Download The Two Minute Rule by Robert Crais (.MP3)

The Two Minute Rule by Robert Crais
Requirements: MP3 Player | 258 MB | 64 kbps
Overview: The story begins as bank robber Max Holman is leaving jail, having served his nine-year sentence. He’s clean and sober, and the only thing on his mind is reconciliation with his estranged son, who is, ironically, a cop. Then the devastating news: his son and three other uniformed cops were gunned down in cold blood in the LA warehouse district the night before Holman’s release. Max’s one rule was no violence and throughout his career as a bank robber, he never crossed that line. But now, with the loss of his son and shut out from any information on the case since the police are not interested in keeping ex-cons informed, Max decides there is only one thing to do: avenge his son’s death. But he soon finds himself in a web of deceit and corruption as it becomes apparent that the supposed killer could not have murdered his son.

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Download Hostage by Robert Crais (.MP3)

Hostage by Robert Crais
Requirements: MP3 Player | 262 MB | 64 kbps
Overview: When a convenience store robbery goes horribly wrong the three young men who perpetrated the crime make a run for it. Hotly pursued by the police they crash into the suburban home of an accountant and take the family hostage, and before they know it, an armed siege ensues. This is the last thing the local sheriff wanted after all, he left the force in L.A. because of the stress, and this is about as stressful as it gets. But the gang have chosen the wrong accountant to hold hostage. He works for the Mafia and he holds all the local Family’s financial records. Soon the mob are on the scene and a nightmarish, high tension three way stand off develops.

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Download The First Rule by Robert Crais (.MP3)

The First Rule by Robert Crais
Requirements: MP3 Player 227 MB | 64 kbps
Overview: Frank Meyer had the American dream – until the day a professional crew invaded his home and murdered everyone inside. The only thing out of the ordinary about Meyer was that – before the family and the business and the normal life – a younger Frank Meyer had worked as a professional mercenary, with a man named Joe Pike. The police think Meyer was hiding something very bad, but Pike does not. With the help of Cole, he sets out on a hunt of his own – an investigation that quickly entangles them both in a web of ancient grudges, blood ties, blackmail, vengeance, double crosses, and cutthroat criminality, and at the heart of it, an act so terrible even Pike and Cole have no way to measure it. Sometimes, the past is never dead. It’s not even past.

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Download Chasing Darkness by Robert Crais (.MP3)

Chasing Darkness by Robert Crais
Requirements: MP3 Player | 100 MB | 32 kbps
Overview: Crais’s wise-cracking LA private eye Elvis Cole is one of the most appealing heroes in the genre. In this, his eighth outing, Elvis is torn between loyalty to his best friend and partner, ex-cop Joe Pike, and the need to solve the murder of a young woman, Pike’s ex-girlfriend and the daughter of a powerful and rich man. But as the investigation continues the finger of suspicion points more and more at Pike himself. Crais is a natural successor to Raymond Chandler and Ross Macdonald; his prose is concise, his wit is sharp and his plotting is right on the button.
I’d hire Elvis Cole in a minute. Review by Mark Timlin, author of ‘Dead Flowers’

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Download The Watchman by Robert Crais (.MP3)

The Watchman by Robert Crais
Requirements: MP3 Player | 109 MB | 32 kbps
Overview: Larkin Conner Barkley lives like the City of Angels is hers for the taking. Young and staggeringly rich, she speeds through the city during its loneliest hours, blowing through red after red in her Aston Martin as if running for her life. Until out of nowhere a car appears, and with it the metal-on-metal explosion of a terrible accident. Dazed, Larkin attempts to help the other victims. And finds herself the sole witness in a secret federal investigation.

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