Download The Visitor 1862 by Barbara Svetlick (.MOBI)

The Visitor 1862 by Barbara Svetlick (The Life of Mirisa Eppes)
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 434 KB
Overview: Mirisa Eppes was born in 1846, the only daughter of a wealthy Virginia family. When the war broke out in the South, she was on the verge of coming out in society as a beautiful obedient daughter with dreams of marriage and children. However, destiny had been waiting a long time for her and once she stepped through the doors of the haunted Natchez plantation her life would never be ordinary or peaceful. 1862 takes you through her journey into the past with Conrad who is trying to lift a curse placed on his family as she opens up to feelings of desire and confusion.
Genre: General Fiction, Classics


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Download The Reed Fields by Brandon Campbell (.MOBI)

The Reed Fields: An Egyptian Tragedy by Brandon Campbell
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 391 KB
Overview: A stunning, heart-pounding, journey into the lost world of ancient Egypt.
The Reed Fields, An Egyptian Tragedy is a reading experience unlike any other. In 364 BCE, Akua-Mat was a young priest eager to serve the people of his country the best he could. Then, mysteriously, the priesthood uprooted his life by forbidding his marriage and sending him away. Akua unwillingly accepted this voluntary exile and watched his life crumble. When he eventually lands in Athens, Greece he miraculously uncovers the reasons behind his exile. While there, he decides to return to Egypt and labor to put his life back together. Akua’s natural and learned spiritual gifts manifest into a unique and beautiful gift to Egypt. He was able to touch the hearts of many in a way that few ever could.
Genre: Historical Fiction


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Download Silver Eye by Nicole Massie (.MOBI)

Silver Eye by Nicole Massie
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 572 KB
Overview: Jack is back from her kidnapping as a strange young woman. Her disappearance six years ago left no trail, no answers, and no hope. Now, she has returned and nothing seems the same. Her attitude is on-the-ball and authoritative, her eyes are two different colors altogether, and even her brother, Cale, is picking up on the ‘fantasy’ she seems to have created for herself. Her therapist wants nothing to do with the story she wishes to tell, and yet, the fiction of a land of fairies, battles, captivity, and love becomes more real as the details come to life day by day. Soon, Jack is more than a strange young woman, and Cale is more than an unsuccessful young man. They have a story to tell, and it’s best to stop and listen.
Genre: General Fiction, Contemporary


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Download Maude by Donna Mabry (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Maude by Donna Mabry
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI reader, 1.4 Mb
Overview: In 1906, I was barely over fourteen years old, and it was my wedding day. My older sister, Helen, came to my room, took me by the hand, and sat me down on the bed. She opened her mouth to say something, but then her face flushed, and she turned her head to look out the window. After a second, she squeezed my hand and looked back in my eyes. She said, “You’ve always been a good girl, Maude, and done what I told you. Now, you’re going to be a married woman, and he will be the head of the house. When you go home tonight after your party, no matter what he wants to do to you, you have to let him do it. Do you understand?”
I didn’t understand, but I nodded my head anyway. It sounded strange to me, the way so many things did. I would do what she told me. I didn’t have a choice, any more than I had a choice in being born.
Genre: Historical Fiction


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Download The Vincent Brothers by Abbi Glines (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Vincent Brothers by Abbi Glines (The Vincent Boys #2)
Requirements: ePub/Mobi Reader, 488 KB
Overview: He may have given her up without a fight, but Sawyer Vincent is far from over losing the girl he’s loved all of his life. Instead of giving up his best friend and the girl he thought he’d spend forever with, he gave Ashton and his brother Beau his blessing. However, adjusting to seeing Ashton wrapped up in Beau’s arms isn’t easy. Complicating everything even more, Ashton’s cousin Lana is in town for the summer. Sweet, kind, soft-spoken Lana, who gets under his skin. Just being near her makes him forget all about Ashton and his broken heart. Lana is everything he wanted Ashton to be except she isn’t Ashton. She lacks the backbone to stand up for herself and confidence that Ashton wears like a crown.

Lana McDaniel has lived her life in her cousin’s shadow. While Lana struggled with her grades no matter how hard she tried, her mother praised Ashton’s intelligence. She hadn’t been blessed with Ashton’s blond hair and flawless skin, but that didn’t keep her mother from lamenting her naturally red hair and freckles. But none of that would have mattered if Ashton hadn’t always had Sawyer Vincent wrapped around her finger — the only boy Lana wanted. Once Ashton let Sawyer go, Lana had been so sure that he’d move on. Determined to make Sawyer finally see her, she’d talked her mother into letting her spend the summer with Ashton. But Sawyer is still in love with Ashton, and Lana isn’t going to be anyone’s rebound girl. No matter how yummy Sawyer Vincent’s kisses taste.


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