Download Concurrence by KM Fortune (.ePUB)

Concurrence by KM Fortune (Forever Winter #8)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 282 KB
Overview: While Raven continues to find a way to keep The Duke at bay, her friends must prove their worth. Meanwhile, Willow uses force to find a way to save the little girl being held by The Creator.
Genre: Science Fiction > Post-Apocalyptic


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Download The Poison Eater by Shanna Germain (.ePUB)(.AZW3)(.MOBI)

The Poison Eater by Shanna Germain (Numenera, #1)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI or AZW3 Reader, 1.6MB
Overview: The exciting launch title for the anticipated Numenera fiction line, for all fans of inventive fantasy.

Ex-martyr turned city defender has to choose between herself and her duty when her past comes back with a vengeance.
Genre: Fantasy


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Download Squint: And 10 Surprising Stories by Jack Kardiac (.MOBI)

Squint: And 10 More Surprising Short Stories by Jack Kardiac
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 2.6 MB
Overview: For fans of The Twilight Zone and Ted Dekker!
Using a deft mix of humor, horror and humanity, the 11 original stories in Squint feature some of the standard Jack Kardiac themes fans have come to love: creatures, super-powered people and swift justice for all! Whether you’re a fan of peculiar children, gifted teens or stranger things, Squint is guaranteed to give you some surprises you won’t soon forget! (Complete with original covers, illustrations and author’s notes for each story.)
Genre: Fiction › Horror › Short Stories


In Squint: And 10 More Surprising Short Stories, you’ll experience:

…a con-man who receives a life-changing message from God.
…an angry teen shooter who makes a fatal mistake.
…a carjacking victim who comes up with a permanent solution.
…a guy who discovers it’s never a good idea to steal a girl’s Taco Bell.
…a soldier waking up to confusion and terror in a strange land.
…a little girl defending her family the only way she can.
…one tribe’s sizable savior that soon becomes an even bigger problem.
…a mugging gone horribly wrong (Hint: it pays to know the right people).
…an angry father, a heartbroken daughter and an unexpected gift.
…a rich and powerful businessman who finally finds his place in the world.
…the end of civilization (slightly more fun with a friend).

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Download The Secret Book of Sacred Things by Torsten Krol (.ePUB)

The Secret Book of Sacred Things by Torsten Krol
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.8 MB
Overview: A fantastic journey into a postapocalyptic world, seen through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl, told by a master storyteller. For fans of China Mieville and the sci-fi of Margaret Atwood and Doris Lessing.

The coming of the Great Stone destroyed almost everything that used to be. But high in one remote valley, the Church of Selene has found its way back from ruin. Sister Luka and her female converts offer sacrifices to the scarred (and very close) moon that hangs over their convent. It has been this way since the Stone hit. Among the Little Sisters of Selene is 12-year-old Aurora, respected Scribe of the church. She endlessly writes down the name of the moon to keep her in the sky where she belongs. But Aurora has a secret book she keeps hidden in her Scribe’s chamber and into this diary she pours out her hopes and desires. Upsetting this fragile equilibrium is Willa, a young tomboy whose flamboyant arrival threatens the hard-won status quo of the sisters’ community. As Aurora and Willa inch toward friendship, insurrection grows. But when an unexpected marvel occurs in the sky, it is clear that Aurora’s work as the Scribe has failed. The moon is threatening to remake the world all over again. This is the Secret Book of Sacred Things, this is Aurora’s story.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Coming of Age


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Download Love of Shadows by Zoe Brooks (.ePUB)

Love of Shadows by Zoe Brooks (Healer’s Shadow Magical Realism #2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 271 kb
Overview: I always felt most alive, when I was healing. Without healing I was a tin top spinning out of kilter soon to catch the ground. It took all my energy to hold myself from skidding into chaos.

But in the city of Pharsis traditional women healers are banned from practising and the penalty for breaking the law is death by hanging. After being arrested and interrogated twice, Judith is careful to avoid suspicion, but then scarlet fever breaks over the city like a poisonous wave, leaving in its wake the small corpses of children. What will the young healer do?

In this study in grief, love and defiance we follow Judith as she searches for ingredients to make perfumes and medicines, for her place in a man’s world, and for the love and respect she needs and deserves.

Love of Shadows is the second novel in The Healer’s Shadow Magical Realism Series, which began with Girl in the Glass, and follows the lives of Judith and her Shadow, Sarah. The trilogy concludes with The Company of Shadows.
Genre: Science Fiction


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