Download Hot Lava by Rob Rosen (.ePUB)

Hot Lava by Rob Rosen
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 238 kB
Overview: Multiple double-crosses and scams are afoot involving two scheming pimps, several rogue cops, dangerous Japanese businessmen (one with a rather large butt-plug up his, well, butt), a cross-dressing lawyer, Mormon bad guys, and incarcerated drug dealers, all under the watchful surveillance of our heroes, Chase and Brandon, not to mention their drag alter-egos, Liza and Judy.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Mystery MM


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Download Money Chaser by Linda Verji (.ePUB)+

Money Chaser by Linda Verji
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.1MB
Overview: Men call her a gold-digger. Women call her a ho.

Tegan Baptiste calls herself a survivor, doing what she needs to do to pay her bills.

But all that glitters is not gold, and there is no such thing as a free lunch. Every day she has to pay the price for choosing money over morals. Pretense, obsession, judgment and even violence shadow her like an evil monster.

However, worst in her list of problems is the dangerous passion brewing between her and Maxwell Ward, the one man she should stay away from.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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Download Darkness Lies Waiting by Mercer Scott (.ePUB)

Darkness Lies Waiting by Mercer Scott (Raven Island #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 525 kB
Overview: What do you do when the man who betrayed you is already dead? If you’re ruthless gang leader, Jacob Cole, you find a distraction from your rage… like the sexy, single mother who just moved to town.

Fueled by fury, Jacob only has himself to blame for the death of his lieutenant. He trusted the wrong man. With nowhere to focus his rage, Jacob grows restless – and when Jacob Cole is restless cities burn. As soon as Jacob sees Laurel Wells, he knows she’s the perfect distraction from his need for revenge. But Laurel becomes more than just a distraction, and Jacob is never going to let her go…
Can one monster be your salvation from another?

Single mother, Laurel Wells, ran away from her abusive husband to the last place anyone would look for her – the idyllic Raven Island.

Laurel’s quiet life becomes complicated when the Pacific Northwest’s most notorious gangster decides that he wants her for himself. Jacob Cole is exactly the kind of trouble Laurel needs to avoid, but she can’t deny her attraction to the beautiful, tattooed gangster.

It’s only a matter of time until Laurel’s past catches up with her, and she has to leave Raven Island. But this time will she be running from Jacob Cole, too?
Genre: Fiction > Romance Suspence


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Download The Bite Series by Helen Allan (.ePUB)

The Bite Series by Helen Allan (Books #1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 468 kB
Overview: I write fantasy romance/paranormal romance and science fiction romance for adults – I like strong, humorous female protagonists, hunky slow-burn love interests, swear-bears, interesting twists, and a happy ever after.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


Don’t Bite the Billionaire (#1)
I need his money, I crave his blood, I desire his body.
And all that shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll work with this arrogant, beautiful bastard, get what I want and take it all.
I will, I can.
I just have to remind myself over and over, ‘don’t bite the billionaire, don’t bite the billionaire’ and while I’m reminding myself this, I’ll also send a memo to my long-cold, dead heart to stop stirring to life at the very sight of him.

Don’t Bite the Builder (#2)
He is arrogant, low class and rude – and I want him more than any man I have ever met.
It’s not just his body I want – it’s his blood.
And I can’t have that.
I need to work with him, resist his intense eyes, his bulging muscles, his mouth-watering smell – resist it all.
I just have to remind myself over and over, ‘don’t bite the builder, don’t bite the builder’ and I need to stop waiting, long-dead-heart in mouth, for his footsteps on the porch.

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Download The Boss’s Lady by Victoria Harrold (.ePUB)

The Boss’s Lady by Victoria Harrold (Mendoza Cartel #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 193 kB
Overview: A cartel boss, an innocent and a psychopath = A story to break your heart. The pieces might not fit back together in the same way, but they will fit.
Micha Mendoza is head of the Mendoza Cartel. Due to old family loyalties, he agrees to marry the daughter of his father’s friend. She is on the run from a man even Micha avoids, and marriage seems like the answer. Until she is taken anyway.
Annalise Rodriguez is the owner of a popular bar in Mexico City. A lady in every sense of the word and one that many desire. Unfortunately for her, Nicolas Santini has decided she will be his. But, when she refuses, Nicolas Santini’s true colours are revealed. Leaving Anna, no choice but to run for her life.
Will Micha find her in time? Will Anna be able to overcome her nightmares and survive? Or will Nicolas Santini destroy them both?
Genre: Romance


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