Download Lantern Sam And the Blue Streak Bandits by Michael D. Bell (.ePUB)

Lantern Sam And the Blue Streak Bandits by Michael D. Bell
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1mb
Overview: Lantern Sam is the wise-cracking, sarcastic, talking cat (for those who can hear him, that is) who lives on board the Lake Erie Shoreliner train and is one of the best detectives no one knows about. He doesn’t have much patience for humans (unless they bring him sardines), but when 10-year-old traveler Henry can’t find his new friend, the exuberant Ellie, Sam’s enlisted to help. A ransom note is soon discovered and just like that, Sam and Henry are on the case, with the help of Clarence the Conductor (who supplies Sam’s sardines). But is Ellie still on board the train? Did the salesman with his trunk full of samples sneak her off? And why does that couple keep acting so suspiciously?
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download Slacker by Gordon Korman (.ePUB)

Slacker by Gordon Korman (Slacker #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 8.86 MB
Overview: Cameron Boxer is very happy to spend his life avoiding homework, hanging out with his friends, and gaming for hours in his basement. It’s not too hard for him to get away with it until he gets so caught up in one game that he almost lets his house burn down around him. Oops. It’s time for some serious damage control–so Cameron and his friends invent a fake school club that will make it seem like they’re doing good deeds instead of slacking off. The problem? Some kids think the club is real–and Cameron is stuck being president. Soon Cameron is part of a mission to save a beaver named Elvis from certain extinction. Along the way, he makes some new friends–and some powerful new enemies. The guy who never cared about anything is now at the center of everything and it’s going to take all his slacker skills to win this round.
Genre: Fiction > Children’s


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Download Yesterday’s Dead by Pat Bourke (.ePUB)

Yesterday’s Dead by Pat Bourke
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 505kb
Overview: It is the end of the First World War, and thirteen-year-old Meredith yearns to become a teacher. But she must leave school to help support her family, moving to the city to work as a maid in a wealthy doctor’s home. As the deadly Spanish Flu sweeps across the city, members of the household fall ill one by one. With the doctor working night and day at the hospital, only Meredith and the doctor’s children, Maggie and Jack, are left to care for them. Every day the newspapers’ lists of “Yesterday’s Dead” add to Meredith’s growing fears. When Jack becomes gravely ill, Meredith must stop fighting with Maggie so they can work together to save him. As Meredith wrestles with questions of duty and responsibility, she opens the door to a future that she thought had been closed forever.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Histoircal Fiction


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Download Guardians of Fire by Alexia Purdy (.ePUB)

Guardians of Fire by Alexia Purdy (A Dark Faerie Tale #8)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 424 kB
Overview: Fate is coming.

When the magic of Faerie fractures, the land demands the ultimate price. Hearts will shatter and alliances will be crushed, but one power might just save them all.

Follow your favorite Dark Faerie Tale characters once more in another world shattering adventure for the all-consuming quest for power and magic.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Fantasy


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Download Everything Grows by Aimee Herman (.ePUB)

Everything Grows by Aimee Herman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 0.8mb
Overview: Fifteen-year-old Eleanor Fromme just chopped off all of her hair. How else should she cope after hearing that her bully, James, has taken his own life? When Eleanor’s English teacher suggests students write a letter to a person who would never read it to get their feelings out, Eleanor chooses James.

With each letter she writes, Eleanor discovers more about herself, even while trying to make sense of his death. And, with the help of a unique cast of characters, Eleanor not only learns what it means to be inside a body that does not quite match what she feels on the inside, but also comes to terms with her own mother’s mental illness.

Set against a 1993-era backdrop of grunge rock and riot grrrl bands, EVERYTHING GROWS depicts Eleanor’s extraordinary journey to solve the mystery within her and feel complete. Along the way, she loses and gains friends, rebuilds relationships with her family, and develops a system of support to help figure out the language of her queer identity.

Through author Aimee Herman’s exceptional storytelling, EVERYTHING GROWS reveals the value of finding community or creating it when it falls apart, while exploring the importance of forgiveness, acceptance, and learning how to survive on your own terms.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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