Download Aunt Phillis’s Cabin by Mary H. Eastman (.MOBI)

Aunt Phillis’s Cabin; Or, Southern Life as It Is by Mary H. Eastman
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 870 KB
Overview: Based on her growing up in Warrenton, Virginia of an elite planter family, Eastman portrays plantation owners and slaves as mutually respectful, kind, and happy beings. Published in 1852, Aunt Phillis’s Cabin contains contrasts and comparisons to the anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which was published earlier that year. It serves as an antithesis; Eastman’s novel deliberately referred to the situation in Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, where plantation owners abuse their repressed, disloyal slaves. Eastman portrays white plantation owners who behave benignly toward their slaves. Eastman also uses quotes from various sources – including Uncle Tom’s Cabin itself – to explain that slavery is a natural institution, and essential to life. Like other novels of the genre, it contains much dialogue between masters and slaves, in which she portrays "the essential happiness of slaves in the South as compared to the inevitable sufferings of free blacks and the working classes in the North," as noted by the scholar Stephen Railton in the website Uncle Tom’s Cabin & American Culture.
Genre: General Fiction, Classics


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Download Palace of the Peacock by Wilson Harris (.ePUB)(.MOBI)(.AZW)

Palace of the Peacock (The Guyana Quartet #1) by Wilson Harris
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.3 mb
Overview: Palace of the Peacock, the first of Wilson Harris’s many novels, was published in 1960, just one year after his arrival in Britain from Guyana. In a richly metaphorical style, the book sets out the themes Wilson continues to develop in his writing to this day: the ability of the imaginative consciousness to create worlds where disparate cultures and traditions are fused.
Donne, an ambitious skipper, leads a multiracial crew up an unnamed river in the rainforest. He is searching for the indigenous people of the forest to exploit as cheap labour on his plantation. But the journey is beset with obstacles, and as the crew progress and their relationships develop, it takes on a more spiritual significance, culminating with the crew and the forest folk finding sanctuary and resolution in the visionary Palace of the Peacock.
Genre: Literary Fiction


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Download The Little Voice by Joss Sheldon (.ePUB)

The Little Voice by Joss Sheldon
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 211 kb
Overview: “Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?”

Dear reader,

My character has been shaped by two opposing forces; the pressure to conform to social norms, and the pressure to be true to myself. To be honest with you, these forces have really torn me apart. They’ve pulled me one way and then the other. At times, they’ve left me questioning my whole entire existence.

But please don’t think that I’m angry or morose. I’m not. Because through adversity comes knowledge. I’ve suffered, it’s true. But I’ve learnt from my pain. I’ve become a better person.

Now, for the first time, I’m ready to tell my story. Perhaps it will inspire you. Perhaps it will encourage you to think in a whole new way. Perhaps it won’t. There’s only one way to find out…
Genre: Fiction


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Download A Time of Love and Tartan by Alexander McCall Smith (.ePUB)

A Time of Love and Tartan by Alexander McCall Smith (44 Scotland Street, #12)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1 MB
Overview: Catch up with the delightful goings-on in the fictitious 44 Scotland Street from Alexander McCall Smith . . .

‘A joyous, charming portrait of city life and human foibles, which moves beyond its setting to deal with deep moral issues and love, desire and friendship’ Sunday Express

If only Pat Macgregor had an inkling of the embarrassment romantic, professional, even aesthetic that flowed from accepting narcissistic ex-boyfriend Bruce Anderson’s invitation for coffee, she would never have said yes. And if only Matthew, her boss at the art gallery, hadn’t wandered into his local bookshop and picked up a particular book at a particular time, he would never have knocked over his former English teacher or attracted the attentions of the police.

Whether caused by small things such as a cup of coffee and a book, or major events such as Stuart’s application for promotion and his wife Irene’s decision to go off and study for a PhD in Aberdeen, change is coming to serial fiction’s favourite street. But for three seven-year-old boys Bertie Pollock, Ranald Braveheart Macpherson, and Big Lou’s foster son Finlay – it also means a getting a glimpse of perfect happiness.

Alexander McCall Smith’s delightfully witty, wise and sometimes surreal comedy spirals out to include tennis-playing Rwandan Forest People, researches into levitating Celtic saints, bogus headhunters in Papua New Guinea and primary school performances of Beckett. But its heart remains where it has always been true to life, love and laughter in Edinburgh’s New Town.
Genre: General Fiction/Classics


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Download The Kites by Romain Gary (.ePUB)

The Kites by Romain Gary
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.7MB
Overview: Romain Gary’s bittersweet final masterpiece, a novel of courage and resistance—never before in English

On a small farm in Normandy, as Hitler rises to power in Germany, young Ludo comes of age in the care of his Uncle Ambrose, an eccentric mailman, kite-maker, and pacifist. Ludo’s quiet existence changes the day he meets Lila, a girl from the aristocratic Polish family who own the estate next door. In a single glance, Ludo instantly falls in love forever; Lila, on the other hand, remains elusive. Thus begins Ludo’s adventure of longing, passion, and steadfast love for Lila, who begins to reciprocate his feelings just as Europe descends into war. After Germany invades Poland, Lila and her family disappear, and Ludo’s journey to save her from the Nazis becomes a journey to save his loved ones, his country, and ultimately himself.
Genre: General Fiction


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