon, bow and arrow, and magic and diplomacy vie for supremacy once again in this second epic fantasy adventure from acclaimed author Chris Evans. As the human-dominated Calahrian Empire struggles to maintain its hold on power in the face of armed rebellion from within, the Iron Elves’ perilous quest to defeat the power-hungry elf witch, the Shadow Monarch, takes on greater urgency.
The Iron Elves, shunned by their own people for bearing the mark of the Shadow Monarch, and desperately wanting to forever erase this shame, became legendary for their prowess on the battlefield as the Calahrian Imperial Army’s elite shock troops. But when their commanding officer, Konowa Swift Dragon, murdered the Viceroy of Elfkyna, he was exiled, and these brave elves were banished to a remote desert outpost, doomed and leaderless, their honor in tatters.
Recalled to duty to reform his regiment from the dregs of the Imperial Army, Konowa thwarted the plans of the Shadow Monarch at the Battle of Luuguth Jor — ensuring that the fabled Red Star, a source of great natural energy, did not fall into Her hands. Now Konowa must cross storm-tossed seas to seek out the lost elves and the prophesied return of another Star somewhere in a desert wasteland roiling with mysterious power, infernos of swirling magic, and legends brought back to life in new and terrible ways. And the fate of every living creature will come to depend on a small band of ragged and desperate soldiers, whose very loyalty to the Empire they have sworn to serve is no longer certain. When death is but a temporary condition, a terrifying question arises: who is the true ally — and fearsome enemy — in a growing conflict that threatens all?

Ashes of a Black Frost (Iron Elves #3)
Amidst a scene of carnage on a desert battlefield blanketed in metallic snow, Major Konowa Swift Dragon sees his future, and it is one drenched in shadow and blood. Never mind that he has won a grand victory for the Calahrian Empire. He came here in search of his lost regiment of elves, while the Imperial Prince came looking for the treasures of a mystical library, and both ventures have failed. But Konowa knows, as do the Iron Elves—both living and dead—that another, far more important battle now looms before them. The campaign in the desert was only the latest obstacle on the twisted, darkening path leading inexorably to the Hyntaland, and the final confrontation with the dreaded Shadow Monarch.
Konowa’s ultimate journey is fraught with escalating danger. A vast, black forest finds a new source of dark power, spawning creatures even more monstrous than the blood trees from which they evolve. The maniacally unstable former emissary of the Shadow Monarch hungers for revenge, leading an army of ravenous beasts bent on utterly destroying the Iron Elves. A reluctant hero, Private Alwyn Renwar, struggles to maintain his connection to this world and that of the loyalty of the shades of the dead. And in a maze of underground tunnels, Visyna Tekoy, whom Konowa counts among those he has loved and lost, fights for her life against the very elves he so desperately wants to find.
And so Konowa sets off from this Canyon of Bones, pursuing his freedom from a curse that has cast his life in darkness. For though his long, violent trek may indeed lead him to his destiny, he is ill prepared for the discovery he will make . . . with the fate of the Iron Elves, and the world, hinging on the courage of one wrathful elf.

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Chris Evans–Iron – 2.2 MB.

Download Belisarius I, II & III by Eric Flint & David Drake (.ePUB)

Belisarius Saga I, II & III by Eric Flint & David Drake (Omnibus I, II & III – Books 1/2 & 3/4 & 5/6)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4.2MB
Overview: ERIC FLINT is the co-author of three New York Times best sellers in his "Ring of Fire" alternate history series. His first novel for Baen, Mother of Demons, was picked by Science Fiction Chronicle as a best novel of the year. His 1632, which launched the Ring of Fire series, won widespread critical praise, as from Publishers Weekly, which called him "an SF author of particular note, one who can entertain and edify in equal, and major, measure." A longtime labor union activist with a master’s degree in history, he currently resides in northwest Indiana with his wife Lucille.

DAVID DRAKE is one of the grand masters of military science fiction, known for his best-selling Hammer’s Slammers series and many other novels. A Vietnam veteran, he employs his first-hand experience with the military life and combat to give his work the vivid images and feel of battle that have won him a huge readership. He was attending Duke University Law School when he was drafted. Upon his return from the U.S. Army, he completed his law degree at Duke and was for eight years Assistant Town Attorney for Chapel Hill, North Carolina. A full-time writer since 1981, his other books for Baen include the RCN-Leary series, the latest being In the Stormy Red Sky, and the Belisarius series, written in collaboration with Eric Flint, the fourth and fifth novels of which are now combined in this volume.
Genre: Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy


Belisarius I: Thunder at Dawn
In this imaginative series, Eric Flint and David Drake give Belisarius nothing more than the rescue of Humanity from a threat from the Far Future. The so-called New Gods of that distant time looked round the galaxy and saw the massive changes that had affected Humanity in it’s spread through the strange landscapes and were not pleased. In this first omnibus of the Belisarius saga are two complete novels.

1. An Oblique Approach: In northern India the Malwa have created an empire of unexampled evil. Guided or possessed by an intelligence from beyond time, with new weapons, old treachery, and an implacable will to power, the Malwa will sweep over the whole Earth. Only three things stand between the Malwa and their plan of eternal domination: the empire of Rome in the East, Byzantium; a crystal with vision; and a man named Belisarius, the greatest commander Earth has ever known.

2. In the Heart of Darkness: Having conquered sixth century India, the Malwa Empire is forging the subcontinent’s vast population into an invincible weapon of tyranny. Belisarius, the finest general of his age, must save the world. Guided by visions from a future that may never be, he and a band of comrades penetrate the Malwa heartland, seeking the core of the enemy’s power. And when Belisarius leads the forces of good, only a fool would side with evil.

Belisarius II – Storm at Noontide: Continuing the popular Belisarius saga, with two full-length novels in one volume.

3. Destiny’s Shield: Evil from beyond time: The Malwa Empire squats like a toad across sixth century India, commanded by ruthless men with depraved appetites. But the thing from the distant future that commands them is far worse. Those who oppose the purulent Hell the Malwa will make of Earth have sent a crystal, Aide, to halt their advance. Aide holds all human knowledge—but cannot act by himself. That requires Count Belisarius, the greatest general fo the age and perhaps of all ages, who must outwit the evil empire—and then, when there is no longer room to maneuver, to meet it sword-edge to sword-edge, lest evil beyond human conception rules the world forever.

4. Fortune’s Stroke: Link, the supercomputer from a future that should not, must not exist has used terror and gunpowder weapons to forge the Malwa Empire on the Indian subcontinent. Aide and Belisarius have led the armies of Byzantium and blunted the first assault of the Malwa hordes. Now he and his allies from all the world face overwhelming numbers in a ring that tightens about them. The armies of Good and Evil gathered on the fertile plains of Mesopotamia will decide the fate of the world—and the fate of all the future.

Belisarius III – The Flames of Sunset: Concluding the popular Belisarius saga, with two full-length novels in one volume:

5. The Tide of Victory: The creators of the monster called Link once were human, but that was distant ages in their past. Now, from the far future, they have sent their creation back to rule the Malwa Empire, then to conquer and shape the world of the sixth century A.D. into the form that will make their own foul existence possible. Those in the future who never were human have sent their own messenger to the past: Aide, a gleaming jewel who has come to Belisarius, the greatest general of the sixth century and perhaps any century. Between them they have forged an alliance of all the world against the evil fro the far future—and an army that can be the spear through evil’s heart.

6. The Dance of Time
: The Malwa and their evil have been driven back to their Indian heartland, but there they coil to strike again. Ruled by a monster from the future that is part computer and part demon, they prepare a fresh attack whose success will leave them rulers of the world—and the monster that guides the Malwa will rule the whole future. Guided by Aide, Belisarius has arrayed the forces of Mankind against the Malwa evil. There is no hope for Mankind if he fails—so he must not fail! The triumphant conclusion of the Belisarius saga.

Download Instructions:

Eric Flint – – 3.7 MB.

Download War Eternal Series by M.R. Forbes (.ePUB)

War Eternal Series by M.R. Forbes (Books 1-5, 7)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.75MB
Overview: M.R. Forbes is the author of a growing number of science-fiction series including Rebellion, War Eternal, Chaos of the Covenant, Stars End, and the Forgotten novels. Having spent his childhood trying to read every sci-fi novel he could find (and write his own too), play every sci-fi video game he could get his hands on, and see every sci-fi movie that made it into the theater, he has a true love of the genre across every medium. He works hard to bring that same energy to his own stories, with a continuing goal to entertain, delight, fascinate, and surprise.

He maintains a true appreciation for his readers and is always happy to hear from them.
Genre: Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy


Book 1: Starship Eternal
A lost starship…
A dire warning from futures past…
A desperate search for salvation…

Captain Mitchell “Ares” Williams is a Space Marine and the hero of the Battle for Liberty, whose Shot Heard ‘Round the Universe saved the planet from a nearly unstoppable war machine. He’s handsome, charismatic, and the perfect poster boy to help the military drive enlistment. Pulled from the war and thrown into the spotlight, he’s as efficient at charming the media and bedding beautiful celebrities as he was at shooting down enemy starfighters.

Book 2: The End of Liberty
The Goliath has been discovered, the first of its secrets revealed. Now the race is on for Captain Mitchell Williams and his crew to return to Liberty and recover Origin’s lost memories before the enemy can complete their violent conquest. It’s a mission with a near-zero chance of success. A mission that only the Riggers would be crazy enough to accept, and skilled enough to survive. A mission that will test the limits of Mitchell’s mind, body, and soul, and force him to make an impossible choice that could cost the lives of millions. This is war, and if he can’t win a battle for a single planet, how can he possibly change the outcome of a conflict that has raged beyond eternity?

Book 3: The Knife’s Edge
Colonel Mitchell “Ares” Williams has never been one to accept failure. While the outcome on Liberty is a crushing setback to his and the Rigger’s chances of salvaging the war, there’s no time to waste on regret. After all, the mission wasn’t a total loss, delivering an unexpected asset in the wake of their defeat: Liun Tio, a.k.a the Knife, a notorious warlord and enemy of the Alliance, whose deep-seated mistrust of artificial intelligence and control over what may be the largest free fleet in the galaxy have made him the most important man alive. If humanity is going to have a chance to survive the Tetron onslaught, Ares and the Knife will need to find a way to work together. But can the two learn to trust one another enough to bring the power of their joint forces to bear against a common enemy? Or will their fragile alliance crumble beneath the weight of personal motives and divergent goals?
As Mitchell and the Riggers will soon discover, the knife’s edge cuts both ways.

Book 4: Point of Origin
For Colonel Mitchell “Ares” Williams, there is no giving up. There is no going back. The Goliath may have fallen into enemy hands, but the war must go on. After all, he and the Riggers have what they need to locate the Creator, the man responsible for the alien threat and the key to unraveling their unstoppable attack. All they have to do is get to him before the Tetron do. It’s no easy task, but nothing about the war has ever been easy, and the Riggers still have a few tricks left up their sleeves.

Book 5: Forever Until Tomorrow
The war is over. The war has just begun. Major Katherine Asher of the newly founded United Earth Alliance knows nothing about the apocalyptic war of a past future. She’s scheduled to pilot the newly christened Dove, Earth’s first starship, in her maiden voyage. But when a terrorist attack leaves her wounded and hearing voices, she quickly finds herself caught up in the eternal struggle and fighting to stop a future that has no place for humankind.

At the same time, a man in St. Louis decides to leave the psychiatric hospital he’s called home for the last twenty years, since the fateful night an alien starship fell to Earth…

Book 7: The Edge of Infinity
A new beginning…
A final battle for the fate of humankind…
A future on the edge of infinity…
Colonel Mitchell “Ares” Williams has been through it all, the story of his life an eternity in the making. He’s brought the starship Goliath back home in a shrewd maneuver that could turn the tide of a war that he has fought beyond forever, restoring those that were lost and giving him a second chance to change the fate of humankind.
A chance to destroy the Tetron for good.
But as Mitchell soon discovers, the more things have stayed the same, the more they’ve changed, and he isn’t the only one who’s been waiting for this time to come…

Download Instructions:

M. R. Forbes – War – 3.3 MB.