Download Tech-Nostrum by Derek Berg (.ePUB)

Tech-Nostrum by Derek Berg
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 328 kb
Overview: Bobby’s wife is dying.

Her name is Mary Ellen, and she has been tested and treated—and tested and treated. But now there are no more treatments, and she is out of time.

Desperate for a cure, Bobby and Mary Ellen give into the huckster’s charms and begrudgingly turns to the fraudulent and seedy industry of “natural” remedies.

With Bobby at her side, Mary Ellen endures loony swindles and showy massages. She watches the lights flash, and she smells the nice smells, and she listens to the hooey, but she knows she is wasting her time.

But then, as Mary Ellen’s death draws near, there is a flicker of hope when Bobby is approached by a strange doctor with a peculiar proposition.

The doctor claims he can upload a dying person’s mind into a durable and healthy robotic body. The doctor claims Mary Ellen can be saved.

Naturally, Bobby is overjoyed. He has found the cure!

But, there is a catch.

Firstly, the procedure requires total commitment on Mary Ellen’s part. That is, she must die a horrible death for it to work. That is, she must be mutilated and devoured by a series of spinning blades and interlocking teeth.

Secondly (as if we needed a secondly), when Bobby asks the doctor how the technology works, the doctor won’t, or maybe even can’t, explain it.

With her own personal Doomsday Clock about to strike midnight will Mary Ellen agree to be mutilated? Can she have faith in the unbelievable before it is too late?

Tech-Nostrum is playfully serious, dancing with darkness while repeatedly jabbing faith-based medicine in the nose.
Genre: Science Fiction > Genetic Engineering


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Download The Mother Earth Insurgency by J.G. Follansbee (.ePUB)

The Mother Earth Insurgency by J.G. Follansbee (Tales From A Warming Planet Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 252 kb
Overview: What if you learned a terrorist might destroy a structure 20 kilometers tall, murdering thousands of people inside? Nick Sorrows is an undercover agent with the Bureau of Environmental Security. He is ordered to discover the plans of Jon Janicks and The Mother Earth Insurgency, which is determined to stop the hijacking of clean energy by greedy corporations. After a riot in Seattle, and an attack on a wind power farm in California, Sorrows learns about the MEI’s most audacious plan yet. Will Agent Sorrows stop the terrorist Janicks from killing thousands?

Winner of an Honorable Mention in the 2017 Writers of the Future science fiction contest, the Mother Earth Insurgency: A Novelette is the first thrilling story in the series Tales From A Warming Planet, which is set in a near-future world ravaged by climate change.
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian


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Download Through The Triangle by J Allison (.ePUB)

Through The Triangle by J Allison
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 373 kb
Overview: What if everything you did, every decision you made, echoed in the opposite direction on a parallel world?

Waking on a beach confronted by three armed men, in a world where humans are near extinct, Abbie Peters is taken to a small village on the edge of a forest where the existence of electricity, vehicles and television are nothing more than historical stories.

Marooned, alone and ignorant of the dangers this new world poses, Abbie’s safety relies solely on Adam, the enigmatic and reluctant sheriff, together they realize the unbelievable truth of what has happened, a truth they hide from everyone.

In this parallel world, filled with danger and violence, the revelation that this time and her own are tied more closely than she could ever have imagined drives Abbie to make one of the most dangerous and difficult decisions of her life.
Genre: Science Fiction > Time Travel


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Download City of Smoke and Iron by Robert McKinney (.ePUB)

City of Smoke and Iron – Season One by Robert McKinney
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 208 kb
Overview: Welcome to The City. It’s hungry. And it’s waiting for you.

It sits on the bayou, sprawling with slums built over the last war’s trenches. The pregnant bloat of dirigibles float overhead, their rust eaten bellies filled with poison gas. Constables flash badges and take bribes on the corner, all while the company men carry on with the quiet business of murder.

Much like the lives of its residents, the stories inside City of Smoke and Iron – Season One are bloody and short. The thrills they provide fit in the palm of your hand, and are the perfect reads for cab rides, train stops and bitter cups of caffeine.
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy


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Download FLOOR 21: Judgement by Jason Luthor (.ePUB)

FLOOR 21: Judgement by Jason Luthor (The Tower Legacy Book 3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 382 kb
Overview: Humanity’s goal of escaping the Tower is within reach. Jackie and her friends are closer to finding what’s outside the Tower than anyone has been in years. However, their greatest obstacles remain before them. Separated from her friends and hallucinating in the Creep, Jackie will have to find the strength to persist against all odds. The greatest threat of all, though, is an ancient power that lies at the heart of the Tower’s mysteries. Although her friends search desperately for her, it falls to Jackie alone to unravel the history of the Tower. Yet with ground floor in sight, there is a warning being whispered in the darkness: Judge is coming.
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian


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