Download The Dragon Sword Histories series by Duncan Lay (.ePUB)

The Dragon Sword Histories series by Duncan Lay (Books #2-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.01 mb
Overview: Duncan Lay is a layout designer and headline writer at the Sunday Telegraph (Australia). He has always worked in journalism and has worked for a number of different newspapers and media outlets. He lives on the Central Coast of NSW with his wife and two young children.
Genre: Fantasy


The Risen Queen (The Dragon Sword Histories #2)
Wonderful action adventure … the second book in a terrific new series … Martil and his Rallorans are trying to gain control of the north for Queen Merren but winning the hearts of the people is proving impossible when the bards have painted them as murderous barbarians. King Gello the usurper is planning to lead a massive army to crush the budding rebellion but, even if a way can be found to defeat him, the Fearpriests stand ready to come to his aid … Karia is trying to persuade Martil that she has all the answers, while Merren is considering desperate solutions to the problems facing her and Norstalos. Perhaps the vilified and despised primitive race of men to the north, that the Norstalines call ‘goblins’, might be the answer. But on Dragonara Isle, the dragons have their own plans for Martil and particularly for the Dragon Sword …

The Radiant Child (The Dragon Sword Histories #3)
A terrific action adventure … a fallen war hero and a little girl searching for peace and family, find far more than they needed … or wanted …
Norstalos stands on the brink of destruction. But the three invading armies are probably the least of Queen Merren’s problems. Her people despise their would-be saviours, the army of goblins she has won to her side, while the dragons want Martil and the fabled Dragon Sword for themselves. Now Merren must make the most painful choice of her life … marry Count Sendric for the good of the Royal House or the man who loves her, the troubled Champion, Martil.

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Download Transient: The Cryptograph by K.M. Hill (.ePUB)

Transient: The Cryptograph by K.M. Hill
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 336 kB
Overview: If you could find out the day you’ll die – would you?
Getting her expiry date doesn’t sound like much of a birthday present to Rae. But it’s been that way for everyone since the Cryptograph – a complex biological algorithm – was introduced.
Now, the government can determine with precise accuracy the death date of every human being on the planet.
Everyone is tested at sixteen, but Rae decides to opt out while she still can. Death is inevitable and despite what the system thinks, how or when shouldn’t matter.
But when Rae’s intentions to avoid the test are impeded, life as she knows it will never be the same again …
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian


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Download Control Freakz by Michael Evans (.ePUB)

Control Freakz by Michael Evans
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 381 kB
Overview: Alone. Abandoned. Threatened. Natalie has lost all hope for a better future. Everything she’s known and everyone she’s ever loved is gone, and it’s up to her to get her old life back. In Michael Evans’s first novel, Control Freakz, Natalie’s journey toward a better life begins.
When Protocol 00 is enacted, Natalie’s family is taken by the government, along with the families of her two best friends, Ethan and Hunter. With nothing to lose, and the threat of government hitmen kidnapping them at any moment, the three must battle to survive in a horrid, post-apocalyptic world run by President Ash and his invasive government. They want answers. And they’re willing to jeopardize everything in desperate pursuit.
Risking ruthless leaders, attempted mind control, and her very existence on the planet, Natalie, along with Hunter and Ethan, will stop at nothing in their quest to regain everything they’ve ever known. Her spirits crushed and her will to live destroyed, Natalie knows everything is dead and gone, and soon she will be, too.
Memories connect us to the past, and can often cause us to long for a better future, but they can drive our minds into a state of hell if a better future is unattainable. Nevertheless, Natalie’s hope for a better a future remains.
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian


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Download LifeGames Corporation by Michael Smorenburg (.ePUB)

LifeGames Corporation by Michael Smorenburg
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 452 kB
Overview: Da Vinci Code—meets Paranormal Activity—meets The Matrix.
Ad-agency boss Catherine Kaplan is a danger junkie. Bold and brave, she’s cornered the juiciest prize in the global arena, a LifeGames Corporation contract. But now it’s time to pay the price—a dare to cross the forbidden line. There’s a deal sweetener of course—give a little… and enjoy some intriguing secrets.
The first… Artificial Intelligence runs the LifeGames operation. Key to the success is an automated hypnosis sequence that suppresses each subject’s mind, convincing them that the immersive Virtual Reality crisis they’re about to experience is reality. The training technique has been fabulously profitable, allowing company founder Kenneth Torrington to indulge his every perverse fantasy.
Governments, militaries and business are so reliant on LifeGames that it is said to control mankind’s future. Yet, nobody has realized—a door has opened and a character of unfathomable capacity and unknown motives is looking back, pondering the next move.
Genre: Science Fiction


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Download Into Light by T. D. Shields (.ePUB)

Into Light by T. D. Shields (Shadow and Light Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 360 kb
Overview: She never expected to lead a rebellion.

When a terrorist plot that will kill innocent people is uncovered, Poppy decides the time has come to return to the nation’s capital. There she knows she will face her father’s murderer once again, Cruz Rodriguez. But when she meets old friends who are ready to overthrow the tyrannical leader, Poppy knows she must stay and help the cause.

Little does she know a traitor is amongst the conspirators. With friends soon dead and plans falling apart, Poppy must lead the resistance in a daring attempt to restore freedom to the Alliance. The old Poppy could never have done what was now necessary. But that girl no longer exists.

It all comes to a head when Poppy comes face to face with her would-be executioner. Cruz has always been one step ahead of her. Can Poppy turn the tables on him to free her nation?
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian


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