Download Christmas at Mistletoe Cove by Holly Martin (.ePUB)+

Christmas at Mistletoe Cove by Holly Martin (Hope Island #3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI Reader, AZW Reader, 1 MB
Overview: Growing up on Hope Island, Eden Lancaster always believed that if you wished hard enough for something, dreams really could come true. But Eden’s greatest wish is also her biggest secret: she has been completely in love with her childhood friend, the charming and attractive Dougie Harrison, for as long as she can remember. And he has no idea.

When Dougie leaves his successful life in New York to return home to Hope Island for good, Eden can’t escape her feelings. Her heart is full of hope that her romantic dreams are finally, at long last, going to come true…

This Christmas could change everything. But can a lifelong friendship really turn into the perfect romance? And will Eden get the happily ever after she’s always wished for?
Genre: Fiction > Romance, Chick Lit


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Download A Perilous Passion by Elizabeth Keysian (.ePUB)

A Perilous Passion by Elizabeth Keysian (Wanton in Wessex #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 700KB (retail)
Overview: Miss Charlotte Allston is unwittingly ensnared in a sinister web of traitors and spies when she is literally swept off her feet by a handsome stranger on the beach. Fiercely determined to redeem his honor after a humiliating military defeat, the Earl of Beckport is living incognito, hunting a band of smugglers at the center of a French plot to invade England.

The enigmatic Miss Allston instantly becomes a person of interest to the earl…and not just in the smuggling case. Passion flares swift and hot between the two. But when her attempts to help with his secret mission only endanger it, he must question where her loyalty truly lies.

Stunned by the sudden revelation that the woman he is falling for is the daughter of a notorious smuggler, Beckport feels duty-bound to report her. But then Charlotte is captured by the very traitor he’s after, forcing the earl to decide between redemption…and love.
Genre: Historical Romance


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Download Nowhere Girl by Fiona Keane (.ePUB)

Nowhere Girl by Fiona Keane (Foundlings Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 262 KB
Overview: Sophia…
They thought sending me to this supposed tropical paradise would keep me safe. But there’s no place safe for me now. Not when the memories won’t leave me alone.I didn’t know what the universe had in store for me, but I definitely didn’t expect Jameson Burke. People think he has more secrets than I do, but he showed me his true self—his smile, his thoughtfulness, his love.I can’t afford to fall so far, so deep. Not after what happened. I should run, but somehow my heart keeps coming back to him…
I had my own reasons to run. Little did I know the most important piece of my story started and ended with the quiet girl sitting next to me in seventh period.Sophia Reid’s shy smile brought my soul out of hiding. Through her, I learned what starting over really means.But if I give in to this love, I’ll put us both in danger. For a short time, I was whole again, but what they say is right. The old me is dead, and the new one will never know love again.
Genre: Romance


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Download If Love was Fair by Savannah Stewart (.ePUB)

If Love was Fair by Savannah Stewart
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 236 KB
Overview: Life wasn’t fair…and I’d learned that on far too many occasions.Arbor Kenton had one goal, to flee the toxicity of her hometown. She’d thrown a dart at a map and decided wherever it landed she would move without hesitation. One night was all she had left before she’d hit the road and never look back. But little did she know just how life altering that night would be. I know I can’t ask you to stay, and you wouldn’t ask me to leave.Colin Banks was an aspiring musician traveling from town to town looking for his big break.One night in a new town would end up shaking the once firm foundation of his dreams. What he didn’t foresee is what that night would end up meaning to him.If love was fair, so much would be different.
Genre: Romance


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Download Cowboy Mistletoe by Em Petrova (.ePUB)

Cowboy Mistletoe by Em Petrova (Dalton Boys Book 6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 221 KB
Overview: When your boyfriend hands you the gift addressed to his other girlfriend…
Well, that’s a doozy of a Christmas downer. Rather than cry or pout, Annabelle’s determined to make a new tradition and what better place than Paradise Valley, Texas on a ranch, where a large family and a happily married college girlfriend are ready to brighten her spirits.
Case Dalton’s been living and working on his uncle’s ranch alongside his cousins for two years now. In the typical holiday spirit, chaos breaks out and he’s designated chief hospitality officer, seeing to a curvy gal who has all the right moves, if only she’d get into the holiday spirit… or him.
When Case lays on some of that down-home Christmas charm, Annabelle can’t help but be smitten by how sweet and attentive he is. Horse-drawn wagon rides, hot cocoa in front of a roaring fire, and her favorite holiday movies go a long way toward creating that new tradition she so craves. But when too much rum hits her eggnog, she finds herself standing beneath the mistletoe with Case poised to do the honors. What she never expects is learning a brand new meaning of holiday cheer.
Genre: Romance


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