Download Lioness of The Dust by KK Lautner (.ePUB)

Lioness of The Dust by KK Lautner (The Scarab Prophecies Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 172 KB
Overview: In a bleak, lawless world, magic can be used for good… or evil…
Suleizon always tries to do the right thing. But when the djinni’s North African city is ransacked by a warlord, his magic can only do so much. He saves only a small band of children, barely making it to a refugee camp beside a desert oasis. After he foils a mysterious kidnapping attempt, Suleizon realizes the camp’s leader may not be telling him the whole truth…
In a quest to save the other children from his city, the djinni must trust his new allies. To complete his mission, he’ll need to break into the very heart of the warlord’s stronghold. But saving the children and himself might take a lot more than magic…
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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Download Domesday by Kei Urahama (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Domesday by Kei Urahama
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 1.3 Mb
Overview: The Dome. It happens in an instant. Like a thunderclap it appears over the modern Japanese utopia. In one short moment the high-rise paradise is transformed into a gruesome hell. For those few who survive the initial onslaught of mysterious angels spawned by the Dome’s walls, life becomes a constant struggle in a purgatory with neither night nor day.
Yuji is a hikikomori, a school drop-out who finds himself with a handful of other misfit youths as his only companions. Ohizumi, a science fiction writer, retains an active mind that may protect him from the crippling nihilism of his peers but also compels him to take ever greater risks to unlock the mysteries of the strange, new world. Ishida, the under-achieving everyman, must rise to the challenges of this harsh reality or give up and die like so many others. Mazaki, once a con artist cashing in on Japan’s religion industry, now garners a large band of followers hungry for answers to the puzzle of their existence. Mazaki may provide them with easy answers, but the cost for these answers will be beyond what any of the survivors could ever imagine.
Genre: Horror


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Download Predator: If It Bleeds by Bryan Thomas Schmidt (ed)(.ePUB)

Predator: If It Bleeds by Bryan Thomas Schmidt (Editor)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 583 kb
Overview: Over the centuries, extraterrestrial hunters of the Yautja race—also known as the Predators—have encountered (and stalked) humans on Earth and in the depths of space. Offered here are sixteen all-new stories of such hunts, written by many of today’s most extraordinary authors:
Genre: Science Fiction



DEVIL DOGS by Tim Lebbon
REMATCH by Steve Perry
STORM BLOOD by Peter J. Wacks and David Boop
SKELD’S KEEP by S. D. Perry
BLOOD AND SAND by Mira Grant
TIN WARRIOR by John Shirley
THREE SPARKS by Larry Correia
THE PILOT by Andrew Mayne
BUFFALO JUMP by Wendy N. Wagner
DRUG WAR by Bryan Thomas Schmidt and Holly Roberds
RECON by Dayton Ward
GAMEWORLD by Jonathan Maberry

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Download As We Rise Saga by Donnielle Tyner (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

As We Rise Saga (1-2) by Donnielle Tyner
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1.3MB
Overview: Hello! I’m Donnielle Tyner, writer of Science Fiction for young and new adults, reader of just about anything that catches my interests – mainly books with science fiction, paranormal/ fantasy, and romantic themes, and lover of science, tabletop games, anime, comic books, and crude humor. I grew up in north Texas on a cattle ranch and although I have travelled extensively, I cannot seem to find myself living more than an hour away from where I was raised. Growing up, I was always the weird girl in school and luckily, I never lost my ability to always be the weirdest one in the room. You will always find me making inappropriate jokes and gigglesnorting at every double entendre.

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#1 – Rogue
It’s been 48 days since Jo Cygni’s father died, leaving her the CS Kismet and its crew of space-born misfits. Despite a lifetime of preparation, Jo never thought she would captain her own ship before her 21st birthday.

Broke and determined to prove she is worthy of command, Jo pushes aside her political concerns and accepts a commission from the Galactic Consulate.

The job? Launch a load of sealed crates into a nearby star.
The catch? Don’t open the containers.

#2 – Savage
After years of service on the Kismet, Sky’s anonymity is shattered the moment her new friend became the most wanted woman in the binary system and Sky decided it best to hide Rana on her home world.

But evil lurks in the shadows on the Savage Moons and Sky must encounter the horrors of her past to discover the fate of her people. With the help of a mysterious, yet familiar man, they uncover a treacherous conspiracy that has the potential for galactic repercussions.

When the past and present collide, Sky is forced to reevaluate everything, but one thing is for certain… Sky will do anything to protect those she loves.

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Download Drive Time by Matt Wilkinson (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Drive Time by Matt Wilkinson
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1.1MB
Overview: Three friends just invented a machine that can send messages back in time. Can they use the machine to rescue humanity from a bleak future?

Technological evolution is about to become supercharged.

Simon, Spencer, and Victor have rewritten the rules of physics. The human race is heading towards a dead-end future, and these three friends are the only ones willing to stand up and save humanity from itself. Using their Time Drive technology, they will reshape reality itself until it’s inhabitants are guarded against extinction.

Time manipulation is not an easy task; along the way, there will be mishaps and wrong turns, but the trio think they have time on their side. The problem is, time doesn’t take sides.
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


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