Download Mauprat by George Sand (.ePUB)

Mauprat by George Sand
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 911 kb
Overview: Mauprat (1837) is the romantic tale of a "wild" man civilized by the woman he loves. Deeply engaged with Rousseau’s pedagogical treatise ‘Emile, and with contemporary debate concerning inherited and acquired traits and tendencies, Mauprat is an expression of Sand’s Utopian vision of a
relationship governed by free choice and equality. Naomi Schor’s introduction explores these and other aspects of the novel, while Sylvia Raphael’s new translation does full justice to the powerfully descriptive qualities of one of George Sand’s most exciting and absorbing novels.
Genre: Fiction Historical Classics


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Download Like One of the Family by Alice Childress (.ePUB)

Like One of the Family: Conversations from a Domestic’s Life by Alice Childress
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 2.2 MB
Overview: Like One of the Family, which provides historical context for Kathryn Stockett’s novel, The Help, is comprised of a series of conversations between Mildred, a black domestic, and her friend Marge. They create a vibrant picture of the life of a black working woman in New York in the 1950s. Rippling with satire and humor, Mildred’s outspoken accounts capture vividly her white employers’ complacency and condescension—and startled reactions to a maid who speaks her mind. As Mildred declares to a patronizing employer that she is not just like one of the family, or explains to Marge how a tricky employer has created a system of “half days off” to cheat her help, we gain a glimpse not only of one woman’s day-to-day struggle, but of her previous ache of racial oppression. A domestic who refuses to exchange dignity for pay, Mildred is an inspiring conversationalist, a dragon slayer in a segregated worl
Genre: Fiction, Classics


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Download I Don’t Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson (.ePUB)+

I Don’t Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson
Requirements: PDF, ePUB, MOBI readers, 2.33 Mb
Overview: For every woman trying to strike that impossible balance between work and home-and pretending that she has-and for every woman who has wanted to hurl the acquaintance who coos admiringly, "Honestly, I just don’t know how you do it," out a window, here’s a novel to make you cringe with recognition and laugh out loud. With fierce, unsentimental irony, Allison Pearson’s novel brilliantly dramatizes the dilemma of working motherhood at the start of the twenty-first century.

Meet Kate Reddy, hedge-fund manager and mother of two. She can juggle nine different currencies in five different time zones and get herself and two children washed and dressed and out of the house in half an hour. In Kate’s life, Everything Goes Perfectly as long as Everything Goes Perfectly. She lies to her own mother about how much time she spends with her kids; practices pelvic floor squeezes in the boardroom; applies tips from Toddler Taming to soothe her irascible boss; uses her cell phone in the office bathroom to procure a hamster for her daughter’s birthday ("Any working mother who says she doesn’t bribe her kids can add Liar to her résumé"); and cries into the laundry hamper when she misses her children’s bedtime.

In a novel that is at once uproariously funny and achingly sad, Allison Pearson captures the guilty secret lives of working women-the self-recrimination, the comic deceptions, the giddy exhaustion, the despair-as no other writer has. Kate Reddy’s conflict –How are we meant to pass our days? How are we to reconcile the two passions, work and motherhood, that divide our lives? –gets at the private absurdities of working motherhood as only a novel could: with humor, drama, and bracing wisdom.
Genre: Women’s Fiction, Chicklit


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Download The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd (.ePUB)

The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 5.4 MB
Overview: An incredible story of dangerous and hidden friendships, ambition, betrayal, and sacrifice. The year is 1739. Eliza Lucas is sixteen years old when her father leaves her in charge of their family’s three plantations in rural South Carolina and then proceeds to bleed the estates dry in pursuit of his military ambitions. Tensions with the British, and with the Spanish in Florida, just a short way down the coast, are rising, and slaves are starting to become restless. Her mother wants nothing more than for their South Carolina endeavor to fail so they can go back to England. Soon her family is in danger of losing everything.

Upon hearing how much the French pay for indigo dye, Eliza believes it’s the key to their salvation. But everyone tells her it’s impossible, and no one will share the secret to making it. Thwarted at nearly every turn, even by her own family, Eliza finds that her only allies are an aging horticulturalist, an older and married gentleman lawyer, and a slave with whom she strikes a dangerous deal: teach her the intricate thousand-year-old secret process of making indigo dye and in return — against the laws of the day — she will teach the slaves to read. So begins an incredible story of love, dangerous and hidden friendships, ambition, betrayal, and sacrifice.
Genre: Historical Fiction


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Download Trout Recipe by Ellen Carey (.ePUB)

Trout Recipe by Ellen Carey
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 390 KB
Overview: "Gwen Buxton lives in the Colorado Territory on a ranch left to her by an adoring father, remote and smack dab in the middle of an era where women favoring women was simply out of the question… The first time Gwen cast her eyes upon Claire Fontaine her heart raced as if being pulled into the current of a fast moving river. They ignited their passion for one another as they traveled by railroad to intriguing destinations. They uncovered an enchanting world beyond the B & H Ranch, but would always come back to their homestead at the base of the Rocky Mountains.
Twisting and turning like the dusty trails that led from town to town, these two extraordinary women collected passion drenched memories at every corner. This tender and compelling love story is told by Gwen as she looks back fondlyat their life together. Through hardship and joy, indifference and devotion, and love and loss, this captivating account of their journey through life is spell binding. Trout Recipe is brilliant and surprising. At the hand of this talented new writer, the story speaks of unbridled love and vivid memories. This novel is laced with calamity and humor that builds from a grieving heart and finds hope at the river’s edge.
Genre: General Fiction, FF Classics


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