Download Missing Pieces by Meredith Tate (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Missing Pieces by Meredith Tate
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.8 MB
Overview: Trace Bailey’s mouth is her worst enemy – somehow it always gets her in trouble. Luckily, she has a partner in crime – her best friend and neighbor since age seven, Piren Allston. He can’t get enough of her crazy sense of humor, and she loves that he’s always up for another adventure. They can’t be friends, though, not in their world. Trace and Piren were Assigned to other people at the age of six, and they’re supposed to marry their Partners when they turn twenty-four. Failure to comply leads to Banishment, a fate worse than death. Worse still is the growing realization that their bond is stronger than just friendship. In a world without freedom, there are still choices to be made. Following their hearts means losing their family, but following the law means losing each other. Forever.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Dystopia


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Download Friended by Kilby Blades (.ePUB)

Friended by Kilby Blades
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 311 KB
Overview: Compared to life on tour with her wannabe rock star mother, finishing high school in the dull town of Rye is a snooze. At least Roxy has her best friend, Zoë, her doting dad, and her music. When her standoffish Civics class partner, Jagger, breaks rank and randomly friends her on Instagram, Roxy’s sure that it must be a joke.

Jag Monroe is Roxy’s total opposite: stinking rich, conceited, and hot in that obvious kind of way. Resolved to avoid trouble, Roxy declines his request. But when Jag ignores Roxy as usual in civics class that week, then friends her again on Friday, Zoë does the unthinkable: snatches Roxy’s phone, accepts his request, and follows him back.

As the posts (and sparks) fly, Roxy begins to suspect that Jag may not be as shallow as everyone thinks, and that he may be into more than just her music.
Genre: Romance | Young Adult


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Download Permanent Record by Mary H. K. Choi (.ePUB)

Permanent Record by Mary H. K. Choi
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4.1MB
Overview: From the New York Times bestselling author of Emergency Contact, which Rainbow Rowell called "smart and funny," comes an unforgettable new romance about how social media influences relationships every day.

On paper, college dropout Pablo Rind doesn’t have a whole lot going for him. His graveyard shift at a twenty-four-hour deli in Brooklyn is a struggle. Plus, he’s up to his eyeballs in credit card debt. Never mind the state of his student loans.

Pop juggernaut Leanna Smart has enough social media followers to populate whole continents. The brand is unstoppable. She graduated from child stardom to become an international icon and her adult life is a queasy blur of private planes, step-and-repeats, aspirational hotel rooms, and strangers screaming for her just to notice them. When Leanna and Pablo meet at 5:00 a.m. at the bodega in the dead of winter it’s absurd to think they’d be A Thing. But as they discover who they are, who they want to be, and how to defy the deafening expectations of everyone else, Lee and Pab turn to each other. Which, of course, is when things get properly complicated.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download Butterfly Yellow by Thanhhà Lại (Thanhha Lai) (.ePUB)

Butterfly Yellow by Thanhha Lai
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 990KB
Overview: In the final days of the Việt Nam War, Hằng takes her little brother, Linh, to the airport, determined to find a way to safety in America. In a split second, Linh is ripped from her arms—and Hằng is left behind in the war-torn country.

Six years later, Hằng has made the brutal journey from Việt Nam and is now in Texas as a refugee. She doesn’t know how she will find the little brother who was taken from her until she meets LeeRoy, a city boy with big rodeo dreams, who decides to help her.

Hằng is overjoyed when she reunites with Linh. But when she realizes he doesn’t remember her, their family, or Việt Nam, her heart is crushed. Though the distance between them feels greater than ever, Hằng has come so far that she will do anything to bridge the gap.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download Street Shadows by Claire Gilchrist (.ePUB)

Street Shadows by Claire Gilchrist
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.5MB
Overview: Two coyote friends must learn how to survive when human development threatens their homes.

Pica and Scruff, two young coyotes, are both born in the heart of a large city. Pica has a loving family and lives on a peaceful golf course. Scruff was orphaned at birth and adopted by a mysterious older coyote named Jagger. Despite their differences, Pica and Scruff meet and become friends. Their friendship is put to the test, however, when Scruff learns that Pica’s family may have been involved in the death of his own family. The fragile peace is further disrupted when construction begins, demolishing the place Scruff and Jagger live. And then Scruff discovers that there is a lot he doesn’t know about Jagger, the only parent he’s ever known. Scruff must decide who to trust in order to survive and find a new place to call home.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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