Download Rise of the Dragons (Rise of the Dragons #1) by Angie Sage (.ePUB)

Rise of the Dragons (Rise of the Dragons #1) by Angie Sage
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 7MB
Overview: Once our world was full of dragons who lived in harmony with humans. But after a group of rogue dragons, the Raptors, tried to take over Earth, all dragons were banished to another realm.
Most humans forgot about the dragons, claiming they never existed. Eleven-year-old Sirin knows the truth — she grew up with stories passed down through the generations. However, when her mother falls ill, even Sirin has trouble believing in magic… until she sees a mysterious streak of silver in the night sky.
Sirin becomes the first child to "lock" with a dragon in centuries — forming a deep friendship unlike anything she’s ever imagined. But Sirin learns that not all dragons returned with good intentions, and soon she finds herself at the center of a battle between the dragons who want to protect the humans… and those who want to destroy them.
Genre: Fiction | Fantasy | Children’s > Middle Grade


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Book #2

Download Poison (Wind Dancer #1) by Lan Chan (.ePUB)

Poison by Lan Chan (Wind Dancer #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 385 KB
Overview: She came for revenge and ended up starting a rebellion.

In the remains of post-war Australia, lies the Citadel. A fortress city built to sustain the last survivors of the great Famine. In order to maintain their power, these survivors – the Seeders – genetically modified the landscape so that each seed borne by the most innocuous plant became poison.

Since the night the Seeders murdered her mother, sixteen year old Rory Gray has been consumed by a burning desire for revenge.

When her region is sanctioned for aiding rebels, Rory is dragged back to the Citadel after years in exile. Believing her chance for revenge has finally come, the reality of the Citadel is terrifying.

The chief plant geneticist is dying. Rumours fly that the store of viable seed is dwindling. The Seeders are desperate to find a seed bank they believe only Rory can locate, and they will stop at nothing to get it.

Terrified and alone, Rory must place her trust in a boy who once betrayed her. To defy the Seeders means death. But Rory has been close to death before – this time she’s learned the value of poison.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download Poisoned Garden by Tracy Korn (.ePUB)

Poisoned Garden by Tracy Korn (Eden’s Bluff Academy #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 922 KB
Overview: It started with a fight at school. The girl who attacked me burst into flames on the way to the hospital, and now, I’m starting to…change. In less than a week, my biggest problem has gone from trying to decide what to do if I don’t get into The Citadel to navigating the front lines of a looming, supernatural war. And you know what? I signed up for all the honors classes these past four years. None of them prepared me for Eden’s Bluff, a school in the Bermuda Triangle with human-elemental hybrids, angels, snakes with wings, and an inter-dimensional veil that someone is trying to destroy. Unless I stop them.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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Download The Vinyl Underground by Rob Rufus (.ePUB)

The Vinyl Underground by Rob Rufus
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 467 kB
Overview: Dig it.

During the tumultuous year of 1968, four teens are drawn together: Ronnie Bingham, who is grieving his brother’s death in Vietnam; Milo, Ronnie’s bookish best friend; “Ramrod,” a star athlete who is secretly avoiding the draft; and Hana, the new girl, a half-Japanese badass rock-n-roller whose presence doesn’t sit well with their segregated high school.

The four outcasts find sanctuary in “The Vinyl Underground,” a record club where they spin music, joke, debate, and escape the stifling norms of their small southern town. But Ronnie’s eighteenth birthday is looming. Together, they hatch a plan to keep Ronnie from being drafted. But when a horrific act of racial-charged violence rocks the gang to their core, they decide it’s time for an epic act of rebellion.
Genre: Young Adult


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Download The Morgana Trilogy Complete Series by Alessa Ellefson (.MOBI)

The Morgana Trilogy Complete Series by Alessa Ellefson
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 2.1 MB
Overview: In the war between Knights and Fey, one girl can tip the balance. But which side will she choose?

For the first time ever, get all three books of the Morgana Trilogy, or 1400 pages in print, in one box set: Blood of the Fey, Rise of the Fey, and Curse of the Fey.

Morgan Pendragon’s only every wanted a normal life. Instead, she ends up in a school beneath a Lake Winnebago that trains kids to become knights so they can protect the world against the Fey—fallen angels with unimaginable powers who’d do anything to destroy humans.

And no matter how hard Morgan tries to do the right thing, her world keeps unraveling a little bit more. Worse, every secret she uncovers gets her nearer to losing her life…or that of those she learns to love.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Fantasy


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