Download Change Agent by Daniel Suarez (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Change Agent by Daniel Suarez
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1.6MB | Retail
Overview: On a crowded train platform, Interpol agent Kenneth Durand feels the sting of a needle— and his transformation begins. . . .

In 2045 Kenneth Durand leads Interpol’s most effective team against genetic crime, hunting down black market labs that perform “vanity edits” on human embryos for a price. These illegal procedures augment embryos in ways that are rapidly accelerating human evolution—preying on human-trafficking victims to experiment and advance their technology.

With the worlds of genetic crime and human trafficking converging, Durand and his fellow Interpol agents discover that one figure looms behind it all: Marcus Demang Wyckes, leader of a powerful and sophisticated cartel known as the Huli jing.

But the Huli jing have identified Durand, too. After being forcibly dosed with a radical new change agent, Durand wakes from a coma weeks later to find he’s been genetically transformed into someone else—his most wanted suspect: Wyckes.

Now a fugitive, pursued through the genetic underworld by his former colleagues and the police, Durand is determined to restore his original DNA by locating the source of the mysterious—and highly valuable—change agent. But Durand hasn’t anticipated just how difficult locating his enemy will be. With the technology to genetically edit the living, Wyckes and his Huli jing could be anyone and everyone—and they have plans to undermine identity itself.
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download Trick or Troll by Martha Carr et al (.ePUB)+

Trick or Troll: The 2017 YTT Halloween Special by Martha Carr. Michael Anderle
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI or AZW3 Reader, 1.2MB
Overview: It’s Halloween and time to put some troll in our trick or treating!
YTT to his fans (and if you’re a fan, you know his full name…) Correk and Leira are called away on a case leaving Leira’s grandmother, Mara Berens in charge.

What could go wrong?

Learn more about the troll and have some fun with some of your favorite characters on another troll adventures. When magic returns…
Genre: Fantasy


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Download Hide and Seek by Jakayla Toney (.ePUB)

Hide and Seek by Jakayla Toney
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 21.5MB
Overview: When you enter the house, you follow the rules, you play the game…

“My name is Emily. I thought it was a regular abandoned house. I thought she was a regular girl. I thought we’d play a normal game of hide and seek. Turns out I was wrong. Dead wrong
Genre: Fiction, Horror


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Download Blood and Thunder by Angela Roquet (.ePUB)(.AZW)

Blood and Thunder by Angela Roquet (Blood Vice Book 2)
Requirements: ePUB / AZW Reader, 657KB | Retail
Overview: Being a vampire isn’t easy. Jenna Skye thought she could pull it off without giving up her old life, but the compromises are taking a toll—and not just on her. Jenna’s sister Laura is eager to return to her glamorous life in Hollywood, and Mandy, Jenna’s wolfy partner, is getting sick of playing her K9 sidekick to get around the police department’s red tape.

Jenna’s never been good with change, but with her human existence slipping further and further out of her reach, she has no choice but to accept FBI agent Roman Knight’s offer to join the supernatural police force ruled by House Lilith. Her first assignment? Help hunt down a serial killer targeting new vampires in St. Louis…like her. Playing bait isn’t exactly what Jenna had in mind, but it’s a rookie lump she’ll have to take if she wants to climb the ranks in Blood Vice—and if she wants to survive her new life as a vampire.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download The Mindruler by Steve Pillinger (.ePUB)

The Mindruler (The Mindrulers Book 1) by Steve Pillinger
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.7MB
Overview: A student, a lecturer, a web designer, a retired teacher: four unlikely strangers suddenly find themselves in an unknown country on an unknown world, their ears assaulted by the clash of swords on armour and the whizz of arrows. Caught up in a mediaeval battle, Steve, Gil, Lannie and Denise are rescued by the losing side and hustled to the dubious safety of a basement in a burnt-out castle.

Here they learn that their hosts—people not unlike themselves—are the only survivors of a rebellion against the vicious regime of Mindruler Shambor dom Beldet and his country-wide network of Mindbenders. These brutal overlords have mastered telepathy to the point where they can invade people’s thoughts and control their lives. Their eyes and ears are everywhere.

But in the last free community in the castle basement, the new arrivals are hailed as the long-awaited “Restorers of the Way”—the “strangers and loners” of prophecy, who will overthrow Shambor and bring peace and freedom to the tormented land of Dûrion. The foreigners find this idea ludicrous. How can they, four ordinary people, pose as revolutionaries in a country they don’t even know?

Captured, enslaved, barely escaping, betrayed by one of their own, they are pursued across the country from one precarious refuge to the next by a tyrant bent on their destruction. En route they find friends and helpers in unexpected places, along with other powerful resources—resources the tyrant cannot control.

Even so, how can they succeed against his all-pervasive network of mentally-controlled slaves? Can the God they call upon overcome even the Mindruler’s unimaginable powers? Are they truly the long-awaited Restorers, who will end his tyranny and set the suffering people of Dûrion free?
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


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