Download Best American Science Fiction 2017 by Charles Yu (.ePUB)

The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 by Charles Yu, John Joseph Adams
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 533 KB
Overview: The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 is the third entry in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s most recent addition to their longstanding Best American series. The series editor, John Joseph Adams, selected 80 pieces of short fiction that appeared in North America last year, and celebrity guest editor Charles Yu winnowed that number down to 20.
Genre: Science Fiction


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Download Exigent Matters by Connor Mccoy (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

Exigent Matters: An EMP Survival Story (The Off Grid Survivor Book 2) by Connor Mccoy
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.0MB
Overview: The solar event left destruction in its wake, but nothing more destructive than what it did to awaken evil amongst men.

Marcellus Maggiano, restauranteur-turned-warlord is a prime example of just how distorted the new reality is. Luring able-bodied men with promises of food, drink, and power, the sycophant brings them under his command to do his bidding and prey upon innocent women for insidious purposes.

Conrad Drake’s ex-wife is among Marcellus’ many victims. With her current beau Tom by his side, they scout abandoned warehouses in hopes of rescuing the women, but their quest will not be easy. The man with an iron grip on society will not go down without a fight. Are they up to the task or will their daring mission to right an unimaginable wrong lead to their deaths?
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download Halfway Drowned by Terry Maggert (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

Halfway Drowned (Halfway Witchy Book 4) by Terry Maggert
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.2MB
Overview: Something is wrong with Carlie. A magical storm. An ancient shipwreck. A hidden evil. All three are tied together as Carlie must defend Wulfric against his past, which emerges after a raging storm tears across Halfway Lake. When government agents descend on Halfway to investigate the mysterious shipwreck, Carlie discovers that all is not as it seems. A thousand years old, the Viking ship holds bones. And secrets. Not everyone went down with the ship. There were survivors, but they might be less than human. They cross paths with Carlie in a showdown that will bring her own secrets to light, for saving Wulfric came with a cost. Now, it’s time for her to pay. Dive in with Carlie as she fights to save the one person she can’t lose. Herself.
Genre: Fiction; Fantasy


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Download Beyond the Pulse by Will Hawthorne (.AZW3)(.ePUB)

Beyond the Pulse: An EMP Survival Thriller by Will Hawthorne (The Solar Pulse #1)
Requirements: AZW3 or ePUB Reader, 544 Kb
Overview: The EMP strikes. Phones stop working. Cars halt in the streets. Planes begin to fall out of the sky. To the rest of the world, Sam Johnson is a regular man – mid-twenties, a steady job, living in an apartment in the city with his best friend and looking forward to a future with his girlfriend, Helen. When society collapses and order breaks down, Sam only has one goal – look after himself and those closest to him, and get them out of the city. But with 15 city blocks between him and Helen, and each one erupting in chaos and violence, that’s easier said than done. Sam must do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of his friends and to protect the innocent… Even if that means crossing the ultimate line. Beyond the Pulse is Book 1 of The Solar Pulse series, a fast-paced EMP thriller saga about the lengths people will go to in order to survive when the lights go out.
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic | Dystopian | EMP


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Download Wild Magic by C.M. Estopare (.ePUB)

Wild Magic by C.M. Estopare (The Island Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 271 KB
Overview: The Island takes what it wants.
Renata Black is a normal college student suffering severe study burnout. So a vacation to an exotic island with partying and boys sounds like the perfect place to unwind. That is, until she gets kidnapped by a secret cult who steals her memories.
A stray chance allows her to escape and she is drawn farther into the interior where she meets a native shamaness who makes an offer she dare not refuse. Retrieve a powerful artifact, get her memory back, and save the friends she can’t remember. Sounds simple enough.
Except the very jungle is against her, foul magic is in the air, and she’s being hunted. It will take everything Renata has to survive this perilous quest with her skin intact.
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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