Download Bite My Love by Penelope Fletcher (.ePUB)

Bite My Love by Penelope Fletcher (Dark Creature #2)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 233 KB
Overview: The Vampire dumped on Pack land is a handsome devil. Bringing him home to meet my Alpha is risky, but something tells me I’m going to need him around. Lycanthropes and Vampires don’t mix. So why do I insist on keeping him close to me? Why do I dream about him biting me?
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy Paranormal


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Download The Gods’ Executioner Series by A.L. Bridges (.ePUB)

The Gods’ Executioner Series by A.L. Bridges (#3-4)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 821 KB
Overview: A.L. Bridges was born and raised in Washington state, but currently resides in Arizona.
He started writing as a distraction from the chronic pain that he has been experiencing for three years. Despite the fact that writing doesn’t really help his pain, he continues to write with the hope that he may provide a distraction for those who may really need it, and entertainment to all the rest.
He is currently attending a university in Arizona and is writing whenever he finds the time.
Genre: Science Fiction

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Feros and the Underworld Prince (The Gods’ Executioner #3)
I’m Cole Treyfair. I suppose I have some apologies to make. Nothing has been the same since I came back and I just keep screwing things up. In the fifteen months I’ve been gone, Loki has disappeared and the war is over as far as everyone is concerned. Cheza has moved on with her life and is going to school, and while I still love her, do I have the right to drag her away from her normal life just because I’m back?
Only time will tell if it was worth coming back at all…
Despite Loki’s disappearance, someone is still causing trouble. Certain supernaturals have been getting upgrades that make them stronger and faster, putting them on par with minor gods. At The Agency’s request, Cole is helping with the investigations; investigations that involve the Underworld, South American vampires, jinn, a medley of different pantheons, supernatural schools, old friends, new enemies, and dozens of problems.
During his down time –in between being stabbed, beaten, shot, and stabbed again— Cole looks into how he was even able to come back at all, leading him to truths about his past that are better off forgotten.

Cole’s Haunting Melody (The Gods’ Executioner #4)
It’s been a week and I’ve gotten my revenge, but I can’t stop seeing her. Everywhere I go, I see her. In my dreams, I find her waiting for me. I can’t stop being reminded of my failure, and it’s tearing me apart. The only thing that’s keeping me together is Cheza, but if I tell her the secret I learned of her past, will she stay?
Life continues for Cole Treyfair as he works his way through conflicts with the Templars, as well as the Slavic, Shinto, and Greek/Roman pantheons. Cole can only try to hold on as life drags him through a wedding, dress shopping, a bachelor party, murder mysteries, frameups, and all of the hectic events in between.

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Download The Vidden by Kathleen S. Allen (.ePUB)

The Vidden by Kathleen S. Allen
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 183 KB
Overview: Devonny is Vidden, an elite genetically enhanced faction of the society. At the age of sixteen she is commissioned to enter into the Vidden Army to be trained to keep the peace. But, something is not right at Base. When one of the recruits dies of a high fever, and another disappears, Devonny begins to suspect that the Tagen–the government of the people are not protecting their citizens but plotting a way to get rid of those they deem, "not worthy."
Genre: Science Fiction


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Download The Royal Wizard by Alianne Donnelly (.ePUB)

The Royal Wizard by Alianne Donnelly (Dragonblood, #1)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 314 KB
Overview: The kingdom of Wilderheim stands bastion between the world of humans and the Otherlands. It is ruled as much by people as it is by creatures Other and as such, it must always have a wizard at the right hand of its king. Nico has seen three generations of rulers sit the throne; he knows he will not see the fourth. Desperate to find a worthy apprentice, when Nia appears like a godsend in his path he wastes no time taking her under his wing as his last sworn duty to the young king Saeran. But Nia and Saeran have many trials ahead of them. With destinies converging toward an inevitable battle for power, countless lives hang in the balance, including theirs. As love brings them together, so strife tears them apart and as the balance between justice and magic shifts, the royal wizard and her king get caught in a maelstrom of colliding forces. Nothing is ever as it seems with a trickster hiding in the shadows. When the gods begin to play, mortals tremble…
Genre: Science Fiction


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Download Earth Magic by Alexei and Cory Panshin (.ePUB)

Earth Magic by Alexei and Cory Panshin
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 783 KB
Overview: Neither swords-and-sorcery nor Tolkienesque romance, Earth Magic presents an archaic world in the tradition of the Northern European epic poems. Haldane, the young son of the Get warlord Black Morca, encounters a witch in the woods who unsettles his composure with prophecies of strange events and major changes. He returns home to find the first of the prophecies already come true—his father has been off raiding the more civilized countries to the West and has returned with a Western princess for Haldane to marry. Morca’s ambitions arouse mistrust and anger among the other Get lords, and soon Haldane finds himself fleeing for his life with only a wizard of uncertain skills as his companion. Their journey will take them through hidden realms, to a decisive moonlit battle on Stone Heath amid the great menhirs, a place charged with earth magic and bloody memory.
Genre: Science Fiction


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