Download Beauty and the Beast by Maria Tatar (.ePUB)

Beauty and the Beast: Classic Tales About Animal Brides and Grooms from Around the World by Maria Tatar
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 706KB | Retail
Overview: The "tale as old as time," in versions from across the centuries and around the world—published to coincide with Disney’s live-action 3D musical film starring Emma Watson, Ian McKellen, Ewan McGregor, Audra McDonald, Kevin Kline, Stanley Tucci, and Emma Thompson

Nearly every culture tells the story of Beauty and the Beast in one fashion or another. From Cupid and Psyche to India’s Snake Bride to South Africa’s "Story of Five Heads," the partnering of beasts and beauties, of humans and animals in all their variety—cats, dogs, frogs, goats, lizards, bears, tortoises, monkeys, cranes, warthogs—has beguiled us for thousands of years, mapping the cultural contradictions that riddle every romantic relationship.

In this fascinating volume, preeminent fairy tale scholar Maria Tatar brings together tales from ancient times to the present and from a wide variety of cultures, highlighting the continuities and the range of themes in a fairy tale that has been used both to keep young women in their place and to encourage them to rebel, and that has entertained adults and children alike. With fresh commentary, she shows us what animals and monsters, both male and female, tell us about ourselves, and about the transformative power of empathy.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download Amy’s Wishes by Chantal Pretorius (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Amy’s Wishes by Chantal Pretorius
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 358 Kb
Overview: It is a nice, sunny day with blue skies, no clouds visible, only the masterpiece of perfection. Henri could look at heaven for hours on end, but home sweet home is always a man’s best friend after hard days work.
And finally, it is the weekend, although he is alone, miserable. The house is his comfort zone – he stops the vehicle in the garage, turns off enjoin, walks up to the inside door when his dark eyes widen in fear.
Genre: Horror


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Download Motel Black by Sean M. Hogan (.ePUB)

Motel Black by Sean M. Hogan
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.6 Mb
Overview: Alex Greenhorn has just finished his first job—a hit on a local mobster. His first deadly sin. He’s blackened his soul for a modest five grand. A high price for such a meager return. The only way to break even is to raise the stakes. Desperate men do desperate things. And a desperate Alex is about to discover that when you bet your life on a gamble with the devil the odds are never in your favor.
Genre: Horror


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Download Elite: The Dark Wheel by Robert Holdstock (.ePUB)+

Elite: The Dark Wheel (Elite: Dangerous #1) by Robert Holdstock
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 610 kb
Overview: The Dark Wheel is the original Elite novella which was first published as part of the Acornsoft Elite package in 1984. Written by well-known fantasy author Robert Holdstock it describes the quest of Alex Ryder, a newly-qualified pilot, to exact revenge for his father’s death at the hands of a paid assassin. Along the way he is assisted by the enigmatic Rafe Zetter who links him up with a fugitive pilot who also wishes to eliminate the killer of Alex’s father, but for her own reasons.
All in all, a good story which, though spoiled by a few irritating character traits and a number of typographical errors, sets up the Elite universe in a cohesive manner. It also covers the combat and trading sides of Elite and the general nature of trading between different systems, buying what’s cheap on one world and selling it wherever the demand is sufficient to keep the price high.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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Download Shaka II by Mike Resnick (.ePUB)(.MOBI)(.AZW)

Shaka II by Mike Resnick
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 790 kb
Overview: Some empires never die, but are reborn eternally… In the early nineteenth century, the famous and infamous Shaka carved a mighty Zulu kingdom out of the patchwork of tribes in Southern Africa. Before his death, he organised vast armies of warriors whose assegais brought terror to an entire subcontinent, and expanded his patrimony from a tiny principality to a broad and fertile domain. Then he was cut down, and his empire, under inferior leadership, eventually fell to the Boers and the British. But for how long? A few hundred years from now, the Zulus of South Africa are quiescent, but parents gaze at each newborn son wondering: will this be the One to revive our fortunes? Then, ulfilling the implicit prophecy, Robert ole Buthelezi appears from nowhere, and in a bewilderingly short time restores Shaka’s name and dominion. He rises from obscurity to President, then warlord, and finally emperor: Shaka, or Tchaka, the Second. His weapons are not his predecessor’s spears and shields, however; he has at his disposal first assassins with guns, then biological warfare agents, and finally a great fleet of spaceships. Defying the rest of humankind, he goes empire-building among the stars; and as Earth looks elsewhere, battling ferocious alien foes, who can stand in the way of this new Genghis Khan?
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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