Download Where We Connect by Tabitha Amy Rose (.ePUB)

Where We Connect by Tabitha Amy Rose
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 327 KB
Overview: Audrey wishes to explore the world, but constantly wonders if she is able to escape from the guilt of feeling responsible for the death of her best friends brother. The only way that she feels this is achievable is to become the girl who runs away from it all before it envelops every last part of her. And so, she embarks on the first journey she has ever found in order to forget the past and live in the future.

Jack wishes to escape, but his methods are unorthodox. Depressed, lonely, and anxious, the boy misses his brother desperately, and would do anything to bring him back. He knows he cannot. Despite this, he knows what he can do. He knows he can leave this world behind permanently, and has spent many nights wishing for the courage. Coming to the ultimatum that he is gay when he begins to fall for Eli, realizations begin to formulate that there may be more to this world than the death of his loved ones.

Agrican, like Audrey, is a dreamer. He does not wish to explore the world, but rather, his own capabilities and talents. Being raised in an abusive household has not prevented him from attempting to become the greatest ballet dancer he can be, which is why he decided to move to France at the ripe age of fifteen in order to make this dream an actuality. It has yet to come true. Hiding from the struggles of mental illness and past trauma, he finds solace in the heart of Audrey.

Eli longs to feel like the person his mother would want him to be, but since she passed, he is unsure as to who that person is. Born biologically female, Eli must battle the demons in his head that tell him he will never have any friends whilst attempting to make his father understand what it means to be transgender.

This is the story of four teenagers breaking into libraries, battling new-found adulthood in a drag bar, and zip-lining across the green pastures of Cardiff.

This is where they connect.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download Chronicles of Seventh Realm: Ren’s Tale Omnibus by NAK Baldron (.ePUB)

Chronicles of the Seventh Realm: Ren’s Tale Omnibus by NAK Baldron (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 491 KB
Overview: An orphaned boy, uncontrollable magic, and a destiny to recover a nation’s honor. Ren’s Tale is but one aspect of the Chronicles of the Seventh Realm, a bite-size epic fantasy series comprised of a sprawling cast of characters with many tales to explore. Ren’s Tale Books 1-3 follows the adventures of an orphan as he learns what it means to be the first person in living memory to develop "real" magic.

Fate has a way of keeping Ren down. But as he learns to trust others, a Thief Lord becomes his only friend. Together they plan take on the world, and become truly great sorcerers. Magic has returned to the world, and it’s Ren’s destiny to save it. Will his low birth doom him and the world? Can Ren learn to rely on others and become the leader the world needs?
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


1. Orphan’s Price
An orphaned boy, uncontrollable magic, and a destiny to recover a nation’s honor. For sixteen-year-old Ren, life was a brutal slog in the orphanage. His only aspiration was to become a sorcerer. But with no family connections, he had no chance…Until, a freak magical accident drew the attention of international authorities. Will Ren evade the authorities, and take his one chance to pass the ritual required to join the Amethyst sorcerers? Or will his low birth doom him and the world?

2. Ocean’s Dagger
Ren survived life at an orphanage, but the world taught him some hash lessons. His aspiration to become a sorcerer looked brighter, until he found himself in a crate. With his magic unreliable, Ren must learn to rely on others. But, in a world of thieves and cutthroats, how will he see the truth behind their masks? Will Ren learn to master his mind, control his magic, and follow his destiny? Or will his naivety doom him and the world?

3. Sorcerer’s Trial
Ren has a knack for ending up imprisoned. Not what he envisioned when he embarked on his journey to the Sapphire Nation, but jail gave him time to think about his misadventure. Ren’s only hope for getting out of jail and attending the sorcerer’s exam, rests with two thieves he barely knows. They got him into this mess, but can they get him out? The bigger question is ‘Can Ren even pass?’

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Download The Orphan by Wendi Wilson (.ePUB)

The Orphan by Wendi Wilson (Oberon Academy Book 1)
Requirements: epub reader, 417 kb
Overview: Sometimes the ones who save us are the ones we need to fear the most.
In a world where dark faeries have stepped in to save the planet from humanity’s mistakes, seventeen-year-old December Thorne is nothing but a shadow. Shunned by her peers, bullied at school, and paid a little too much attention by her sleazy foster father, she lives in constant fear and perpetual solitude.
Until the day everything changes.
Offered a scholarship to the prestigious Oberon Academy, December finds herself living in a whole new world. Boundless food, clean clothes, a safe place to sleep, and the potential for true friendship make her new life seem almost too good to be true—but the school has a secret.
The truth is, Oberon Academy isn’t just a prep school for society’s elite. It’s a training ground for a secret race of magical beings no one knows exists. And they’re preparing for war.
Filled with fear and denial, December has a choice to make. She can either return to her pathetic life with her dangerous foster parents, try to survive on her own, or make Oberon Academy her home and discover the truth about who, and what she really is.
And that truth could save the world.
Genre: Young Adult


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Download Secrets of the X-Point Complete Trilogy by Gary Urey (.ePUB)

Secrets of the X-Point Complete Trilogy by Gary Urey
Requirements: epub Reader, 5MB
Overview: Thanks to their scientist parents, Axel Jack and Daisha Tandala have what no one else in the world has—the ability to go anywhere in seconds with the push of a button on their GeoPorts. But the GeoPorts come at a high price. There are those who would use the technology for their own agendas, no matter the cost. Follow Axel and Daisha as they seek to unravel the secrets behind the greatest technological advancement in human history, all while trying to stay one step ahead of those who would use it for their own gain.
Genre: YA Science Fiction


01. Pursued: Axel Jack and Daisha Tandala are two thirteen-year-old friends running from a billionaire madman who killed their scientist parents and now wants what the kids have a GeoPort (Geographical Transportation System.) The GeoPort, invented by their parents, has the ability to transport a person to any place on Earth within seconds. Knowing the power they had created, their parents’ dying wish was for the kids to destroy the GeoPort before it lands in the wrong hands. But when the teens are separated by their pursuers, they must make a life or death attempt to find each other and get the GeoPort to a mysterious Indian Temple where the chase becomes more than just a high-tech game of hide-and-seek, but a war for control of everything money, culture, politics, and power."

02. Escaped: After destroying the permanent X-Point and thwarting the Doctor’s plans for world domination, Daisha and Axel have a new problem: without a permanent X-Point, Earth’s magnetic poles are flipping, causing massive climactic changes around the world. Now they must find a way to expose a new X-Point to stabilize Earth’s magnetic field, all while evading a doomsday cult that would have the world end. Can Axel and Daisha figure out how to find each other and save the world?

03. Defied: The third and final book in the action-packed Secrets of the X-Point series.
After stabilizing Earth’s X-Point and bringing the world back from the verge of climatic disaster, Axel and Daisha’s lives are almost back to normal. But when they learn an old nemesis is behind a company proposing to harness the X-Point’s power, it looks like history might repeat itself.

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Download Alex and the Alpacas Save the World by Kathryn Lefroy (.ePUB)

Alex and the Alpacas Save the World by Kathryn Lefroy
Requirements: epub Reader, 1MB
Overview: Alex is expecting a pretty boring summer. But when Mum takes her to visit her mysterious grandfather on his farm in Tasmania, weird things start to happen … Weirdest of all? Her grandfather’s pet alpacas … who can talk!

When things go from strange to scary, Alex must use all her brains, brawn and bravery in order to survive the sinister forces threatening life as she knows it.
Genre: YA Fantasy


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