Download Hell and Back by Dirk Greyson (.ePUB)

Hell and Back by Dirk Greyson
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 616 KB
Overview: Seventeen years ago, Forge Reynolds fell in love… and had his heart broken. When Staff Sergeant Gage Livingston was brought into Forge’s Army field hospital, temporarily paralyzed, Forge sat with him, read his letters, answered his mail, and formed a connection he thought would last. But Gage was sent home, Forge transferred to a new post, and his letters to Gage went unanswered.

Now in the middle of a bitter divorce, Forge is sick and tired of his husband’s manipulation. He’s almost ready to make any sacrifice to get closure—then he finds Granger murdered execution-style in their home. Forge had no idea about Granger’s illicit activities, but the killers don’t believe that. They think Forge has something they want, and they’re coming after him.

When Forge’s lawyer arranges for professional protection, the last face Forge expects to see is Gage’s. Can he even contemplate a second chance for them after almost two decades, or will hope only lead to more heartache? Before they can explore the possibilities, they must figure out what information Granger had—that others are willing to kill for—or that possible heartache could become a certainty.
Genre: Romance MM


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Download The Throne by Samantha Whiskey (.ePUB)

The Throne by Samantha Whiskey
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 275 KB
Overview: You know what you can have when you’re a Prince?
Anything you want—anyone you want.
Except her.

Charlotte Carlisle is the only woman I’ve ever loved and never touched—because lusting after your brother’s future queen is frowned upon. It never mattered that their betrothal was a political move made by our parents, that they didn’t love each other—she was completely off limits to everything but my constant fantasies. And I’ve spent the last decade pushing her away, desperate to save my sanity.

Now that my brother abdicated the throne for his true love and left me holding the crown, the one woman I’ve always wanted is the same person enlisted to help me choose my future Queen.
Thirty-six gorgeous debutantes are vying for the position, but Charlotte’s it. The only woman I’ll accept, and the only woman who refuses the offer. Constantly.

I’ve got four weeks to marry to solidify my claim to the throne, or my country will descend into chaos. The anti-monarchists are waiting for me to slip, and with over a thousand years of Wyndham tradition running through my veins, I can’t afford to fail.

But to win Charlotte, I’ve got to give her the one thing she’s never had: A choice.

And her decision could burn us all.
Genre: Romance


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Download Blood Choice by L.E. Wilson (.ePUB)

Blood Choice by L.E. Wilson (Deathless Night Series Book 6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 359 KB
Overview: A vampire cursed to be untouchable.

Happy to be back in Seattle, Shea Bennet wants nothing more than to forget about the enigmatic warlock who saved her from a fate worse than death. But his topaz eyes haunt her, and his wicked scent makes her crave something she will never be able to have, something more than his blood — his touch. Though she feels his presence everywhere she goes, she is taken off guard when he suddenly appears as she is hunting, and Shea finds the tables have turned, and it is she who is the prey.

A warlock determined to break the curse.

Ever since he let her leave, Jesse Moss finds he is the one possessed — with the memory of a vampire he felt compelled to protect for reasons he can’t explain. He lies awake night after night wrapped in her scent, her whiskey voice invading his dreams, and for the first time in is solitary life, he feels alone in the dark. The only light in his world is a vampire who wants nothing but to be far away from him. Concerned for her safety, he tracks her to her home and offers her a deal, if she will only agree to spend some time with him. A deal he has no intention of keeping.

Her past won’t let her have him.
Her future insists she must.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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Download Where A Goddess Belongs by Stephanie Julian (.ePUB)

Where A Goddess Belongs by Stephanie Julian (Forgotten Goddesses Book 4)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 161 KB
Overview: No escape, no fun, no sex… What’s a forgotten goddess to do?

It’s been three months since Kari, an Etruscan Goddess, was kidnapped and her two hot captors have yet to lay a hand on her. She hasn’t been playing hard to get. In fact, she’s made it clear she’d be more than happy to pass the time more…pleasurably. Yes, Den and Jacoby may work for the Malandante, but they’re not evil. They’re yummy.

Den would gladly give Kari everything and anything she wants. He wants to take her up on the offer in her teasing smile, but he needs something in return. His mother is dying and he needs Kari to help him get her to help…to the wolf shifters who would shoot Den and Jacoby on sight.

Jacoby also needs Kari’s help to get his sister Emelia away from his father. Emelia has been identified as a new goddess, Kari’s replacement, as a matter of fact. Jacoby will do whatever it takes to make sure his father can’t corrupt Emelia. If that means defecting to the shifters, no problem. Especially if that also means he can continue to see Kari.

But even the best-laid plans can go wrong…and when Kari, Jacoby and Den need to rescue Emelia, none of them expect the fight to cost more than they’re willing to pay.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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Download Chaos by Chelle C. Craze (.ePUB)

Chaos by Chelle C. Craze (Blackwell Bayou Series Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 237 KB
Overview: Drex and I weren’t two of a kind. We more closely resembled the rare one-eyed Jack’s or suicide kings of the deck. The wild cards people often overlooked, tucking them into the pile, without ever giving them a second glance. Never knowing how truly special they could be, if paired correctly.

Honestly, we were simply two lonely souls, trying to find direction.
When I thought my story had reached its finale, his had merely began. I’d fought for so long to barely survive that I had entirely forgotten what it meant to live. Drex was my reminder.

Somethings happened without reason and some reasons never made sense. This was how it was between the two of us. I never knew from one second to the next what to expect. Except the unexpected, that was. I learned to accept what I couldn’t change and to grow with what I could.

There were more than enough reasons why we shouldn’t be together, but certain things in this world were unstoppable. Natural disasters. Death. Drex and me. Apart, each were abrupt and life changing, but when they intertwined, only one outcome was foreseeable. Beautiful chaos.
Genre: Romance


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