Download Father Knows Best by Lynda Sandoval (.ePUB)

Father Knows Best by Lynda Sandoval (Lila, Meryl, & Caressa #2)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 316 KB
Overview: After a tumultuous junior year, best friends Lila Moreno, Meryl Morganstern, and Caressa Thibodoux plan to make the most of the summer before senior year. But those plans fall by the wayside when Lila’s archenemy, Jennifer Hamilton, finds herself friendless and flailing in a mess of her own making. Meryl steps up to help…and drags Lila and Caressa along with her. What was supposed to be a carefree few months morphs into a summer of girl power, growing up, and giving in to situations beyond their control. In the end, all four girls are tighter than ever and one step closer to tackling their all-important senior year.
Genre: Young Adult


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Download The Perfect Score by Rob Buyea (.ePUB)

The Perfect Score by Rob Buyea
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 8.5MB | Retail
Overview: From the beloved author of Because of Mr. Terupt and its sequels comes The Perfect Score, a new middle-grade school story with a very special cast of unforgettable characters who discover that getting the perfect score—both on the test and in life—is perhaps not so perfect after all.

No one likes or wants to take the statewide assessment tests. Not the students in Mrs. Woods’s sixth-grade class, not even their teacher. It’s not like the kids don’t already have things to worry about. . . .

Under pressure to be the top gymnast her mother expects her to be, RANDI starts to wonder what her destiny truly holds. Football-crazy GAVIN has always struggled with reading and feels as dumb as his high school–dropout father. TREVOR acts tough and mean, but as much as he hates school, he hates being home even more. SCOTT’s got a big brain and an even bigger heart, especially when it comes to his grandfather, but his good intentions always backfire in spectacular ways. NATALIE, know-it-all and aspiring lawyer, loves to follow the rules—only this year, she’s about to break them all.

The whole school is in a frenzy with test time approaching—kids, teachers, the administration. Everyone is anxious. When one of the kids has a big idea for acing the tests, they’re all in. But things get ugly before they get better, and in the end, the real meaning of the perfect score surprises them all.
Genre: Fiction | Children/Young Adult


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Download Lulu series (#’s 3 & 5) by Hilary McKay (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Lulu series by Hilary McKay (Books 3 & 5)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 49.3MB
Overview: Hilary McKay was born in Boston, Lincolnshire and is the eldest of four girls. From a very early age she read voraciously and grew up in a household of readers. Hilary says of herself as a child "I anaesthetised myself against the big bad world with large doses of literature. The local library was as familiar to me as my own home."
Genre: Children | Fiction


3. The Cat in the Bag (2011) – When a mysterious bag is left on Lulu’s doorstep, the last thing her grandmother expects to be in it is a cat–a huge, neon orange cat. But Lulu knows this cat doesn’t mean any harm and in fact it needs a lovely new home.

5. The Hedgehog in the Rain (2012) – Lulu loves animals. She knows that the hedgehog she rescued isn’t really a pet, but Lulu does want to make sure she’s all right. And so the Hedgehog Club is born. Everyone on the street agrees to keep an eye on the little hedgehog and keep it away from the road. But come wintertime the hedgehog disappears! Where could she have gone?

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Download Destined Souls by Melissa Haag (.ePUB)

The Runes Universe: Destined Souls by Melissa Haag
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 105 KB
Overview: Being a reaper is lonely business. As one of the first Valkyrie, Thora knows that loneliness better than most. The devastation of the Crusades has left her heart sore and weary of her long existence, until one soldier’s story lights a fire she thought lost and gives her new purpose to keep reaping for Odin’s army.
Genre: Young Adult


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Download Jek/Hyde by Amy Ross (.ePUB)

Jek/Hyde by Amy Ross
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.1MB | Retail
Overview: Lulu and Jek are science nerds, and have been best friends since they were young…or at least they used to be. Lately Jek has been pulling away from Lulu, just as she’s coming to terms with how she really feels about him. Just as she was ready to see if there could be something more between them.

But Lulu’s thoughts are derailed by a mysterious new guy who’s showing up at local parties. Hyde is the definition of a bad boy, and everybody knows it…but no one can seem to resist his charms. And even though Lulu’s heart belongs to Jek, she can’t deny Hyde’s attraction either.

She also knows that there’s something not quite right about Hyde. That the rumors of his backwoods parties make them sound a little more dangerous than what any of her friends are accustomed to. And she doesn’t like the fact that Hyde seems to be cozying up to Jek, and that they seem to be intertwined in ways that have Lulu worrying for Jek’s safety.

If Hyde has a dark secret, Lulu is determined to find out what it is, and to help Jek…before it’s too late for both of them.
Genre: Fiction | Children/Young Adult


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