Download The Book of One Hundred Truths by Julie Schumacher (.ePUB)

The Book of One Hundred Truths by Julie Schumacher
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 252 KB
Overview: “I should probably mention something right now before this story goes any further: my name is Theodora Grumman, and I am a liar.”

It’s hard for Thea to write four truths a day in the notebook her mother gave her for the summer. Especially when her grandparents’ house on the Jersey Shore is even more packed with family than usual, and her cousin Jocelyn wont leave her alone. Jocelyn just might be the world’s neatest and nosiest seven-year-old, and she wants to know what’s in Thea’s notebook. But Thea won’t tell anyone about the secret she has promised to keep–or how she lost her best friend (Truth #12), whose name was Gwen.

Now Thea has to babysit in the afternoons, and all Jocelyn wants to do is spy on people. Neither of them expect to see Aunt Ellen and Aunt Celia at the boardwalk in the middle of the day, or for their aunts to lie and insist they were at work. Could it be Thea’s not the only one in the family keeping secrets this summer?
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download Attack of the Giant Bugs by Eli Ponder, A.J. Ponder (.ePUB)

Attack of the Giant Bugs by Eli Ponder, A.J. Ponder (You Choose Adventure #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 888 KB
Overview: YOU are Greenville’s only hope. You choose which path you take. You can fail your mission or succeed your wildest expectations. But beware, within these pages lies great danger – giant bugs, ants, ladybirds, praying mantises and more. You might come to a grizzly end, or be transformed but whatever happens a real hero keeps fighting, even after they fail. Are you ready? Discover a world of spies and giant insects and danger. Solve problems. Decipher code. You must defeat the Bugman, the evil villain turning insects into monsters, or die spectacularly. On the way, you never know what will happen – you might be caught in a sand trap with a waiting antlion, fly on beautiful giant butterflies, become an explorer or a time traveller or a spy. There are over 25 endings, from gloriously funny, to heroic, to splatter-horror. What path do you want to take? Warning: this story contains a mix of real and fictional science.
Genre: Fiction > Children’s


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Download 2 Books by A.J. Ponder (.ePUB)

2 Books by A.J. Ponder
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.18 MB
Overview: A.J. Ponder loves anything to do with swords. And has been known to use them, but only if they’re not electrified. Popular children’s stories include, Wizard’s Guide to Wellington, the Sir Julius Vogel Award winning Frankie and the Netball Clone. The latest book she has been involved in is The Best of Twisty Christmas Tales, where her stories feature along with many other notable authors including Joy Cowley, David Hill, Lyn McConchie, Dave Freer, Deb Potter, and heaps more. Needless to say there is a Frankie story, told in letters between herself and santa Claus.
Genre: Fiction > Children’s


The Frankie Files
Are you ready for fun? Are you ready for monsters and mayhem (and a little science)? Then you’ll love this story about Frankie, a young inventor whose inventions always get her into monster trouble. "It’s brilliant. I love every single thing about it. The science, the educational aspect, the humour, the sweetness… So easy to read and so fun… This is like the best thing I’ve read for kids since Dahl. Well done." Michelle Child. Suitable for all ages, The Frankie Files is the perfect read for aspiring inventors, and scientists, aged 6-11 as the story follows the young dyslexic genius from primary school to intermediate. With fun monster invention notes, and more, it’s a book imaginative young minds should not miss.

Wizard’s Guide to Wellington
Wizard’s Guide to Wellington is urban fantasy in the tradition of Diana Wynne Jones, Jill Murphy, JK Rowling and Eva Ibbotson’s The Secret of Platform 13. Alec finds a talking book abandoned in Wellington Airport. A wizard’s guide, called Ike. With Ike’s help, Alec discovers his home city is full of magical creatures, wizards, ghosts, taniwhas, magic and more … but it’s not safe. His father and cousin are missing, and even the ground beneath his feet is dangerous.

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Download A Ghost in my Suitcase by Gabrielle Wang (.ePUB)

A Ghost in my Suitcase by Gabrielle Wang (Ghost in my Suitcase #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.1 MB
Overview: The flute music stops, and my breath catches in my throat. Silence falls like a veil. Then I hear something – no, I feel it in my chest. ‘Steady yourself,’ Por Por whispers. ‘It’s here . . . ‘When Celeste travels to China to visit her grandmother, she uncovers an incredible family secret. And with this secret comes danger and adventure. If Celeste is to save her family and friends, she must learn to harness her rare and powerful gift as a ghost-hunter. . .
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download Beauty by Lisa Daily (.ePUB)+

Beauty by Lisa Daily
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.1 Mb
Overview: What’s it like to be the most beautiful girl in the world?

Molly desperately wants to be beautiful. And that’s what she tells Dharma, the mysterious portrait artist who sketches her face at the town fair just minutes after she’s humiliated in front of Hudson, the guy of her dreams. When Molly wakes up the following morning, she’s the most beautiful girl in Miracle, Ohio. Babies coo in her arms, her house fills with flowers from dozens of drooling boys, and she’s chosen to be a model for the hottest store in town. Best of all, Hudson finally falls for her.

But Molly soon discovers that beauty–and her wish–comes with a price. She’s faced with an impossible choice: Will reclaiming her true identity mean letting go of Hudson for good?
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Fantasy Romance


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