Download The House on the Cliff by Franklin W. Dixon (MP3)

The House on the Cliff by Franklin W. Dixon
Requirements: MP3 Player
Overview: The House On The Cliff is Volume 2 in the original The Hardy Boys book series published by Grosset & Dunlap. The book ranks 72nd on Publishers Weekly’s All-Time Bestselling Children’s Book List with 1,712,433 copies sold as of 2001. This book is one of the "Original 10", generally considered to be the best examples of the Hardy Boys, and Stratemeyer Syndicate, writing.

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Download Just for Fun by Linus Torvalds (.M4A)

Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary by Linus Torvalds
Requirements: CorePlayer or anything that plays AAC. For iPod rename to .M4B
Overview: The autobiography of a career computer programmer, even an unorthodox one, may sound less than enthralling, but this breezy account of the life of Linux inventor Torvalds not only lives up to its insouciant title, it provides an incisive look into the still-raging debate over open source code. In his own words (interspersed with co-writer Diamond’s tongue-in-cheek accounts of his interviews with the absentminded Torvalds), the programmer relates how it all started in 1981 with his grandfather back in Finland, who let him play around on a Vic 20 computer. At 11 years old, Torvalds was hooked on computersespecially on figuring out how they ran and on improving their operating systems. For years, Torvalds did little but program, upgrading his hardware every couple of years, attending school in a desultory fashion and generally letting the outside world float by unnoticed, until he eventually wrote his own operating system, Linux. In a radical move, he began sharing the code with fellow OS enthusiasts over the burgeoning Internet in the early 1990s, allowing others to contribute to and improve it, while he oversaw the process. Even though Torvalds is now a bigger star in the computer world than Bill Gates, and companies like IBM are running Linux on their servers, he has retained his innocence: the book is full of statements like "Open source makes sense" and "Greed is never good" that seem sincere. Leavened with an appealing, self-deprecating sense of humor and a generous perspective that few hardcore coders have, this is a refreshing read for geeks and the techno-obsessed.

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Download Halo: The Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund (.MP3)

Halo: The Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund
Requirements: MP3 Player
Overview: Halo: The Fall of Reach is a 2001 science fiction novel by Eric Nylund based on the Halo series of video games and acts as a prequel to Halo: Combat Evolved, the first game in the series. It is set in the fictional Halo universe, taking place in the 26th century across several planets and locations. The novel details the events which led up to the game and explains the origins of the SPARTAN II super soldiers, narrating the story of the series protagonist, the Master Chief. The book was well received by critics who thought it added depth to the plot of the game.

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Download The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama (.MP3)

The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
Requirements: MP3 Player
Overview: Barack Obama’s first book, Dreams from My Father, was a compelling and moving memoir focusing on personal issues of race, identity, and community. With his second book The Audacity of Hope, Obama engages themes raised in his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, shares personal views on faith and values and offers a vision of the future that involves repairing a "political process that is broken" and restoring a government that has fallen out of touch with the people. We had the opportunity to ask Senator Obama a few questions about writing, reading, and politics–see his responses below. –Daphne Durham

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Download From a View to a Kill by Ian Flemming (.MP3)

From a View to a Kill by Ian Flemming
Requirements: From a View to a Kill
Overview: "From a View to a Kill" sees Bond investigating the murder of a dispatch-rider from SHAPE (central command of NATO in Europe located in Versailles) to his base, Station F, in Saint-Germain, France. Since Bond was already in Paris, M sends Bond to assist in the investigation in any way he can. To unravel the mystery Bond disguises himself as a dispatch-rider and follows the same journey as the previous rider to Station F. As expected, the assassin attempts to kill Bond, however, Bond is ready and ends up killing the assassin.
The title is taken from a version of the words to a traditional hunting song, "D’ye ken John Peel?": "From a find to a check, from a check to a view,/ From a view to a kill in the morning". The title "From a View to a Kill" was later used for the 1985 Bond film A View to a Kill, starring Roger Moore. Originally, the film was to be titled the same as the short story, but was changed just prior to release. The title, plus the fact part of the film takes place in France, is where any similarity between the short story and the film end.
"From a View to a Kill" was initially intended to be the backstory for Hugo Drax, the villain of Moonraker. The similar story would have taken place during World War II and featured Drax as the motorcycle assassin who crashes his bike and is taken to an American field hospital. Later the hospital is bombed leaving Drax with amnesia and a disfigured face.
This is recorded from BBC7.

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