Download Cashing Out by S M Reine (.ePUB)

Cashing Out by S M Reine (Dana McIntyre Must Die #3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 581KB | Retail
Overview: With the previous master vampire out of the way, and Dana McIntyre presumed dead, there’s nothing standing between Nissa Royal and her vision for Las Vegas: a city of vampires where humans serve as no more than cattle. Except that someone keeps killing the vampires who are sweeping the streets for victims. A mysterious killer that nobody can seem to find. Someone bent on stopping Nissa…

Police Chief Charmaine Villanueva is losing control of her city to the Office of Preternatural Affairs. She hopes to appease them with a preliminary cure for vampirism—her last shot at reassuring them that she can keep her citizens safe. Except someone has broken into Holy Nights Cathedral to steal the Garlic Shot, even though the church should be impossible to burgle. She can only think of one person with the ability to steal from the cathedral. But Dana McIntyre’s been dead for hours. Hasn’t she?

Torn between OPA control and vampire control, Las Vegas is a city on the brink of war missing its guardian angel. It’s a high stakes game with no limit. But the house isn’t letting any of its players cash out yet…not when the game is just getting hot.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download How I Became a Teenage Survivalist by Julie L. Casey (.MOBI)

How I Became a Teenage Survivalist by Julie L. Casey
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 285 KB
Overview: Bracken is a typical teenage boy, more interested in the angles of the girl’s exposed back teasing him from the seat ahead of him than in anything the geometry teacher could present. His life is filled with school, video games, and thoughts of girls, not necessarily in that order. Life just flows along uneventfully and unacknowledged, like the electricity that courses through the power lines — until PF (Power Failure) Day. On PF Day, the sun strikes Bracken’s world with an unseen surge of electromagnetic fury, which cripples power stations and burns transformers to crispy nuggets of regret. No one in Bracken’s world had ever thought about how much they depended on electrical power, but now, without it, they are plunged into survival mode. Bracken soon realizes how lucky he is to live on a farm in the Midwest. What seemed like a dull and backwards life before is now the greatest chance for survival in what seems like a powerless world. Food, water, and heat are readily available, although hard work is required to make use of them. Bracken and his family must learn to survive like their ancestors, who settled their land.
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy


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Download Life Reset series and Relict Legacy series by Shemer Kuznits (.ePUB)

Life Reset series (1-6) and Relict Legacy series (1) by Shemer Kuznits
Requirements: ePUB reader, 4.15MB
Overview: After being betrayed and cursed by an extremely rare spell, Oren, a powerful and influential player, finds himself as a 1st level Goblin!
Without even a fraction of his previous power, he vows to pull through and have revenge on those who betrayed him.
His thorough knowledge of the game’s world and his unique ability to immerse himself entirely are his only advantages.
But first, he must figure out how to survive long enough playing what is basically a low-level fodder monster!
Genre: Science Fiction

Life Reset: Human Resource (New Era Online Book 4) by [Shemer Kuznits, Dalton Lynne]ImageLife Reset: Hobnobbing (New Era Online Book 3)Life Reset: EvP (Environment vs. Player) (New Era Online #2)Life Reset: Salvation (Life Reset - Neo Book 6)Life Reset: Conquest (Life Reset - Neo Book 5) by [Shemer Kuznits]Earth Force (Relict Legacy Book 1)

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 25th January 2021. Thanks to Cynex)

Download The Alembic Valise by John Luxton (.ePUB)

The Alembic Valise by John Luxton (The Hammersmith Trilogy book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 365 KB
Overview: Fantasy writer Joel Barlow is jolted from his Thames-side idyll when a corpse is found on the rivers edge, close to his houseboat. This tragedy triggers a descent into a world of psychotic gamers and sinister cults, unfolding across the bleak cityscape of London’s streets and waterways.
Slowly his life begins to unravel – but he is not alone – those around him are struggling with legacies of thwarted redemption, karmic dissonance and plain old ‘bad stuff’ too. Only Lorna Z – the teenage daughter of the detective investigating him – seems able to make sense of events. Gradually Joel begins to see that it is possible to find help in unexpected places and so begins an alchemic journey back from the nightside.
Sometimes an idea can take flight and change the world. To distil and deliver that idea can take a lifetime, or a moment.
Genre: Sci-fi /Fantasy


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Download Evaline Transcendent by Timothy Bateson (.ePUB)

Evaline Transcendent by Timothy Bateson
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 188 KB
Overview: Evaline is the shipboard computer on the Miranda Two, a colony ship destined for the planet Karman-III-Delta. She is possibly Earth’s last hope of establishing a working off-world colony. However, her predecessor stopped reporting home, so now she and the colonists must establish what happened to the previous colony.
The Miranda Two has been traveling for twenty years, and now it’s time for Evaline to wake the crew and colonists in preparation or arrival at their destination. Can Evaline and the crew figure out what happened to the Miranda One expedition, and what price will they have to pay for the answers?
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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