Download Defiance by Joel Shepherd (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Defiance (The Spiral Wars Book 4) by Joel Shepherd
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1.3MB
Overview: The UFS Phoenix is hunting for the long-lost drysine data-core. Within it lie the secrets to saving humanity from the resurgent deepynine machine-race. To recover it, Captain Erik Debogande must work together with the man who holds his sister hostage — the power-hungry parren leader Aristan. Aristan has sworn he will return Lisbeth Debogande once Phoenix grants him equal access to its prize. But now from the direction of hostile space comes word of a dark force hunting humans and parren alike, determined at all costs that the store of the lost Drysine Empire’s knowledge should be possessed by neither…
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download For a Good Time, Call Loki by Dawn Blair (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

For a Good Time, Call Loki by Dawn Blair (The Loki Adventures #3)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI Reader; Size: 1.3 MB (.zip file)
Overview: Aren’t gods supposed to be smarter than humans? Loki should have known better.
His new car isn’t perfect; it might even be part of some cosmic joke.
His son just showed up in town; can Loki hide the conditions of his parole from his own family?
Not to mention the secret he just learned about his personal assistant; how is something like that even possible?
Is he trying to win "Father of the Year"? No, he just wants a call. An ordinary call with a typical case so he can take his mind off his life. A god should be careful of what they wish for.
In other words, Loki is about to have a good time.
Genre: Fantasy > Mythology


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Download I, Zombie by Hugh Howey (.ePUB)

I, Zombie by Hugh Howey
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 782KB | Retail

This book contains foul language and fouler descriptions of life as a zombie. It will offend most anyone, so proceed with caution or not at all.

And be forewarned: This is not a zombie book. This is a different sort of tale. It is a story about the unfortunate, about those who did not get away. It is a human story at its rotten heart. It is the reason we can’t stop obsessing about these creatures, in whom we see all too much of ourselves.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download The Targon Tales series by Chris Reher (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Targon Tales series by Chris Reher (Books 3 & 4)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI Reader; Size: 1.3 MB (.zip file)
Overview: Chris Reher is a first generation Canadian currently and out of necessity residing on planet Earth (which, in the general and interplanetary scheme of things could REALLY use a catchier name, if you ask her.)
Her first full-length work of fiction, Flight To Exile, is a fantasy which takes place on a planet that doesn’t have a name at all and blurs the line between sci-fi and fantasy in ways that are probably illegal. Currently, there are five books in the series, with three more planned.
When not finding ways to torture her subjects or entice them with inter-species hanky-panky, Reher designs web sites or writes about designing web sites. She enjoys long walks on the beach or, given the local beach shortage, write about beaches far beyond Proxima Centauri.
Genre: Science Fiction


Book 3: Rebel Alliances
Captain Nova Whiteside receives new technology designed to change the dynamics of the Commonwealth wars. Enemy factions conspire and so Nova finds herself aboard a rebel ship where her value as hostage isn’t nearly as great as her value as a defector.
Also suspected of collaboration, her Delphian Vanguard partner Tychon sets out to track her down. He discovers a puzzling piece of Nova’s past when a motley alliance of strangers comes to his aid and their search leads him deep into rebel territory.
When the full consequences of the rebels’ ambitions become clear, far removed from the intervention of Air Command, Tychon and Nova are forced to consider the unthinkable.

Book 4: Delphi Promised
An immense asteroid field is on its way to deliver a torrent of pathogens into this galactic sector, guaranteeing the destruction of any civilization in its path. Cyann, astrobiologist and Human-Delphian hybrid, is eager to join the research expedition dispatched to investigate.
Before they leave, she is called upon by the secretive members of a Delphian sect who believe that the elusive Tughan Wai, a supernatural creature of their own making, plays a part in this calamity. Her own genes hold the key to finding the Tughan and so she and her teammates are sent on a separate, secret mission to the outer rim.
She is not prepared when they are stranded among an alien species whose motivations are enigmatic at best. It seems that nothing can be done to stop the lethal asteroid as it barrels into a densely populated region. The mighty Tughan is not their salvation and so Cyann is forced to draw upon the mental aptitudes of her father’s people and the intrepid resolve of the Humans to find her purpose in this fight for survival.

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Books 0.5 and 1: Sky Hunter and The Catalyst
Book 2: Only Human

Download Borrowed Magic by Stephanie Foxe (.ePUB)

Borrowed Magic by Stephanie Foxe (Witch’s Bite Series Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 171 KB
Overview: A witch with a troubled past and a dangerous secret…
And bills to pay.
Peddling legal potions isn’t enough, so Olivia Carter works for the vampires now. She heals the people they feed on and does her best to avoid any trouble. She has a new boyfriend, a place to live (pay no mind to the rats living under the porch), and a cauldron for every occasion. Building a life in a new town isn’t easy, but Olivia is doing alright.
When the police show up at her door trying to pin a murder on her employer, and then her, she’ll have to risk everything to save her only friend and her future.
All magic has a price. Are you willing to pay it?
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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