Download How Late It Was How Late by James Kelman (.ePUB)

How Late It Was How Late by James Kelman (re-issue 2012)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 335KB | Retail
Overview: Sammy’s had a bad week – his wallet’s gone, along with his new shoes, he’s been arrested then beaten up by the police and thrown out on the street – and he’s just gone blind. He remembers a row with his girlfriend, but she seems to have disappeared. Things aren’t looking too good for Sammy and his problems have hardly begun
Genre: Fiction | General Fiction/Classics


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Download Letters to the Pianist by S.D. Mayes (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Letters to the Pianist by S.D. Mayes
Requirements: ePUB/ MOBI Reader, 3.4 MB
Overview: A family torn apart … A past they can’t escape
In war torn London, 1941, fourteen-year-old Ruth Goldberg and her two younger siblings, Gabi and Hannah, survive the terrifying bombing of their family home. They believe their parents are dead, their bodies buried underneath the burnt remains – but unbeknownst to them, their father, Joe, survives and is taken to hospital with amnesia.
Four years on, Ruth stumbles across a newspaper photo of a celebrated pianist and is struck by the resemblance to her father. Desperate for evidence she sends him a letter, and as the pianist’s dormant memories emerge, his past unravels, revealing his true identity – as her beloved father, Joe. Ruth sets out to meet him, only to find herself plunged into an aristocratic world of sinister dark secrets.
Can she help him escape and find a way to stay alive?
Letters to the pianist is a compelling page turner packed with drama, intrigue and suspense. If you loved The Book Thief, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas or The Pianist, then you will love this exciting novel.
Genre: Historical Fiction, Suspense


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Download Selected Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins (.ePUB)(.AZW3)+

Selected Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Gerard Manley Hopkins, Edited by Bob Blaisdell
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI or AZW3 Reader, 1.4MB
Overview: Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–1889) was a Jesuit priest whose poetry combined an awareness of material sensuousness with the asceticism of religious devotion. His collected poems, published posthumously in 1918, exercised a profound influence on modern poetry.

This volume features all of Hopkins’s mature work, offering a sampler of the poet’s striking originality, intellectual depth, and perceptive vision.
Genre: Poetry


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Download Tale of a Boon’s Wife by Fartumo Kusow (.ePUB)

Tale of a Boon’s Wife by Fartumo Kusow
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.1 MB
Overview: Despite her family’s threat to disown her, Idil, a young Somali woman, rejects her high Bliss status to marry Sidow, a poor Boon man. Her decision transforms her life, forcing her to face harsh and sometimes even deadly consequences for her defiance of a strict tribal hierarchy. Set in the fifteen-year period before Somalia’s 1991 Civil War, Idil’s journey is almost too hard to bear at times. Her determination to follow her heart and to pursue love over family and convention is a story that has been told across time and across cultures.
Genre: Fiction


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Download Right by My Side by David Haynes (.ePUB)

Right by My Side by David Haynes
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 639 kb
Overview: Marshall Field Finney was named after a department store and dropped like a hot potato when his mother suddenly packed up and left. Now Marshall lives with his hard-drinking father in a crackerbox house and rides a yellow bus through beautiful St. Louis County to his mostly white suburban school. Caught at a crossroads, Marshall is desperately searching for something to believe in. At stake is only the rest of his life.

In this extraordinary novel, David Haynes tells the heartrending story of Marshall’s journey through a broken world, where his father’s new girlfriend, a poem by Yeats and a white teacher with big plans for her favorite students all seem to have the power to change him. And as Marshall struggles to make sense of his life, the haunting letters begin to arrive from his runaway mother: "We are linked tighter than fine gold chains. Who knows when we’ll next be together–"
Genre: Fiction


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