Download Omega On A Mission by N. J. Lysk (.ePUB)

Omega On A Mission by N. J. Lysk
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 359 kB
Overview: Omegas are carers, not fighters, and Gabi is happy looking after his alpha. But when he comes across an animal in danger, his protective instincts flare up and nobody wants to get in the way of an omega on a mission.
An adventure story featuring an omega werewolf playing reluctant hero and the alpha who loves him. This story includes very explicit scenes between two male characters, as well as mentions of knotting and mpreg.
Genre: Erotic MM


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Download Serpent’s Touch by Tansey Morgan (.ePUB)

Serpent’s Touch by Tansey Morgan (The Last Serpent Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 183 KB
Overview: The thing about fairy tales is, there’s usually a catch. This one was no exception.
The day I, Lilith Palmer, stopped being the Hot Topic girl and became something else started as any other, but ended in the car of a devilishly handsome man whose net-worth was probably higher than the entire neighborhood I lived in; not my usual Tuesday night. That, however, was only the start of the weird path I was about to set off on; a path that would take me to a place where reality collides with magic, where I find out everything I knew about the world I lived in was a lie, and where I’m the only woman present.
There are five of them – five of the most interesting, sexy, and probably dangerous men I have ever met. They live in a mansion in the middle of rural Germany, a mansion protected by magic. And they tell me not only do they have supernatural abilities, but that I have them too, and they’re here to help pull them out of me. Sounds like a dream, until that catch comes up.
Supernaturals are being hunted down for the energy they possess, myself especially, and if they don’t act fast to bring me into the fold, a fate worse than death awaits all of us.
But triggering my supernatural side to come out won’t be easy, not before I’m ready, and when the hunters step up their game and the window starts to close, it’ll take everything I have in me just to stay alive; no matter how many men would put their lives on the line to protect me.
Genre: Erotic Romance


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Download Castaways by Lily Harlem (.ePUB)

Castaways by Lily Harlem (The Challenge Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 240 KB
Overview: Olivia Bailey is up for The Challenge. Why the heck wouldn’t she be? With mariner qualifications piled high, engineering experience to rival someone twice her age, she’s ready to take on the mighty Pacific Ocean and win.
But what about her fellow crew? Five guys, four nationalities. A billionaire’s heir who likes to take charge in every aspect of life, an outback expert with a heart-stopping smile, a Spanish chef with mouthwatering moves and sexy twins who reveal themselves slowly, until it matters, then they act fast.
An adventure was what Olivia wanted, it’s certainly what she gets. Because things at sea happen in a heartbeat, friendships grow, tempers heat and desire flares. But what about when it all upends? When the unexpected happens? Will they pull together, or will fear drag the crew of The Temptress apart?
Genre: Erotic Romance


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Download Naughty Little Girls Series (1-5) by Emily Tilton (.ePUB)

The Institute: Naughty Little Girls Series by Emily Tilton (1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 240 KB
Overview: Emily Tilton wishes she were as free as her characters (one of whom shares Emily’s name) to live out her fantasies of submission.Emily’s erotica is a narrative version of her nearly lifelong quest to reconcile her submissive erotic orientation with her ethics. She writes erotica, not erotic romance: her books are about sex, because writing about sex helps her understand that fundamental part of her life better. She hopes maybe it does the same for her readers.
Genre: Erotic Romance


1. The Oak Street Method – After she is caught loitering and taken into custody by the powerful corporation that all but runs her city, twenty-year-old Wendy Baskin is placed in a special program for wayward young women in need of reform. To ensure she receives the firm correction she needs, Wendy is sent to live with a couple who will act as her strict mommy and daddy during her stay with them.
When she is caught breaking the rules her assigned guardians have set for her, Wendy quickly finds herself blushing crimson as she is given a humiliating chastisement, but the embarrassment of having her bare bottom soundly spanked is nothing compared to the shame she feels when her new mommy and daddy discover that she was deeply aroused by the punishment.
As a result of her wanton behavior, Wendy is stripped naked and thoroughly inspected by her guardians, then informed that she will require the kind of training only the Institute can provide.

2. The Oak Street Method: Ginnie – When the corporation that controls her city determines that she requires a very particular form of guidance and correction, eighteen-year-old Ginnie Lyons is placed in the custody of a couple who live on Oak Street. Her new guardians–who she will be made to call mommy and daddy–will have full authority both to punish her as frequently and thoroughly as they feel it necessary and to enjoy her beautiful body in any way they please.
On her very first day in her new home, Ginnie earns herself a painful, embarrassing bare-bottom spanking. To make matters worse, her vulnerable, exposed position makes it impossible to hide her helpless arousal at being chastised in such a humiliating manner. But when she is caught spying on a neighboring couple’s intimate activities, she soon finds herself blushing crimson as she is punished more shamefully than ever before.

3. The Oak Street Method: Frankie and Mary – Over the course of the year since they were brought to live on Oak Street in the custody of a strict mommy and daddy, twenty-year-old Frankie and nineteen-year-old Mary have learned the hard way to do as they are told unless they want their bare bottoms soundly spanked.
But when the time comes for the girls to be taken to the Institute to be trained and then auctioned off to the highest bidder, will they need to be reminded of what happens to disobedient little girls even before their new owner sets about claiming their beautiful bodies in any way he pleases?

4. The Oak Street Method: Heather – After surviving a rough childhood, nineteen-year-old Heather Davis runs afoul of the powerful corporation which controls her city and is promptly relocated to Oak Street for her own good.
Once she arrives, Heather soon learns that life on Oak Street is different. All of her needs will be met as she is prepared for marriage to a wealthy suitor. But is this really the life she wants?

5. The Oak Street Method: Renee – After a year spent living on the streets in hiding from the government, eighteen-year-old orphan Renee is finally taken into custody and then promptly placed in the Oak Street program.
Over the coming months, Renee grows accustomed to her new life and her new home on Oak Street, but how will she react upon learning what the government’s plans for her truly entail?

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Download Trapped by Lucy Wild (.ePUB)

Trapped by Lucy Wild
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 863 KB
Overview: It’s going to be a rough night…
Sweet and innocent and lost in the woods. It sounds like the start of a fairy tale.
But Ash Carson is no knight in shining armour.
He brought me to his tumbledown cabin deep in the forest and now he won’t let me leave, refusing point blank to open the door until the blizzard dies down.
He might be the most handsome man I’ve ever met and my only hope of survival but he’s also infuriatingly stubborn and what’s worse, he won’t stop staring at me with that hunger in his eyes.
I know what his look means and I’m so scared, I can hardly move.
He’s just given me two options, leave or stay.
If I leave, I’ll freeze to death. If I stay?
Well, he’s warned me what will happen if I stay.
He won’t listen to reason, he won’t argue.
He wants my innocence and he’s going to take it.
The most shocking thing about all of this? I want to let him.
Genre: Erotica | Mystery


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